

17 Aug


Originally posted by Official-Deluxy

Hope SA joins the EU region so that we can keep our skins and friends list! I loved how snappy CSGO is with 20ms ping just imagine Valorant!

Can confirm that SA will be a game server off our current EU shard

26 Aug


Originally posted by ArmiesofZNight

We're currently looking into this issue. One of our backend services is causing some communication issues with other services. Account data should be back to normal as soon as we get it back online.

Edit: Just adding to the top level an update: We believe we should be seeing recovery now. We added restrictions forgiveness for the duration of the incident, so any afk/queue dodge penalty from that time should be removed.

We believe we should be seeing recovery now. We added restrictions forgiveness for the duration of the incident, so any afk/queue dodge penalty from that time should be removed.


Originally posted by MinesweeperGang

So there's absolutely no shot we lose all of our skins and progress right? I've spent way too much money on this game to lose everything permanently

There should be no long term data loss. The reason thing looked funky is the service was the communication layer to our store dbs. Basically clients couldn't talk to the inventory. Once that's up, the data is all there.


We're currently looking into this issue. One of our backend services is causing some communication issues with other services. Account data should be back to normal as soon as we get it back online.

Edit: Just adding to the top level an update: We believe we should be seeing recovery now. We added restrictions forgiveness for the duration of the incident, so any afk/queue dodge penalty from that time should be removed.


We're working on a fix. The current issue is backing up pending matches which will delay it showing in match history. It should show up after we resolve the issue.

16 Apr


Originally posted by LovelyResearcher

Same issue on LATAM with morning games being "normal"... yet matches anytime at night being awful or unplayable.

Tickrate often below 80, at anytime past 7PM EST... instead of the expected tickrate of a stable, consistent 128 tick.

Server = Miami

Immortal player, if it matters.

Not as if I'm completely trash or clueless

Thanks for the report. Miami is definitely one of our more congested server locations. The addition of the Colombia servers are helping a bunch the last day or so. There are several ISP's with poor routing that are pushing players to Miami instead of a geographically closer server, and we're actively working to resolve it. That will ease peak issues too.

15 Apr


Originally posted by piratskul

Paris 1 (ping 47-51)
London (ping 51-57)

Also played Warsaw before late February (Then my ping got inconsistent to warsaw was 20 became 50-60).

Edit: added ping.

Interesting. Thank you for the list! There are potentially a few compounding factors with ISP's generally getting more overloaded at peak, but there is potential there could be spikes in cpu usage in peak that contribute.

The warsaw data point is interesting. Will have to see if any network routing changes happened then that would explain the new inconsistency in february.


Originally posted by piratskul

That's great.

I experience more variety from game to game in 'prime time' on EU servers. Game is more smooth and consistent in morning. I hope it's something that can be resolved in future.

Which servers are you typically on in the EU by chance?

08 Sep


Should be available now


They will be available later this morning. To avoid the initial server load on launch, we've removed it from customs temporarily. 10 player games and single player customs are similar in load on the servers, so we're easing into the initial patch load.

24 Aug


We're currently investigating issues with parties.

23 Jul


Originally posted by Prestigious-Bet5967

I think it should check my area
The picture on it says the area cannot be detected
the support person said my area is still in vietnam

May need to go through vng support. There is a slight difference in account flow for the publisher. I believe they can resolve


Player support will be able to help you once you send in a ticket

13 Jul


Originally posted by wishr

Now it's also happening on EU servers and we can't even launch the client and reconnect somemtimes...

We believe we resolved the impact on EU. The experience for players was similar, but a different issue from the AP servers. EU looks like a client dependency being enforced dropped players. We're investigating why that happened to avoid in the future.


We are actively investigating the issues from the last few days on the Asia Pacific servers.

22 Jun


It's so we can validate the safety of the patch during core working hours. If we deployed in Europe or Asia first, it would be likely that the first set of issues would be discovered in the middle of the night. It's far easier for us to track and fix issues with more people in the office and prevents us from releasing a really bad change to all players.

27 Apr


It's a shared status tool between all Riot's games (wild rift/LoR's mobile stuff would use it). The checkbox was just left checked for all platforms for the automated posting.

20 Mar


Originally posted by PRAJJALROCKZZ

Sir I Disabled windows defender and I don't have any other antivirus , no error is showings , I just tap the icon and nothing appears , not a loading screen ! Only in task manager i cam see riot client and valorant , and there usage is negligible , nothing appears after running the icon in administrator mode also

Interesting, you should be able to enable windows defender. We might recommend running a scan as well.

We're still looking into issues some players are seeing. What region are you playing from?


Originally posted by itookthatcode

Friend currently experience this issue, reinstall did not work

What error code are you seeing? If you're seeing issues with dependencies ahead of the play button, we're seeing some player support tickets come in with interactions from adware. If you run windows defender and/or malwarebytes, it might clean up some interactions.

Note: there may be other interactions that are bugs from our update. We're continuing to investigate, but we do recommend running a system scan via windows or another AV as we have confirmed some players seeing issues as a result of dependency and adware interactions.


Originally posted by PRAJJALROCKZZ

Will there be any new fix sir ? My game still not opening

What error code are you seeing? If you're seeing issues with dependencies ahead of the play button, we're seeing some player support tickets come in with interactions from adware. If you run windows defender and/or malwarebytes, it might clean up some interactions.

Note: there may be other interactions that are bugs from our update. We're continuing to investigate, but we do recommend running a system scan via windows or another AV as we have confirmed some players seeing issues as a result of dependency and adware interactions.