

02 Jun


Originally posted by ArmiesofZNight

Fix we're testing should reconcile. It may require finishing a game and gaining XP for the previously earned rewards to show up. Still in testing but that's currently our expectation when applied (assuming it passes testing).

First fix didn't resolve, but it did help us uncover root cause. New fix in testing now.


Originally posted by nitromaster

Beta-Progress is reset - so you only keep the Things from the Beta-Contract (Gunbuddies, 4 Playercards, etc.)
Skins you bought, and things you unlocked with Agent Contracts are gone for good.

You should have received your Valorant Points back (with an additional 20% bonus) though. If you did not: Contact Support ( ) and keep a Proof of Payment at Hands - they will get you your points back =)

We're investigating a small subset of players who may have VP grants missing from the CB reset.


Originally posted by ArmiesofZNight

We're will be working to make sure we cover current progression. Right now, I'm not sure if the current mitigation being tested is a stopgap to prevent further impact or if it also includes reconciling current impact. I'll hopefully have some more info soon.

Fix we're testing should reconcile. It may require finishing a game and gaining XP for the previously earned rewards to show up. Still in testing but that's currently our expectation when applied (assuming it passes testing).


Originally posted by forever56

will i get my free agent and my reward after its fixed?

We're will be working to make sure we cover current progression. Right now, I'm not sure if the current mitigation being tested is a stopgap to prevent further impact or if it also includes reconciling current impact. I'll hopefully have some more info soon.


Originally posted by ArmiesofZNight

We're looking into reports of this now. I'll try to get an update shortly on it, but we are actively investigating.

We have a potential mitigation in testing at the moment. We'll understand more hopefully in the next 30 minutes


Originally posted by Lxcas_d

any link where i can submit a ticket for this or do i wait for the bug to be fixed in general

You can submit a ticket here:

It shouldn't be required for the fix for it, but there's no harm in a ticket either. It's helpful for scale of the issue.


Originally posted by Thomaba

It's not resolved, I'm lvl 8 and still have no free agent

My post was referring to the network errors. The progression issue is currently being investigated.


Originally posted by ArmiesofZNight

We're looking into reports of this now. I'll try to get an update shortly on it, but we are actively investigating.

We have a decent number of player support tickets that we're able to review specific accounts to see commonalities in players that this is occurring. Right now, root cause is unclear, but seeing some dupilcation of some contract data that might explain the issues.


Originally posted by krepttValorant

The issue is not resolved for me my id is Kreptt please help

What's the current experience you are seeing?


Originally posted by ArmiesofZNight

We're taking a look. We see some network errors that might be the root cause of it.

This should be resolved now.


Originally posted by Cb58logan

Can you look into the battlepass and free agents not being rewarded also?

We are investigating that as well. I'm looking to get some more info. I responded in this thread:


We're taking a look. We see some network errors that might be the root cause of it.


We're looking into reports of this now. I'll try to get an update shortly on it, but we are actively investigating.


Depending on the error (if it flickers in after the Community Agreement pop up), restarting your pc should fix it.


Originally posted by Jacyl

Optus. The ping seems to have been resolved, thanks for that, but the Network Problem sign is almost always there, don't feel the issue in the gameplay though. Pretty sure that's on my side if anything.

We did see some intermittent issues on Optus recently, so that would make sense. We'll be continuing to improve routing as we get latency data from players.


Originally posted by Jacyl

Ping issues in OCE still persist, getting 305~ ping which doesn't make sense.

What ISP are you playing from?


Originally posted by PM_ME_SOME_SONGS

I'm in Australia and it says it is down for scheduled maintenance? Error 46

can you check your region on the account? should say what region it's tied to. If you believe you're assigned the wrong region:


We believe we resolved the ping and range start issues for those in Australia.

01 Jun


Originally posted by Taxed_

Cheers - we just managed to get placed into an OCE server but got kicked out before the first round could start.

Back on another 300 ping server now, which is "stable" just somewhat unplayable.

Sorry for the initial experience! We do believe we found the initial root cause and are working on resolving.


Originally posted by kaL_au

what about the people stuck on the range loading screen, got any info for that?

It's related. The peering issue is letting you ping the thing that spins up the game but you're not able to actually hit the game server instance. So the client thinks you have a game available but you can't reach it.