

30 Oct


Originally posted by IAMA_llAMA_AMA

Hey I was trying her out on pbe and the attack range seemed to continuously scale, but her Q hit a cap. According to the description it's supposed to match.

I'm kind of new to pbe is there somewhere I should mention this kind of info?

This is known - she'll never exceed (or even come close to) 1300 range in a regular game so it's not a real issue that should be encountered. If for some reason it ever was, it'd be fixed.


Originally posted by AflockOfMidgets

I wonder if her AD that she gains from "mists" count towards her bonus AD or base AD. - since she doesnt gain AD per level. Sheen items might be looking strong if its base. (it does not say base in the pictures so I'm assuming its not). I really want to know what they mean by her attack speed being slower. How does it interact with buying more attack speed? Surely its not going to be hard locked like Jhin right?

It's bonus AD - we tried an iteration that was base AD and the sheen items were uh...not fair.


Originally posted by theryguy112

alright how long until someone f**ks around and sees how much attack range they can get on senna in practice tool

There's no cap so go wild :)


Originally posted by narfidy

Oh interesting to hear straight from riot. I'm assuming the IE would interact normally though right?

And like I said, I'm holding off the bulk of my judgement until I see the numbers. I just don't want to magically lose trades in lane due to her landing more crits than she should

The way the math works IE gives her less bonus crit damage than other characters.


Originally posted by Bulgar_smurf

So she is strictly a support and isn't viable ADC?

If that's the case it'd be a little sad because it is so hype to finally get a proper lucian Q back... only be forced in the support role. It was so sad when lucian Q got nerfed. So much skill cap just shaved off a champion. It's a fun champion but it'd be lying if I said I'd prefer a normal support, supporting me rather than a wanna be marksman. This preseason is going to be "interesting" with all of those ezreal, ashe, lucian, senna, literally anything in the support role.

I'm pretty confident both can be played. My personal suspicion is that ADC is stronger than Support actually.

She has an extra AD ratio on her basic attacks, gets free crit chance, and deals less crit damage. What all of these things do is give us levers to manipulate how strong she is at different phases of the game and with what itemization. If she had the exact same scaling as a regular ADC, you'd probably just play her there by default because she'd be an ADC with a whole bunch of powerful utility. The current levers and tunings say "you have a pretty powerful early game, but need to snowball early to push your lead, because your peak won't be the same as a 6 item Tristana". Draven/Jhin are comparisons I would use to her AD right now - punchy and lethal lane phase, fall off a bit later, have trouble dealing with tanks. But her laning phase is definitely strong with a tank support, you have a Nautilus hook her -> Senna W and it's looking pretty lethal.

If she's ...

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29 Oct


Originally posted by Ildigrub

Am I crazy or does it look like she has cait aa range..?

She gets infinitely scaling attack range oOoOooHhhhh


Originally posted by SaquonIsAFraud

This is one of the most broken kits I have ever seen. They took akali and made her ranged. They will be balancing her for the next year and beyond. If the numbers aren't trash tier she will be played heavily in mid and top.

This whole champion design team and a balance team need to be fired.

Would be surprised to see her top because she basically roots herself when she autos for the first half of the game.


Originally posted by narfidy

Time to KSupport

e: Real talk, not sure how much I like gaining crit chance conceptually until we see the numbers. Didn't they get rid of 1% crit chance runes for a reason?

She gets free crit chance but all of her crits deal less damage than other characters' crits. What this does is say "hey, you actually get less value out of building crit items than other characters" which makes her damage less spiky, particularly late game.


Originally posted by jmaierz

Everyone saying “ult global omg broke”. But bro her E is a moving Pyke/Twitch stealth which can probably hide the entire team, until they attack or the stealth ends. That’s what is going to be op.

The enemy can see the wraiths/Senna circle the entire time, the champions are fully revealed at the same range as camo.


Originally posted by Ethanxiaorox

That ward target Q is JUICY

Yeah, that's definitely one of the funnest things you can do on the character IMO.


Originally posted by Mahxxi

My question is how long do allies stay in wraith form when they leave the mist? Does the enemy need to see the mist to see the enemy as a wraith?

Because in my mind I envision Senna using E while RekSai is in the jungle, and then Sai walks all the way to mid lane as a wraith. Like do we need to see them enter the mist to see them as wraiths?

It's a short-moderate duration. It's not like Twitch Q.


Originally posted by AdzziiFIFA

Is her ult a large AoE that can be placed anywhere or is it one long beam that goes from her to the end of the map (like a global lux ult)? I can't really tell.

The latter!


Originally posted by Razatiger

she definitely doesn't seem to scale like a normal ADC. Im sure you build full lethality on her as her auto attack animation looks terribly slow to be consistent burst. Shes pyke 2.0

She deals reduced crit damage and scales pretty poorly with attack speed.


Originally posted by theryguy112

Will wraiths have like a special icon or will you immediately know who the wraiths are from the minimap?

Special Icon


Originally posted by kevl9987

Sounds like its just camo but instead of invisible until close you have them be a wraith until close for lore/visual reasons? Would a pink ward reveal them?


15 Oct


Hey buddy, glad to see you're still around :)

05 Oct


Try to understand why they're stomping you and what you can do to emulate them. Last time Worlds was in NA that was the highest quality solo queue of my life, try to enjoy it while it lasts!

30 Sep


Hi, one of the playtesters working on Garen (I'm not the designer) but I'll give you the best context I can:

Q1: Why did Rioter increased the number of spins to shred armor?

Right now it's been put back to 4, if I had to guess the original intent it's because Garen spins much more frequently now, so it would've been to keep the "time until shred" roughly the same instead of faster.

Q2: Does Garen keeps the ult indicator or no?

No, because ult has the same effect on everyone on the enemy team now.

Q3: Why does it more CS or units killed to fully stack up armor and MR for W passive?

He's getting quite a bit of power overall (especially his passive), so finding somewhere to nerf him. Invisible stats are a good spot for this.

Q4: What runes Rioter wants Garen to use besides Grasp of Undying?

Conqueror is probably ...

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20 Sep

06 Sep


Originally posted by ChapterLiam

panth support is seriously seriously fun, w is free

also your editing was overwhelming but i found it funny so +1

Support Pantheon is legit