

29 Apr


Should be opening up now. We identified some potential scaling concerns while validating the patch that we didn't feel safe until we had them solved. Those unfortunately added unplanned for time to the deploy.


We believe we've resolved issues, is anyone still seeing the error 29/43 symptoms?


Looks like it's related to the issues in the thread about locking in characters. We're actively troubleshooting. Seeing some network issues between our services that we're trying to resolve.


We're still working to track down this error. Did just see a spike of logouts as well, but that seemed to recover pretty quickly. Seeing some connectivity issues very periodically between some services, which players who are seeing the character select issues may be seeing this.


What region are you seeing this? NA or EU?


We're taking a look at this. For those of you running into issues on EU, what country are you playing from? I'm seeing a particular game server that has slightly higher errors, but don't want miss a more systemic issue.

26 Apr


Originally posted by ejpon3453

Shouldn't VALORANT get its own little "problems" exclamation point like both LoL and LoR have? especially on EU servers where server issues seems to be a daily tradition...

While many of our services will be separate, there are certain ones that make sense to be shared from a simplicity of operations standpoint. This particular impacted all the games in different ways since we all use that amazon location differently.

EU tends to see a lot more issues in general as the play patterns in europe tend to have narrower peaks where lots more players will be online at once, whereas NA's play patterns are more spread out. This means a lot of our available server/capacity is in use at once, and if some errors or services run into trouble, that extra space can be used up trying to process those errors and can cause cascading issues.

We're learning a lot about where the strain in our systems are from this beta, and we hope issues you all have been seeing this week are quickly mitigated over the coming days.


Originally posted by ArmiesofZNight

There appear to be repeat incidents happening in our AWS there, seeing issues across mutliple games. We have a team looking to get matchmaking recovered.

We believe we've made some adjustments that should reduce impact when we see these latency increases. Hopefully, it's not continued but should minimize the impact you all were seeing.


There appear to be repeat incidents happening in our AWS there, seeing issues across mutliple games. We have a team looking to get matchmaking recovered.

24 Apr


Originally posted by ArmiesofZNight

We believe we're seeing recovery after a network re-route with one of our providers.

The issue reappeared, we're moving routes away from the problematic exchange. Should hopefully resolve recurring issues.


Originally posted by ArmiesofZNight

We believe we're seeing recovery after a network re-route with one of our providers. Anyone continuing to see the same errors on login?

Well, it did recover for about 30 minutes, seeing something similar crop back up


We believe we're seeing recovery after a network re-route with one of our providers.


We believe we're seeing recovery after a network re-route with one of our providers. Anyone continuing to see the same errors on login?


Originally posted by _Royalty_

Says shortly after .49 in the notes. With the most recent being .47 and the release of this article, I'd say 2 weeks is a safe estimate?

Our numbering's a little weird with this one. 0.49 is next week. We did a double patch in the .47 version due to needing extra testing time on what was going to be our .48 version. We decided to hold it as there are several backend changes that we wanted to make sure didn't have negative impact cross game.


Originally posted by ownersen

do you think the problem will be fixed soon ?

Hoping so, we're in contact with one of our third-party providers to understand the errors we're seeing in the service.


We're seeing issues crop up around Germany. We're still investigating if it's on our side or more generalized ISP or routing issues).


Issues appear to be localized to Germany. Still gathering details, but getting reports from some users from there on League as well.


Originally posted by GosuPleb

Almost exact same as /u/ownersen :

different error codes, could log in after double digit amount of times, EU Germany - Bavaria

We suspect there might be some ISP or transit issues, as our alerts on internal systems are eerily quiet.


Originally posted by ownersen

on EU - Germany - State: Rhineland Palatinate

"there was an error connection to the plattform. please restart your game client." "errorcode 40" and sometimes "errorcode 28" and "errorcode 7".

could login after 20 attempts. but now match history wont load, store wont load. and cant find a game. same problems like the last 3 days.

Looking into this


Which shard are you experiencing issues? North America or Europe? Also which general location are you playing from (state or country)?