

16 Mar


Originally posted by GotchYa08

I am having the same issue, but I am in EU region, Did you apply the patch for us, too?

The patch to the riot client went globally, yes. It would likely impact you too.


We're currently investigating a fix for this. One of the client updates is not playing nicely with some non-riot software on some players' machines. We're working to narrow it down and get a fix out as soon as possible.


Originally posted by awesomepcguy

It still says the same thing 0xc0000005

We believe it may be an interaction with the dependency and an unrelated piece of software on player machines. We're working on a fix.

apologies for the vague answer--we're still investigating and not looking to unintentionally lead players to making changes to their set up.


Originally posted by CStwinkletoes

Oh OK. Are you the tech support? Thanks. I'll check in later then.

Operations and Release producer


Originally posted by CStwinkletoes

Patched earlier today. Was playing fine for a few games. Some other update was needed so I restarted the game. But it didn't launch. Getting 0xc0000005 Application Error .

Tried running as admin. Tried restarting PC. Then I uninstalled/reinstalled game. Same error.

Looks to be a dependencies patch separate from the main client patch. We're working to narrow down and update.


Originally posted by DarknessKinG

Can i pm you ? if you need any logs that may help fix the issue

I don't think we need logs at the moment. We do have someone internally who was able to reproduce the issue. Thank you for the offer!


Originally posted by SonBeastyus

Ok thank you, also, are there any updates on being able to select what skin upgrade you want to use? Like you dont wanna use the sound but you want to use a kill effect?

I'm not currently privy to that team's plans at the moment


Originally posted by ThickSpice

It says the same on multiple freinds pc's as well

If you go to the location it's installed in and right click and select properties, you'll see the actual size of the install. Mine shows 1.8TB as well on a drive that's less than 1TB.

We've not yet mastered transdimensional storage yet. Install's around 14gigs, I think. Not sure why it's showing the wrong number.


Originally posted by ThickSpice

Look into the uninstall, the game showed 2.04 TB. Riot frigged up some how. Go figure

If you're seeing this on the add/remove programs screen, it's a visual bug and not representative of the actual disk space used.


We're currently investigating reports on this. I don't have a direct fix or cause available at the moment. Will try to respond back with troubleshooting steps as soon as I get them.

10 Feb


Originally posted by SuIIeee

Thanks! what about people who were mid rank match and this affected? Will they regain the lost rank points if they had lost?

We will not be adjusting ranked points for this. While this had potential to impact player's games, it hit both the winning and losing sides. Individual game adjustment adds some inflation and other impacts that aren't desirable. Given the likely impact was one game at most, the player's overall ranked play will cover the potential impact of that single game.


Originally posted by ArmiesofZNight

We're currently looking into this now. There's a central service at riot having issues, it's unfortunately causing issues grabbing player's saved settings/keybind preferences. We're going to disable ranked briefly to reduce impact of potential keybind issues in the meantime.


This should be resolved.


Originally posted by [deleted]


do i need to redo it for the pin to work?


We're currently looking into this now. There's a central service at riot having issues, it's unfortunately causing issues grabbing player's saved settings/keybind preferences. We're going to disable ranked briefly to reduce impact of potential keybind issues in the meantime.


20 Jan


Hey all, we're currently working on resolving this issue for players experiencing this bug. Apologies on the lack of visibility, we thought we had it resolved, but there are still some players seeing it.

14 Oct


Originally posted by ShubhamFTW

earlier i used to get 75 ping in singapore server and now i am getting 69 to 70 ping in mumbai server why ? i am from Patna Bihar India My ping is high in mumbai server please tell me the solution i am using railwire internet.

We're reviewing latency info to the server to identify potential changes we can make on our side to help.


Originally posted by macdestructive

I used to previously get a ping of 75ms and now after Mumbai Servers still I am getting same ping although I am connecting to Mumbai Servers. My ISP is all right. Is there any server issue which will be fixed?? I live in Kolkata.

Which ISP are you playing from?


Originally posted by Apprehensive_Ad5774

Iam from karnataka india the state is right next to mumbai but im getting worse ping in mumbai server than singapore just wanted to know if this is smthing the devs can fix or is a internet issue ty

It's likely an ISP routing issue. We have some things we can try on our side, but reaching out to your service provider can sometime assist.


Originally posted by OneStepUp_YT

JioFiber and getting 60-80ms in Mumbai servers :( My local ISP is getting around 28ms.

Any plans on working with JioFiber to fix the bad routing issues?

We will be reviewing all of our latency data and will be reaching out to relevant ISP's to see what we can do to improve things where we can.

08 Oct


Originally posted by oryiesis

You're answering this question but not answering why the practice range isn't run entirely client sided which is a far more interesting question.

I'm not the producer on that particular feature set, so my answer would be more generic--also didn't see the comment for it. Mostly the answer is it wasn't a high enough priority/value for us to have the team bump the other stuff on the roadmap. That plus our general paradigm of heavy server side validation and set up of our game would mean a decent chunk of work for a potential niche use.