

01 Jun


We're seeing some issues with one of our peering partners. We're also scaling up additional servers to ease some congestion based on increased game starts (lots of range games starting and restarting). We're hoping to have the high ping resolved shortly.

31 May


Beta launcher will work

11 May


We're currently investigating. We saw a large network drop and there maybe be connection issues to the vanguard service. The issue is showing up as a vanguard error, but it's a larger networking issue. We have engineers actively reviewing now.

06 May


Originally posted by SomewhereOnEarthYo

Nothing because like iCue and Logitech GHub to mess with keybinds and my DPI? It’s blocking all that.

And the drivers for those are up to date?

The complaints are under investigation at the moment, unfortunately I don't have a lot to go on yet, but hopefully we'll be able to have your experience sorted out soon.


Originally posted by SomewhereOnEarthYo

It’s happening to A LOT of people after the latest Vanguard patch, or whatever the heck you guys did.

i7 6700k 1080Ti ASUS Z170 Motherboard 16GB RAM Corsair K95 Platinum Keyboard Logitech G502 Mouse

Also, just take a quick stroll on the sub....

I know the team is reviewing this to see how widespread issues. Do you run any virtualization programs for keyboard and mouse?


Originally posted by SomewhereOnEarthYo

What about the damn vanguard update that is blocking mouse and keyboard usage for a lot of us??? Why are you all silent about that.

I'm not familiar with that issue. What's your set up look like? Is there an error that you're getting when it happens?


Restarting the pc should fix this. It's possible there's an old vanguard version that's not updating properly for some reason. if the restart alone isn't working, can try uninstalling vanguard from the system tray and then patching/rebooting.

We're still investigating other potential causes, but that's our best guess at the moment


Restarting the pc should fix this. It's possible there's an old vanguard version that's not patching properly. if the restart alone isn't working, can try uninstalling vanguard from the system tray and then patching/rebooting.


Looking into this

30 Apr


Originally posted by VAndr0meda

Yo, do you have any ETAs about routing for Serbian ISP's?It keeps randomly connecting to NY,USA.

on your page, what country/region shows? That's strange that you would route that way, unless your account's region is set to a US location. If that's the case, player support should be able to help resolve.


As for the 300 and kick out, that was probably during a couple incidents over the last day...there was a third party maintenance on top of it that knocked a couple people out of game over night, too .


This is a display bug introduced with the patch. The number includes client frametime on top of ping. Your actual ping should be the same as before the patch.

Actually, some people should be seeing some improvements as we added some improved routing from some isp's this last week.


Originally posted by starkrob

so no patch for EU ?

cuz there is no April 31?? xD

We converted the date to metric


Originally posted by HavocHellion

friends in game say i'm in range when i'm trying to login the game and stuck on loading screen?

These should clear over time. We are still reviewing this incident for lingering impacts.


Originally posted by sinark

Thanks for keeping us posted.That means people will be able to get past loading in the next little bit?

I believe so. If it's still ongoing, that's of more concern.


Originally posted by Rodreego

Now its letting me Log in, but im stuck on the Loading Screen.

resurgence of people logging in may have briefly locked up one of the services. We've scaled it up to deal with the volume.


Originally posted by otumunga

Thanks for letting us know! People were spreading you guys had to kick people from beta for server stability... so I and I'm sure many others were very worried! haha

We are not removing players due to stability stuff...we're fixing the stability issues. Only players getting removed are cheaters and excessively toxic players.


Originally posted by ArmiesofZNight

Working on this. Should be fixed momentarily.

Fixed now...sorry about that! A normally safe configuration change had an unexpected result.


Working on this. Should be fixed momentarily.

29 Apr


We believe this should be resolved now. Thank you for your patience!