

27 May


Originally posted by PatitasVeloces

Same request here, but from a male player. I prefer the more cutesy skins and it's getting a little boring that most of the latest skin releases look like giant killer robots. Please create more innocent and cute stuff uwu

We’re hoping to deliver at least 3 different and diverse thematics throughout the rest of this year. :)

26 May


Originally posted by bz6


I get that this predictable skin line rotation smoothes things out for Riot but don't you think it's time for some new themes?

One of our major efforts right now is developing new themes. Mecha Kingdoms was our first of this year but there are more coming. ;)


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

/u/Bellissimoh can you share what the prices are for the skins

Senna is a Legendary and Irelia as an Epic.

13 May


Note: This is a big and we’re actively working to fix it. Tried to apply a fix to another bug where certain resolutions were not displaying emotes properly, ended up creating a different issue. Team is working to resolve.


Originally posted by Perry4761

Do you have something in the pipeline coming up for Kled? Dragon Trainer? 🥺

Again can’t pre announce any upcoming releases but can promise that we’re looking at a lot of champions that haven’t gotten skins in a while.


Originally posted by Boogy

As a Bard main I want to second that - it is a truly great skin, instabuy for me as well. I do have a tangentially related question - is golden Snow Day Bard ever going to be available again? I was unable to play during that event and missed the skin, and now it is the only skin of his I don't have

Unfortunately we don’t have any plans to bring him back currently. Loot is probably the only way to get it atm, unless we decide to revisit snowdown again in the future.

Sorry no clear answer for you here unfortunately.


Originally posted by Nightwing_Starfire

Sorry but i feel like you only reply to praises and not to constructive criticisms.
for Zyra's skin many players told you that the Coven is a repeat theme (dark witch) after Dragon Sorceress and Haunted, that her color scheme for base skin is again monochrome and dark, that she is now turning into Udyr (animal summoner - first dragons and now crows), her recall is not good and feels copy paste.
But we never heard from you or the team on why Coven was chosen

It feels like you wanted to make Legendary Morgana and just fixed Zyra to go along. Like so many feedbacks led to finally adding flowers to Q, E & R and some glows to make that skin somewhat ok (especially Prestige is now ok but base is not ok).

Like the base point which we are not getting is that many players play Zyra because she is plant/nature based champion so why her skins are everything but fulfilling her core fantasy?

Yasuo, Yi and so many others are swordsmen in whatever skin them...

Read more

Just because we don’t comment on criticisms doesn’t mean we don’t read or absorb them. Zyra was not an appendage to Morgana, we believed she was a solid addition to the Coven line.

What I think I’m hearing from you here is that you’d rather see some thematic diversity. If that is in fact your feedback here then consider it noted.


Originally posted by HarrowRush

Is there anything prepared for quinn in the near future? :'( all her skins are subpar

It’s true that she’s never even had an epic quality skin made for her. Can’t promise anything but we are definitely trying to hit all of those champs that haven’t had something in a while.


Originally posted by Foucz

Ivern mains are crying.

We know we didn’t hit in what mains wanted with Dunkmaster Ivern and we’ve made some changes to our internal processes in order to help ensure we get things right moving forward. Again can’t promise we’ll please everyone all the time, but we’re doing our best to improve.


Originally posted by irishfury

I will be buying this skin though I hardly play bard. The skin is that good the whole line is really good but I agree best skin in forever.

Really appreciate the support. (And I’m sure Bard mains appreciate it too) :)


Really glad that people are digging this Bard skin. Our hope when we hit on a champ that hasn’t gotten a skin in a while is that we hit it out of the park, so really a feel good moment when we see reactions like these and confirmation that the attention to detail is noticed and appreciated.

We really care about getting it right, we may not get it right all the time, but damnit we really do try.


Originally posted by thisSHADYkid

You can really tell when Rioters take their time in designing a skin. Every detail is perfect. This is probably their best skin release for the first half of 2020, bar Coven Morgana. The skin looks like it belongs in the legendary-tier!

Really glad folks are digging it. We’re really proud of the work the team put into this set of Astronaut skins and hope that folks show up for them so we can continue to do more in the future. :)


Originally posted by Kousuke-kun

I love the contrast in opinions on this subreddit.
"Wow another Lux skin, Riot money-grubbing capitalist"

Riot's like, ok, Bard, Gnar and Poppy skins.
"LMAO who plays them"


03 Apr


Originally posted by mystireon

I feel like funding isn't an issue if you can afford Marvel Comics, Imagine Dragons, many, many, many animation studios and the like. Even in the musical department on trailers Riot seems to cast only top tier composers whenever they outsource.

You’re absolutely right. The reality is that when players engage with things like skins, they’re not just supporting future skins, but a much broader ecosystem of experiences.

02 Apr


Originally posted by Els236

Personalization (aka Skins and Events)

  • Every time someone posts a “it’s been x days since y champion got a skin” thread on Reddit, we delay production of a skin for said champion by one additional year

well played OP, well played.

Well played indeed. :)


Originally posted by PrincessAhrin

Gotta fund all the other skins

The real answer


01 Apr


Originally posted by Zernii

Morgana skin is either legendary or epic with changed animations.

Indeed is a Legendary. :)


Originally posted by Eludeasaurus

the absolute fear that was in the zyramains subreddit that she'd get a Robot/cyborg skin was so real and i had to mentally prepare myself because riot drops the ball a lot on skin releases for the 1kskin club. but im so happy its coven.

Did someone say Dunkmaster Zyra?


Originally posted by Shooktopus

Props to the Riot skin team for taking into account the player bases of Zyra, LeBlanc, and Morgana and knowing that all three share similar players and interests.

The fiasco that was Program LeBlanc definitely sent the message that LeBlanc mains didn’t want techno-futuristic themed skins, and I am sure the same goes for Morgana and Zyra mains seeing the three champions share similar player bases.

These skins are above and beyond what I personally expected. This is incredible.

We don’t always get everything right, but we do try to learn from the past and do better tomorrow than we did today.