

01 Sep


Originally posted by Biffy_x

Just want to chime in on this thread, I downloaded that as well as completely uninstalling vangaurd and valorant and reinstalling and it won't let me play still.

Did you restart after running the exe and after installing vanguard?


Originally posted by kingslayerbruce

i downloaded the latest redistributable from the website but its still not working, it shows that the vcruntime140.dll is still missing

and the one you downloaded was the vc-redist.x64.exe correct?


Originally posted by stinkystrawburry

downloading it didnt fix the game and i have tried other solutions as well.

what error are you currently getting?


We're currently investigating this. As mentioned in thread, downloading the latest redistributable from the microsoft website will resolve. We're working on getting it fixed in the patchline for those experiencing it. !pin


Originally posted by protagonistjeep

Hi armies, Are there any ETAs on when you guys will announce the time for when bahrain and mumbai servers will go live.

None announced, but it's being actively worked on. We'll hopefully be able to give a solid ETA soon.


Originally posted by DentedOnImpact

They've had 6 patches before this where they've made minimum changes on each, most of them were before they went on their week break...

The patch right before break was massive--Killjoy, deathmatch, and act ranks

30 Aug


Originally posted by ArmiesofZNight

We're working on trying to resolve impact. There's a third party outage that appears to have put a few services into a bad state. Working on adjusting restrictions to reduce current impact.


This appears to be related to the current Cloudflare impact on their status page, but we're confirming other impact.


We're working on trying to resolve impact. There's a third party outage that appears to have put a few services into a bad state. Working on adjusting restrictions to reduce current impact.


28 Aug


Originally posted by iamverybread

Yup, all the same, I was in discord with them and our settings were mirrored. We are from Philippines, Manila using PLDT ISP. To be specific our Mudfish was all set to Valorant Asia (Hong Kong) server and the HK azure node, most days it works, other days it just really doesnt want to.

I can't speak to why the vpn settings stopped working for you on the 25th, but i do know that we've had some inconsistent performance with that ISP. We didn't make any changes on our end on the 25th that I'm aware of, but I'll look into it.


Originally posted by iamverybread

I want to chime in here about that, around 25 aug. Our 5 stack (same country, ISP and city) launched the game just after turning on mudfish on to HK servers (50ms). Going in practice range gets us 50ms but when we played unrated we got thrown in another SEA server resulting in 100ms. It was like this the whole night.

Is the vpn set the same for everyone in the group of 5? Everyone from the same general location?What country are you playing from?


Originally posted by oborse

Right. So maybe the solution here is just to improve the system that auto-selects servers based on the region the player is in. I’m not really sure how that system works myself, or why some people are getting put into farther servers when there are closer ones, but there’s no doubt that there can be some changes made. One change could be making it so you join the closest server to your region in your language, allowing problems like the one in this post to never occur.

Servers in matchmaking are selected based on the ping players have to the servers. There are a couple things that most commonly can pull a player away from their closest server: their ISP's routing to our servers and queuing with a group located in different cities (matchmaker tries to get the closest of the best average ping of the group).

We're investigating where some players are getting placed on a very poor ping server when there are better options available (like 3rd/4th/5th choices hitting some games). It's not a high percentage of games, but it may be impacting some players more frequently.


Originally posted by OneBulletMan7

Well, they've indeed announced that the Madrid server is up but I can't find it when I try to create a custom game :/

My guess would be that the server is not present in the game yet, they probably just set it up and made sure it's working so they can add it to the server list later

Madrid's up in matchmaking. The server showing up in the custom game dropdown is a client update, so should be working with the next patch. It's serving games in the matchmaker though.

23 Aug


We are working to provide tooling to player support to better support account transfers for your player data to come with you in the future. The backend's in testing now, but there some more work needed to make sure it's usable for support agents. I don't have a good ETA on it, but it does have active work being done on it. !pin

20 Aug


Originally posted by Peekays

Sorry for late reply, kr crash was around 6am(gmt +8) and sea crash was around 1:40pm(gmt+8). I played 4 games within that timespan and had 2 games with mass dcs, the other 2 were fine

Thank you for the follow up! The KR on definitely tracks with the error caused by our predeploy step. The SEA one though, I'll need to look into. We did see what looked like a philippines ISP outage during the day and potentially a related service disruption--I will need to do some further investigation. This info definitely helps!


Originally posted by username7112347

>.> rollouts.

I'd be interested in a tech blog that details valorant/riot approaches to infrastructure and postmortem response. Have you guys considered anything like this or are you too busy putting out fires right now?

e.g. a "running online services at riot" series redux.

Not a bad idea.


Originally posted by SMYYYLE

Pretty disappointing patch, they had 3 weeks, (yes 1 week off) to get all the feedback.

Especially for deathmatch they asked for feedback to improve it etc, and there was a LOT of feedback (remove radar, up the kill/time limit, ...) and they did nothing this patch. Now we have to wait another 2 weeks for them to MAYBE listen to feedback?

We turned on deathmatch on the 5th, that's only 15 days time with one of those weeks being the off week :)

Also, not all feedback is immediately drop everything. We take the reddit feedback into account, and we review other metrics. Sometimes that leads to immediate change and some of it might be less immediate. Updates will come to the mode. We only had 2 development days to get deathmatch feedback, process and then do changes before the break--so anything we did would have been way too premature.


Originally posted by Peekays

Just adding that i had this happen in KR as well, 3 people on my team dced at the same time, then like 10 seconds later the whole game just ended and brought me back to home screen

And also on SEA, me and 3 others dced at the same time, game continued as normal though after restarting except for the couple rounds when we were gone. For the sea case we all confirmed we were soloq, not at some lan environment. Im solo as well.

What time (with timezone) did you see that happen? There was an ISP issue in the region around the same time that could also account for it. We did run the operation in those regions and saw some disconnects spike there too (although much less impactful than the na one).


Originally posted by ArmiesofZNight

We are aware of the issue. Impact should be resolved; we're investigating root cause.

It appears to be related to a previously safe operation ahead of patch deployment. We've not seen this issue show up during this before and will be looking into what might have changed that suddenly had impact on some in progress games.


Originally posted by ArmiesofZNight

We are aware of the issue. Impact should be resolved; we're investigating root cause.



We are aware of the issue. Impact should be resolved; we're investigating root cause.