

19 Feb


Originally posted by CheekyWanker007

Wait if i was correct, riot would nerf champions because they can be flexed into too many lanes, like sylas. Will we be expecting a sett nerf anytime soon since this champion can be played in literally every lane plus jungle?

We never nerf champions because they can flex into too many lanes, we nerf them if their winrate is too high (taking pick rate into account) or their pro play presence is too high. One of the common traits that pros value in their picks is the ability to flex into multiple roles in draft, so if we're looking to nerf a champion because they violated the pro play threshold one of the tactics we might use is to remove or reduce some of their role flexibility.


Y'all don't know how long I've been waiting for the support Sett.


Originally posted by [deleted]


The other way to look at it is that Sona top is just overpowered. She has a 55-57% winrate depending on MMR with a decent enough pickrate. We would nerf any champ with these metrics, she violates the guidelines found here. She can lose 5% winrate and still be a reasonable pick toplane, like I suspect she will be after this changes. Will her pickrate remain as high if she's not as overpowered? Probably not.

08 Feb


Originally posted by Link3748

all the riot members watching the riot member vs tyler 1, would be so funny

06 Feb


Originally posted by DeathsGamble

20 dmg off base dmg at max ranks and a 4 second cd at max ranks isn’t nothing tho. I think he is strong sure but he isn’t op imo

Yeah he dropped by ~4%, which is a pretty large nerf for any champion.

01 Feb


I keep asking mr. rito to nerf Rengar but they won't listen to me either :(

29 Jan


Originally posted by owlreed1

Sett just really unbalanced right now and i don't know how riot cant see that

We're nerfing him next patch


Originally posted by Naminoo

Riot August said below that relic shield supports last hitting cannons counts as Senna killing them if the gold is shared with her.

This is correct.

28 Jan


Originally posted by Ehac

Misplay yes, but there's no clearly correct decision here IMO

I disagree. they had vision of rakan well in advance. Bjerg was the player furthest up. You either ult and he doesn't rakan ult you. (In that case you still get to play the rest of the fight, just without R) or you buy your team time. Either way, using ult in a situation where you KNOW they can burst you is the better play.

I'd agree if Dardoch didn't also seem to be in imminent danger. But this is all hindsight, who knows what he was considering ¯_(ツ)_/¯


Originally posted by Walvrus

He took 40% dmg in 2.3 seconds and then he took 60% while charmed/knocked up.

This was NOT a huge missplay from bjergsen , it was a well played from Rakan , Bjergsen got cced from 60% where he was charmed and then knocked up>dead

Yeah mostly agree with this. He definitely had time to ult, but he would've been putting the ult on himself at 60%, which would be a bit early. If I were him I'd also be watching Dardoch (my almost dead jungler while we're trying to contest Infernal), making it understandable that he gets caught off guard. Misplay yes, but there's no clearly correct decision here IMO

Edit: Yeah if everything goes the same without the Rakan ult he'd have ample time to save himself, good play by CoreJJ


Nerfing funneling would be ideal. The specific Taric/Yi change I'd recommend if we were going to adjust them would be changing the interaction that makes Taric's E undodgeable if it fires while Yi is Qing a target.

27 Jan


Doesn't have a single dodge everything and teleport 4 times

This was unironically a Senna iteration!

26 Jan


Originally posted by please-stand-up

imagine the rioters, who designed elder to make it a game ending objective, preventing 45+ min games, watching this game


25 Jan


Originally posted by eikenprocessierups

could you post your Sett support is something I thought about trying out recently, would be interested to see some runes/items/setups etc

Sure, here ya go.

I go W > E > Q and always Knight's Vow first. After that it's probably Stoneplate or Locket, Triforce/Cleaver if you're rich.


Originally posted by RHSiuolF

going by the data you guys can see now how is Sett is he considered in the range of slightly too strong?

If his winrate doesn't drop he'll be in the range of "too strong". There's still a bit of fuzziness from pre & post hotfix data being mixed, but we should clearly know by Monday.

24 Jan


Originally posted by Caenen_

What exactly was fixed? Targets being aquired too early? E unintentially using edge rather then center range?

Don't know the details, but the logic for target acquisition was refactored and the outcome was an extra 50-75 range on the E.


Originally posted by IcyColdStare

The combo Riot-Sett flair eh? I'm into it.

Also, random question - what do you max after W? I can never decide between E/Q because both seem pretty good.

I play support tank Sett almost exclusively, so I max E to have more CC uptime for my team. In top lane Q is probably better second.


Originally posted by Anni01

bugged e range

This ^ , already fixed

20 Jan


Originally posted by Magehunter_Skassi

Hey, appreciate the response. I remember seeing that article posted here back when it was first published, although incorrectly remembered the four buckets as being three.

Just a few short questions about that if you had a bit more time: What would you (or more broadly speaking, the balance team) consider to be mid elo? It was a term used in the recent 10.1 patchnotes to explain Kassadin's nerf. Would that be synonymous with the skilled play bucket, or be somewhere in the average play bucket?

Unsure unfortunately. Usually we still reference those buckets internally so I'm not sure why we went with mid elo here (but I'm neither on the balance team nor a comms person so I might be missing context). If I had to guess "mid tier" would be approximately gold, which rides the line between average/skilled, which may be why we went with mid tier in this situation.


Originally posted by Magehunter_Skassi

that mention completely shook my understanding of how riot operates. i didn't realize they were actually balancing for mid elo games at all which would explain a lot of confusing buffs/nerfs i've seen

Would encourage you to check out this link. The criteria within the 4 buckets are being iterated on and I don't think we've released any further updates, but the 4 buckets are still correct in that those are the bands of play considered.