

29 Oct


Originally posted by Razatiger

she definitely doesn't seem to scale like a normal ADC. Im sure you build full lethality on her as her auto attack animation looks terribly slow to be consistent burst. Shes pyke 2.0

She deals reduced crit damage and scales pretty poorly with attack speed.


Originally posted by theryguy112

Will wraiths have like a special icon or will you immediately know who the wraiths are from the minimap?

Special Icon


Originally posted by kevl9987

Sounds like its just camo but instead of invisible until close you have them be a wraith until close for lore/visual reasons? Would a pink ward reveal them?


15 Oct


Hey buddy, glad to see you're still around :)

05 Oct


Try to understand why they're stomping you and what you can do to emulate them. Last time Worlds was in NA that was the highest quality solo queue of my life, try to enjoy it while it lasts!

30 Sep


Hi, one of the playtesters working on Garen (I'm not the designer) but I'll give you the best context I can:

Q1: Why did Rioter increased the number of spins to shred armor?

Right now it's been put back to 4, if I had to guess the original intent it's because Garen spins much more frequently now, so it would've been to keep the "time until shred" roughly the same instead of faster.

Q2: Does Garen keeps the ult indicator or no?

No, because ult has the same effect on everyone on the enemy team now.

Q3: Why does it more CS or units killed to fully stack up armor and MR for W passive?

He's getting quite a bit of power overall (especially his passive), so finding somewhere to nerf him. Invisible stats are a good spot for this.

Q4: What runes Rioter wants Garen to use besides Grasp of Undying?

Conqueror is probably ...

Read more

20 Sep

06 Sep


Originally posted by ChapterLiam

panth support is seriously seriously fun, w is free

also your editing was overwhelming but i found it funny so +1

Support Pantheon is legit

21 May


Originally posted by XXXVI

Cut Down as rune choice is very interesting. Why do you prefer it over stuff like Revitalize or Shield Bash?

Cut Down's damage output is very good, particularly because Yuumi's low base HP means that it'll almost always be active. In lane it goes even with Scorch for damage, and then after laning phase it can contribute 3-4x the amount of damage.

Shield Bash/Revitalize is also a good combo, but I find that Shield Bash in particular falls off really hard after laning phase because the infrequent procs you get in teamfights don't actually. Revitalize stays very strong throughout the game though!

20 May


Originally posted by IamRiotNovalas

Honestly, agree. Auberaun is really just a meta abuser tbh.

thx d00d

18 May


Yes I do! I've always thought it's more efficient because your keyboard hand has downtime (ability CDs, etc.) but your mouse hand doesn't with movement/aiming always necessary, why put the burden of camera movement on that too?

16 May


Originally posted by Vekkna

an entire Lucian culling

How did she survive to the end of the Culling? 3500 hp full tank Yuumi?

It was pretty late in the game, so she had some HP items, but yes it was probably more like half of a culling :P


Originally posted by ancine

Any chances she may get a mini rework in the future. The style of clinging to your ally all the time seems binary and expresses no skill at all. Her getting rewarded by attaching to allies(reduced cd, enhanced abilities for the first few seconds, anything rly) seems to be much better in terms of counter play to kill her and allowing her to express skill better.

Unless your target demographic was specifically players who don't want to put in effort into a match, then that'd be understandable

The style of clinging to your ally all the time seems binary and expresses no skill at all.

Hot take: Yuumi players who are only doing this contribute to her low winrate.


Originally posted by [deleted]




Originally posted by garzek

Right, Yuumi can't do anything about her ADC being engaged on, and all of the engage supports can just tank her poke without losing HP.

Yeah, it's on the ADC to avoid the engage, similar to what the situation would be like if there were a Sona and they had to avoid being hooked. I don't agree that tanks can tank her poke forever - I would expect Yuumi to be landing most attached empowered Q's + scorch/aery that she uses, as well as autoattack frequently. If these things aren't happening then yes it's possible Yuumi isn't providing enough presence in the lane.


Originally posted by garzek

Is there any concern, even with the hotfix, that her nature makes her fundamentally invisible in the laning phase? The sheer volume of champions that have a way to completely shut her down -- from engage supports (leona, alistar, blitz, thresh, naut) to stronger defensive enchanters (janna) to mage/enchanters (lulu, karma) to flat out mages (zyra, annie), it's a colossal list of bad match ups for Yuumi and that's predicated largely on her kit, where more than likely the numbers that make her able to have presence in these match-ups make her just flagrantly overpowered in the general case.

It just seems to me that Yuumi is a support with the enchanter equivalent of Kayle's power-curve, and it seems pretty antithetical to the purpose of a support.

I think that she's very good into those engage supports because she should never be able to actually get engaged on with her W, letting her harass pretty freely. She's certainly weaker into mages/enchanters though, and has to rely more on outranging them with her attached Q. I think it takes time learning the character before you understand your strength against engage characters, however.

EDIT: Not to say that engage supports can't do anything against her, but their win condition should be to find Yuumi's ADC rather than Yuumi herself.


Originally posted by TheySeeMeTrollinLoL

If she's on the PBE for a while, why can't you guys predict her winrate being low on live servers if it's low on PBE to start off?

Meddler had a good post on this topic a while back, link here.


Originally posted by NotEfe

what are you guys thinking about the way subreddit reacted to yuumi? is she really that bad as the subreddit says or do you guys have another opinion about it

I thought the reaction was appropriate for what the data said - with a 30% winrate day one, she's clearly hard to learn and we underestimated that internally, and you're also not going to want the 30% winrate champion on your team when commonly champions that are in the low 40 percents are considered really weak. Now my personal opinion, after the buffs she's definitely OP.


Originally posted by Plecsius

any funny glitches/interactions you ran into while testing her?

There was one time she attached and everything worked correctly except for the whole untargetability thing. She immediately ate an entire Lucian culling to the face and died.


Originally posted by Rammed

Fully utilizing the passive, baiting pressure abusing the fact that the w cooldown goes down while in an ally, not building her like a normal support

Yeah, knowing when to be attached and when to be unattached in lane is a big optimization point, as well as mechanical usage of the W to avoid skillshots (Yuumi should be able to avoid Blitz/Thresh/Naut hooks 9 out of 10 times, and Alistar engages pretty reliably too).