

03 Mar


Originally posted by Razur

Nice to see Sage still hasn't changed since January. d:

I'd be interested in seeing where Cypher and Killjoy landed after the Sentinel nerfs (1.07), if Brimstone's pick rate improved after his buff and the Omen nerf (2.0), and where Reyna's win rate was prior to moving her kit around (2.03).

Would you and the team consider publishing another blog post on balance? (The one with fancy charts!) The last blog that went into detail on pick & win rates had data from Patch 1.11.

I'd love to, to be honest - just need to work with our writers to see if we can get another article out at some point!


Originally posted by hardenfull

Lol I remember when ppl said sage was terrible after nerf and useless. In retrospect beta sage was probably the most broken agent yet.

She’s actually back to being the highest pickrate and highest winrate agent in the game, too. People still tweet at us asking for buffs tho


Originally posted by Phoneringer

Could you share with us some of the changes that are set to come for yoru and viper? Also, I'm interested in knowing how the dev team expected yoru to be played. At the moment I see him as more of an initiator. What was the reasoning for releasing yoru as he is now?

I wish I could go into specifics, but I don't want to make promises that end up being untrue. Yoru's always walking a tightrope - finding the right balance between Yoru's ability to infiltrate behind enemy lines and giving heads-up enemies enough information for him to play around him is tough. Right now, his tuning is probably too fair, so we're trying to find ways to empower Yoru to infiltrate and outplay enemies without making it feel like the game state just falls apart any time Yoru is in a game.

I know that's pretty vague, but I can't go into anything more specific unfortunately since it's still a bit out


Originally posted by Nitro0Games

With Astra appearing to be a much better viper, what areas of Viper's kit are you guys looking at to bring her out more?

I think Astra and Viper are pretty different, although I can understand some of the comparisons. In general, we like that Viper has persistent, high footprint, higher commitment, threatening smoke - all of those aspects are pretty unique to her and we’d like to maintain what we can there. Viper commits to her smoke placement more than other controllers, but is able to smoke much larger areas for more of a round as a result, and her smokes are more threatening to push through or play around. We’re experimenting leaning into some of these aspects to see if we can get her into a better spot for solo queue without homogenizing her or detracting from her identity.

Astra has global presence and some defensive value, similar to Viper, but she has much less smoke coverage and uptime (only 2 smokes max out at once, which are tiny domes). She’s more about being flexible and adaptable across the map and challenging the user to optimize her utility in any given round, with some of her ...

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02 Mar


It may not seem like it, but we really want to ship these changes as soon as possible too. We just only have so many sets of hands and a lot to juggle - there are more changes we'd like to make than we can realistically ship, so we've gotta prioritize for the sake of balance.

Assuming Astra lands in a reasonably balanced spot, Yoru & Viper will be getting priority for changes. I know it's disappointing for y'all to keep seeing this delayed - it's disappointing for us too. Rest assured that we will get these out as soon as we can once the dust has settled a bit.

If anyone has any questions, happy to answer what I can in here.


Originally posted by 1800DARKSOULS

can you let us see ranks in game again not a fan of this change

Sorry, I just work on gameplay, not game systems - can't speak to anything on this front since I lack context


Originally posted by Phoneringer

That's understandable. I think you guys mentioned you would try to make separate builds so that this wouldn't happen in the future. Is this still going on or will future big updates always be delayed if there are big tournaments on the horizon?

Yeah, we're working on the tournament realm stuff right now, so this is a temporary problem - that being said, we DO want to keep tournaments & live as similar as possible, just because we think it's exciting to see pro teams playing in the same meta as live. But, it won't necessarily be a blocker like it can feel like at times right now.


Originally posted by Phoneringer

Where are the yoru/viper changes? I was really looking forward to some gameplay changes either to agents or weapons. People keep mentioning it's because of some tournament going on but then when is that going to be over?

Masters is getting played on this patch, so we’re avoiding disruptive changes (Astra isn’t available to play in Masters so she’s an exception).

For full transparency, 2.05 will likely be a lighter patch as well as we keep an eye on Astra’s launch and ensure it’s healthy. Past that point though, we have a gap in tournaments and some time where we may be able to ship some of those changes in that 2.06-2.09 window.

01 Mar


Originally posted by I_NEVER_LIE_1337

please say what we just saw in the clip is getting removed... thats game breaking

Being able to see bomb defusal status in Astral Form? Yeah, we don't like this behavior and are looking into options now. I'm not sure how easy/difficult changing this would be since I'm not an engineer, so I can't make promises on timelines, but we're not fans of this behavior and are seeing what we can do.


Originally posted by bobbob9015

If it takes ~0.2 seconds to reclaim a star, 8 seconds for the star to be available again, the reclaim smoke lasts ~2.5 seconds, a small amount of time to replace stars, and you have 5 stars; Can you create an infinite smoke by chaining reclaims perfectly? I assume that wouldn't be very practical or useful but still.

I'm envisioning an high APM play-style involving constantly reclaiming stars and moving them around that might be viable, I'll have to feel out the animation lengths, cool downs, etc. once the patch drops though. I don't see her as being particularly powerful generally but if you can get 3-5 stars in close proximity you would have a lot of options in combat.

Hm, maybe. But even then, Omen can smoke one area for an extremely long time if he dedicates his (free) signature to it alone, while also having his gun up and using different utility. It's an interesting idea though, try it out!

The interesting thing about Astra is everyone plays her differently. I play her a lot more reactively, spreading my stars around the map and responding to how picks develop. I know other folks on the team who play her a lot more proactively, using her stars to take space and cross angles like what's been suggested in this thread. She's pretty flexible, it's all about how you apply it - we have seen some folks who want to play more backline and spend time in Astral form trying to support their allies with reactive utility too. It's an interesting style to try to master!


Originally posted by good_notthatgood

They are talking about the brief burst of smoke that allows players to cross a doorway without being seen.

Yup, that's intended! It's a pretty tight window that's highly telegraphed. I encourage everyone to try it out on live and see how it feels.


Originally posted by FakeDudes

I think they got rid of that because i was watching a new astra video and it didn't have that countdown anymore. Could've been before they added that or i'm just blind

Maybe I'm misunderstanding the "infinite" part here, but we didn't get rid of Astra's reclaim option providing a brief burst of smoke. Reclaiming stars puts them on a cooldown and ensures they won't carry over into the next round.


Originally posted by wolfpack_charlie

Didn't people say this about Skye and Yoru?


28 Feb


Originally posted by _kikoy

Completely off-topic.. but will the promised "juice" for Yoru come with Astra's release? 👀

Not yet, because masters is getting played on this patch and we don’t want to introduce disruptive changes to live agents there. Astra won’t be eligible to play in Master’s so she’s an exception!


Fun theory, not the case tho! Astra was an original idea. We went through a few iterations of her ult before landing on the wall - she’s actually quite different from Viper in terms of her general play pattern.

25 Feb


Originally posted by Frig-Off-Randy

So when looking at win rates for specific characters do you just throw mirror matches out of the data set completely? That is to say, when looking at sages win rate you only consider matches where one team has a Sage, not both.

Correct. Because any game that has Sage on both sides will just give us a winrate of 50% when one Sage loses and the other Sage wins. We do still look at round-level winrates on attack and defense to see how an agent’s power is manifesting across a match, and you can use mirror match data in those sort of analyses and compare situations in mirror matches or non-mirror matches, but for match winrate we don’t use mirror matched games.

24 Feb


Originally posted by ironphish

Hey there, product owner at Valorbuff here, thanks for pointing that out, we actually forgot to update our About page!

We do have API access and have for quite a while now, we just missed updating that! Our stats are based on several million matches across all ranks in Valorant. We're constantly processing new matches too, so the stats you're seeing should reflect reality.

Thanks for using the site! Happy to answer any questions you have.

Does your team control for pickrate? I'm primarily asking because it looks like you have Killjoy as the highest winrate agent, but we stopped using direct winrate internally awhile back because we have mirror matches in our game, which means that the higher an agents' pickrate, the more their winrate converges to 50% (because they play against each other more often, slowly converging them to 50%).

This is probably why you have Killjoy as the strongest agent for so long, because she has a decent winrate but more niche playrate than other agents, making her flat-out winrate (including mirror matches) higher. We've used non-mirror match winrate for awhile now and our data ecosystem looks quite different in terms of power because of this! Sage is incredibly strong rn, but her pickrate is so high that her winrate in these visualizations is being compressed down to 50%.


Originally posted by CivilConversation174

She needs a slight heal increase 100 hp is only 25 per teammate. Maybe 160, that would be 40 hp per teammate compared to sage getting 180-240?

That's not how her heal works, actually - 25 "points" of her heal heals everyone in the radius for 25. So 25 points of her heal is theoretically worth 100 points of healing, if you heal 4 teammates at once for 25. Skye could theoretically heal 400 with one charge of her heal if all her teammates managed to take 100 damage to their health over the course of the round without dying.


Originally posted by razortwinky

Just a question - are there any initiatives to deal with sexism in-game? I came across this post yesterday and even despite all the support the OP received from this subreddit, she still stated she was going to quit the game due to harrassment.

It just made me sad to see someone unable to enjoy a game because of their gender. Speaking from experience, women at the top level have an easier time combating harrassment than newcomers, so while a new league is great for the scene overall, there is still the underlying issue at hand. Women new to the game are being driven away by the toxicity of other male players. Would love to see a zero-tolerance approach to this, honestly. I have a female friend who has been recording all of the harrassment she receives in-game to create a compilation of what it's like to be a woman in this environment. It's depressing that these clips e...

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I don't work in this area so I'm not qualified to speak to specifics, but we are absolutely aware of the problem and have a team (social & player dynamics) looking into solutions here. Lots of smart folks are thinking about stuff like this and we want to curb this toxicity, absolutely.

23 Feb


Originally posted by Bacon8or777

I'm not trying to be offensive or ignorant, I am legitimately curious. Why do women need their own league in an esport?

In real sports it makes total sense for men's and women's league due to the physical differences and athletic ability. But in an esport that isn't a factor. So what's the reasoning behind this?

Is it purely because woman face so much hate and injustice, even in the professional level? If that's the case, is our community really that shallow?

Edit: cool, thanks everyone for the insight. It seems like this new league will so nothing but good things for the pro scene for everyone.

Hey! I don't work on this program, but reached out to a Rioter who does to pass along some of the philosophies here.

A lot of comments have already clarified this, but just to chime in - the goal of this program is not to divide genders in competitive play, but rather to support the communities of women who exist in VALORANT and highlight incredible players of those communities. The end game is not to separate genders or to create a separate league - we just want to provide more opportunities for everyone to learn, grow, compete at a high level, and be celebrated by the VALORANT community at large.