

16 May


Originally posted by TheySeeMeTrollinLoL

If she's on the PBE for a while, why can't you guys predict her winrate being low on live servers if it's low on PBE to start off?

Meddler had a good post on this topic a while back, link here.


Originally posted by NotEfe

what are you guys thinking about the way subreddit reacted to yuumi? is she really that bad as the subreddit says or do you guys have another opinion about it

I thought the reaction was appropriate for what the data said - with a 30% winrate day one, she's clearly hard to learn and we underestimated that internally, and you're also not going to want the 30% winrate champion on your team when commonly champions that are in the low 40 percents are considered really weak. Now my personal opinion, after the buffs she's definitely OP.


Originally posted by Plecsius

any funny glitches/interactions you ran into while testing her?

There was one time she attached and everything worked correctly except for the whole untargetability thing. She immediately ate an entire Lucian culling to the face and died.


Originally posted by Rammed

Fully utilizing the passive, baiting pressure abusing the fact that the w cooldown goes down while in an ally, not building her like a normal support

Yeah, knowing when to be attached and when to be unattached in lane is a big optimization point, as well as mechanical usage of the W to avoid skillshots (Yuumi should be able to avoid Blitz/Thresh/Naut hooks 9 out of 10 times, and Alistar engages pretty reliably too).


Originally posted by PClicious

Your champ sucks and this is not banter. It literally has 2 skills (E-R), everything else is useless. D4 here.

I'd encourage you to put more time into her, she's a pretty difficult champion to pick up!


Originally posted by Kadexe

What was the most extreme version of Yuumi's W that you tested?

There was one version where it didn't have a cooldown at any point in the game (kinda like what it is now after level 11). Her laning against melee supports bot was close to unbeatable. There was another version where she was unstoppable while using it so she would just buffer all CC heading towards her team.

14 May


Originally posted by JayCFree324

So which keystone should she be running?

Do guardian and Aery still proc while attached? Or am I supposed to Dark Harvest with her?

Guardian procs while attached, as does Aery when you heal/shield an ally. Actually just using W on an ally and doing nothing else gives them the Aery shield if it's not on cooldown.


Originally posted by HolypenguinHere

Still not sure how I feel about her passive being tied to AA'ing someone, when she only has 500 attack range and has extremely squishy stats.

Worth noting she gets bonus range for the passive autoattack - it's her one 550 range auto.

26 Sep


Originally posted by wharblgarble

it's way too early to have any meaningful conversation in this subject. There's something along the lines of 30+ runes not released (Iactually think the dev post said 50+ but i don't want to dig for it) and most of these numbers probably won't see light of day without change.

Can confirm every rune except for the last inspiration keystone has been revealed.