

20 Mar


Originally posted by Big_Chart_6367

For some reason, it was working for me since the patch, but the error code came back after a recent update. I have no idea why though.

What error code are you seeing? If you're seeing issues with dependencies ahead of the play button, we're seeing some player support tickets come in with interactions from adware. If you run windows defender and/or malwarebytes, it might clean up some interactions.

Note: there may be other interactions that are bugs from our update. We're continuing to investigate, but we do recommend running a system scan via windows or another AV as we have confirmed some players seeing issues as a result of dependency and adware interactions.


Originally posted by Sad_Business5874

I'm using malwarebytes and webroot and it's not working

We've deployed a new update that should hopefully cover most known error states.


Originally posted by RafaelPerdana

Booting the valorant will crashes my computer with hundreds of "Windows Problem Reporting" processes. You guys have any idea with this?

Is this a new issue with this week's patch?


Originally posted by DeveloperBlue

Hi there, is that hotfix out yet? I downloaded a patch update a bit earlier today and I'm still not able to launch.

We've deployed on additional patch this evening. Are you still seeing the issue?


Originally posted by PRAJJALROCKZZ

Please help me sir , it's been 2 days after the patch , still my valorant is not opening , i reinstalled it like 10 times , what to do sir , can I play again in future ?

We believe we've covered an additional error with our latest patch. Is it still an issue?


Originally posted by bhediya2207

i m still getting the same issue even after today's patch :( still not able to launch

We've deploy an additional fix. Are you still seeing the issue?


Originally posted by Axtry_

hey, I've noticed if I leave open the error tab, I can't open task manager and my internet browsers are not working, you can't load any page. Everything will give me an error till I close it.

We've deployed an additional patch based on some of the errors we were seeing. Is it still an issue?

18 Mar


Originally posted by bhediya2207


still facing the same issue I m using sophos antivirus and its a corporate laptop cannot disable the antivirus please help wanted to play some valo

We've found a timeout affecting some players in the dependency downloads in the patcher. We're working on getting a fix out in the next few hours.


Originally posted by SeanRayaMusic

Still getting error with Bitdefender Anti-Virus. If I disable both the antivirus and Advanced Threat Detection in the Bitdefender software, it works fine

We've found a timeout affecting some players in the dependency downloads in the patcher. We're working on getting a fix out in the next few hours.


Originally posted by 47DOLE47

I also am still getting this issue! Want to avoid disabling my anti-virus.

It appears the antivirus side was only partially related. We did fix the main incompatibility issues with AV. there's a further issue in dependency downloads timing out. We're working on a hotfix to resolve today.


Originally posted by uflb999

I just tried and I'm still getting the issue. Can provide logs if necessary!

sorry for the delayed response. We found one additional error in the patcher downloading dependencies. we are working on a patcher hotfix and will have it out this afternoon (barring any issues with testing).

17 Mar


Originally posted by Usmainian

I still have the same issue, and I have Bitdefender installed on my machine.

We should have a fix for this within the next hour


Originally posted by MrSolutions7

Bitdefender, please help

We have a fix for bitdefender going out hopefully with in the hour


Originally posted by xanekiii

Hey I've tried but for some reason it still doesn't work I check my control panel and it's says valorant is 2.30tb wondering if that has anything to do with it

that's an unrelated visual bug. What antivirus do you happen to be using?


Originally posted by daddynoob22

hello i came across this thread since i had the same problem of getting that pop up. I did try turning off my antivirus (bitfender) but still no luck. I did just uninstall the game and reinstalled it and still no luck. Will the fix be deployed through like a hot patch? or do i need to redownload the game?

We're working to resolve the issue for that particular antivirus in the next couple hours.


Originally posted by The_Ninja_Master

I am also still getting the issue unfortunately, even after downloading the fix. Launches with antivirus disabled, but gives error when its not.

Which antivirus are you using?


Originally posted by yungchow205

still getting the same error message

What antivirus to you happen to be running?


Originally posted by xanekiii

I've been trying to open it for a while and nothing opens it doesn't even get me to the play screen it just doesn't open at all is it a problem with my pc or with the launcher and also if there is a patch for it will I be able to open it gurantee?

We've just deployed a fix that should resolve it for you.


Originally posted by ArmiesofZNight

We're currently investigating a fix for this. One of the client updates is not playing nicely with some non-riot software on some players' machines. We're working to narrow it down and get a fix out as soon as possible.

We have deployed a fix that should have resolved for the majority of users. There is an offshoot issue that may not have resolved that we are continuing to investigate.

16 Mar


Originally posted by ViolenTendency

HI idk if this helps but i have AVG antivirus and valorant would not open for me until i disabled ransomware protection. Now i can play.

This is helpful context. I've seen some players having success disabling antivirus. We're working on a fix patch to get around this issue. ETA is within the next few hours if this build addresses the issue.