

02 Oct


Originally posted by cfedey

It's going to be a bigger nerf on larger hitboxes, but the 10% buff to F1 counts a lot for GS burst. So it might even out, especially on smaller hitboxes.

I'm more interested in the Zealous Blade change, and how much it heals now.

EDIT: There's also an unreported 33% duration increase (from 6s to 8s F1 duration now) included in the Big Game Hunter trait, so that's nice. More damage gets the 20% boost that it would have before.

To clear this up ahead of time: The duration increase is intended, but unintentionally omitted in the release notes.

09 Feb


The issue is known and we've been looking into a fix. It's unknown when we'll be able to get it pushed to a live build.

07 Feb


Originally posted by rukkhh

What's the idea behind giving mesmer an axe as elite weapon for the expansion, only to make that spec completely unusable in any proper PvE scenario? Chrono does literally figuratively twice the damage now.

From the forums (If there's any other conversation on this, I'll copy it here)

Moving Confusion to have condition damage contribution ticks made it a damage-over-time condition in addition to its 'hex' style punishment of using skills. We needed to make a choice as to whether or not the condition was going to be used as spammable DOT, or rarer/shorter, with more potency. We've decided to push Confusion to be burstier and once again focus on punishing skill activation. The reason for keeping any dot component is to message that you're under the effects of the condition, so you can be informed of it without looking at your buff bar. With that said, we'll be moving weapons like Mirage's Axe toward Torment, rather than Confusion, as soon(tm) as the process allows.


The "This condition remains split between PvE and PvP/WvW" part has unfortunately caused unintended confusion.

To Clarify: Condition damage contribution of the damage-over-time component of confusion has been removed from ALL formats. 'Remains split' was meant to indicate that the base damage ticks are higher in PvE still, even without condition damage contribution.

07 Oct


Originally posted by LordDankus

Who is your favorite hero and why is it Palawa Joko?

Praise Joko

06 Oct


Originally posted by RichardTavadon

This is for the Elite-Spec Team. Have you considered making "Unravel" an F5 ability for weaver instead of a utility?

We had considered this at one point early on, but decided not to go with it. The weaver’s mechanic and trade offs are designed with needing to go through main-hand to off hand. We left Unravel as a unique utility option for the purpose of improving rotations or providing instant access to needed weapon skills, but did not want to embed it into the core of the specialization.


Originally posted by Chrystolis

This isn't specific to Path of Fire, but I've always enjoyed that ArenaNet employees have the option to turn on the ArenaNet tag within game, and that plenty do! It's always a treat to see them in game and know that many are players just enjoying the game with the rest of us.

Out of curiosity, when/if you play in your free time, do you prefer to roll with the tag on, off, or a mix of the two depending on your mood? Do you find that the tag draws too much attention, is it mostly positive attention?

Thanks for all you do!

I tag up in ArenaNet guild events like WvW roaming, during meta events or world bosses. I do tend to run around not tagged, to get more of a perspective on how people feel about the game from the raw emotional standpoint. People tend to behave differently if someone who is tagged up is around.


Originally posted by sigmacephei

Are the warrior Spellbreaker burst Counter and the trait Revenge Counter inspired by Meliodas? Or perhaps I need to stop binging netflix anime

We take inspiration from a lot of different places. Life, movies, games (video and other!), anime... a lot of concepts, presentation and styles can help shape the things we make. Thus, I can’t say that Full Counter has been inspired by the anime. I can, however, say that everyone on the team has seen the Seven Deadly Sins. :)


Originally posted by SpoonsAreEvil

Are there any plans to introduce barrier to core classes?

We’re excited about the new barrier mechanic, but are still wary of its placement. Yes, we have some places we want to inject barrier in core specs. An example here would be the ele’s Conjure Earth Shield, whose rework was delayed until barrier was released in POF.

Overall, we’re still in conversation as to where it should go and which professions would get it, in what capacity. As an example: Guardian is controversial in this regard because it’s got a lot of support through hard mitigation and damage reduction, and adding yet another defensive mechanism may muddy its theme.


Originally posted by silvermember

Hello balance team.

Are there any near term changes for the weaver specialization, especially for the sword and barrier skills? To me, while the class feels nice, the weapon damage and barrier are too low for a squish spec.

The weaver is a nice spec.

There are a few changes being looked into for the Weaver, to improve some damage numbers with Sword. Barrier numbers overall have been balanced So that it’s a boost of survivability, but not the primary source of it. We’ve experienced periods of godlike weaver survivability (internally) due to barriers being too strong, so we’ll be careful with any increases. We’ll continue to monitor the numbers, analytics and feedback, but for right now we’re holding them where they are until the sword damage numbers shake out.


Originally posted by DeadByDaylight_Zoe

Do you have any plans on implementing additional weapons for core classes without the requirement of an elite spec?

It’s likely that we won’t be adding new weapons to core professions (baseline). Elite specializations allow us to implement weapons with more direct themes and flavor, and ensure a more modular (within the elite spec) way to balance weapons.

25 Jul


Originally posted by ZC321

Any plans to do a core trait/skill update again any time soon ?

The last few were nice but there is still tons of repetitive, mechanically disappointing or just plain sub par stuff in game (Looks at spirit weapons & hollowed ground)

The skills and balance team is pleased to say that you'll be seeing a balance pass in the next release. We're looking forward to it! -Karl

20 Jun


Originally posted by HitByATrain

My assumption is that a lot of these buffs are overpowered for WvW. I also have a feeling they don't want to make healing too strong in pve because then a lot of encounters will lose their challenge.

This update was specifically aimed at PvP, so the goal for balance was to make mostly pvp-only changes. Barring the couple of changes that would have made the skill functionally different. As we've been doing, we'll evaluate the splits over time and look to bring them into the rest of the game (with some possible tweaks). Some of these will stay PvP-only, however.

24 Feb


Originally posted by ggunslinger

Removed this ability’s interaction with quickness.

What the HELL.

I mean, Weakening Charge was still better than quickened Vault, but Vault wasn't as clunky to use as WC rotation. Now we're back to turning autotargetting off or what? Please don't let it be true.

EDIT: For those who didn't know, it's propably caused by a bug with Vault and quickness. Basically quickness makes the attack happen while you're still in the air, not on target location. It's not noticable in melee range, but it completely negates your damage on far targets.

Hopefully this interaction will return after they find a fix, but it feels f**king bad man.

The new interaction with quickness (and slow) indeed did turn out to be more detrimental than we had desired. As such, we're pulling the change time-scaling change for now. If we can get the code to work right at all ranges, we'll give it another go!

09 Feb


Originally posted by Angeels

I know there are no balance devs here - but I really feel I must ask this question again.

As an engineer main it currently feels like we have been consistently shafted on balance patches for quite some time now. Are there any real plans to actually make this class stronger in PvE through the core traitlines to take the class that currently has the most complex rotation upwards in terms of damage?

Balance dev here! I can't give specifics, but we'll be introducing a few different changes in the next update that we hope will address some of the engineer concerns with the core specializations and general pve viability. We'll be seeing you soon! -Karl

26 Jul


Originally posted by Petrillss

On behalf of most Ele players, we can agree that a damage nerf was needed. However, the cooldown increases make rotations clunky and unsatisfying to use (fire/lava font specifically). Is there any chance we can see the old cooldowns restored and instead apply the nerf to the skill damage directly? I’m all for game balance but I really want my main class to be enjoyable to play.

Hey all,

Regarding the cooldown (training) traits, the previous 33% reduction caused skills to be too effective when traited, causing issues with both offense and defense game-wide. As such, they've been normalized to a more appropriate 20%. As for Lava Font, this particular skill was causing an undesirable amount of sustained damage in prolonged fights. We worked with development teams across content types and felt that keeping the damage per-cast of the ability as is was more desirable than a reduced damage value and same cooldown. We understand the concerns and perspectives presented here, but believe we need to give the changes some time before we look to make alterations to the profession.



Originally posted by SansSariph

/u/Anet_KarlMcLain, I think this one is for you.

Myself and several friends were expecting a nerf of some sort to Epidemic today. I'm a reaper main and have always loved DoT-based classes, but Epi seems a bit strong when you have multiple necromancers bouncing conditions.

How does the team feel about this at the moment?

There's a bit of inconsistency with the ways that condition copies function and we are looking into how we can normalize it. Once that's solved, we'll be able to better evaluate epidemic's current effect.



Originally posted by BrunoBRS


why did you (assume when i say "you" i mean "the team") feel it was necessary to revert the venoms' radius to 240? the baseline venomous aura is a huge step forward in making condition thieves competitive, and i'm more than fine with the reduction in stacks in some of the more, err, problematic venoms, but at the same time, the radius was reduced back to 240, which is a huge step back.

a few years ago that was the standard radius, and by ANet's own admission, it was really bad to try and share venoms with a radius that bordered on melee range, which is why the radius had been updated to 360. and now, just when venom sharing is finally carving its own niche, it immediately gets a nerf that makes using it optimally, even in a PvE setting, clunky and unreliable.

i'd really like to know what was the team's thought behind that. if it's PvP-related, why not split the radius like it's been done to so many other skills in the game this patch? or, hell...

Read more

When we increased the radius of the aura, we did so because it was a skill-modifying grandmaster trait that you had to make a trade off for. As there's no longer a trade-off, decreasing the range felt necessary, as it in turn increases the positioning requirement of the thief and somewhat increases the skill cap. We'll continue to monitor the effectiveness of the utility set and adjust as needed.



Originally posted by Lemon30

  • We have seen some minor split skill examples between some game modes in today's patch. Are we going to get a major skill split between WvW/Pve/PvP in later patches or is this going to be the trend?

  • Why don't we get more balance changes between season depending on the player feedback?

  • Is there a chance to get a Public Beta Environment like the one WoodenPotatoes had in his video to test skill changes beforehand? Wouldn't it also be easier for devs to make changes on PBE than waiting to push them to the live client together with the content patches.

  • Are we(eles) going to get our mh sword with the next xpac?

Thanks for doing this AMA! I'm going to enjoy the new living story in a bit but I'm a little bit upset about the ele nerfs atm.

Some of the skill splitting tech is new and compliments our old tech to the point where we are much more comfortable with making splits. Are we going to look to split everything and have completely separate skills between game modes? Probably not. The splits shown today are a good example of the kinds of changes we'll be going toward in the future.
As for he frequency of balance, we want to give time for things to settle and gather information/feedback as to the current state of things. We've done some changes 'mid-season' before and will do them again as necessary, but will try to not repeatedly shake things up over a short period of time.


03 Jun


Originally posted by DaniDemulator

For me it looks like it does not proc everytime you cancel the aftercast of a skill.

This does look to be mostly the case, in that cancelling the after-cast doesn't award you... which pretty much sucks. It's more likely to occur in instances with longer after-cast like the ones initially reported. We've got a fix for this in and testing now. Cheers ~