

29 Oct


One of the main reasons is so there is full staff available to triage and solve emergent issues as they come up after release.

We test and validate the best we can internally but we’re far from perfect and operate at a scale that is very different from the scale of our internal tests.

Acknowledge that this isn’t the best for everyone in every region, but we think it’s important to prioritize the quality of releases until we can get to a consistent level of quality and reduction in issues for releasing content.

Once that improves over time and we develop our tools further, we’ll be re-examining release times across all regions.

Until then we’ll continue to by default release things in the middle of the day in NA. (With some exceptions)

24 Oct


Just for clarity. This was an old skin that was scrapped last year. This is a bug and is not one of the remaining prestige skins for the year.

18 Oct


Thank you for supporting us and helping to not only fund the continued development of League, but also all of our other new endeavors. :)

17 Oct


Originally posted by TgrCaptainkush

does tft count?

Yes TFT games count as well.


It’s fans like yourself that keep the community both positive and thriving, so thank you for taking the time to write up your thoughts. It’s threads like these that fuel us to work harder and be better tomorrow than we are today.


Originally posted by mehngo

So do you have to log in on the first day, or you can log in any time between the 10th day and last day and get access to the missions? I’m assuming you’ll have to play one game per mission, per reward?

16 Oct


Originally posted by Extra_Wave

Wow 30 days? You guys said the mission were going to last a while but damn thats generous

Our goal with these isn’t to function as a daily login requirement. We just wanna give away a bunch of free stuff in the most effective way we can. :)


Originally posted by Zarerion

Wait so I don’t have to actually login every day this week and can do it, for example, next week or the One after that? I don’t have access to my PC until Sunday so I’m kinda scared of missing out on the skin..

You don’t have to login every day to get them. You can catch up next week. Also the final reward (Annie-versary skin) is separate from the 10 days of gifting mission chain.


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Are you able to share what tier the skin is

The skin tier is epic, although we’ve spent a bit more time on it than the average 1350 since we know every player will have it. You’ll have to let us know if that extra effort comes through in the experience of playing. :)


Originally posted by The_Cactopus

Lmao this is real talk.



Originally posted by Feggitx

can i recieve all rewards while only playing on weekends over the month?

You’re not restricted to particular days and you can definitely catch up on the weekends.


Originally posted by FireToa

The post says you have to play a game but on the Riot Pls vid the manz said all you had to do was login 🧐

Error on the video. You’ll have to actually play a game to claim your rewards each day. You have up to 30 days after the start though to collect all the rewards.


I had a similar experience growing up. Wasn’t popular at school, bullied quite a bit, found friends and later confidence through games.

I can’t express enough how touching it is to see someone else go through a similar journey, and in a sense, feel like I’ve in some small way contributed positively to someone else’s life.

Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing your story. Thank you for being a League fan. We are nothing without your support. :)


Originally posted by gregstiemsma

By buying Lux Ahri Ezreal skins

Don’t forget Ahri now

15 Oct


Thanks for sticking with us for as long as you have and thanks so much more for your kind words of appreciation.

We’re nothing without our fans. Thank you LincolnandChurchill.

06 Oct


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

I heard you guys occasionally ask the designers to look over skins in order to make sure there wasn’t anything that “buffed” champs like old iBlitzcrank hook

Definitely true. We have designers review upcoming skin releases in an effort to make sure we’re hitting gameplay clarity requirements and in other cases help enable artists to push visual fidelity and fantasy in ways that don’t violate gameplay clarity constraints. (Dark Star Jhin ulti is a great example of this) Worth callings our though that these designers are completely dedicated to the Personalization and Skins teams, they are different folks from the designers that work on live gameplay balance or champions content.


Originally posted by Ferromagneticfluid

That would explain the random Blitzcrank buff, LOL

Some players have done studies and analysis on this subject that have yielded results that conclude the opposite, but just to call it out specifically, there is no coordination between the skins teams and the live balance team.

We explicitly keep their roadmaps separate. The only exception to this would be VGUs from the Champions Team and that awareness is so that we don’t make skins for champions right before their kit changes which would likely result in lost time, effort, and work.

Also link to the mentioned post: ...

Read more

22 Sep


Originally posted by TerraRising

This post just leads to other questions:

  • Are these players getting teased/bullied for buying/using a "low tier" skin and just don't want to deal with that again? This happens a lot with F2P games, it seems.
  • Are these players truly not interested in "lower tier" skins because of a perceived lack of quality or effort from Riot? (They cost less, so obviously Riot must not have worked as hard making it as a higher priced one.)
  • Were the skins really of a lower overall quality (effort, concept, marketing) than one that costs 1350, hence why players don't want to purchase them?
  • Was Riot's decision to not raise the overall standards of a 975 skin to a 1350 one and keep to that price point instead of just focusing on the 1350 tier a researched factor in why engagement is so low?
  • Is the 975 RP cost too confusing for players when a $10 card gives 1380 RP?

I have no problem believing the data says that players aren't e...

Read more

You make a very solid point here. While we look at data and statistics in order to understand what players are engaging with, that data doesn’t tell us the why. This is why we combine quantitative methods like looking at raw numbers and qualitative information from talking to players in playtest labs as well as surveying players across different regions globally.

To answer your overarching question directly, yes we ask why, and we’re very careful about taking data at face value.


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Appreciate this reply at least, even if it doesnt lead to direct changes, FWIW even if it feels like content is being up sold I at least feel I’m getting a bang for my buck most of the time.

Thanks for the feedback Spideraxe30. We’re constantly keeping an eye on whether or not players feel like they’re getting their money’s worth so it’s meaningful to hear that from you.


Originally posted by Pascals_Tricycle

Have you guys ever toyed around with the idea of letting people spend 720 rp to get a random 1350 or 1820 skin? I feel like it'd make you more money overall.

Mentioned above but this is where things like Your Shop or skin sales come into play. Also many people do engage with loot in order to get skins at a price that is on average lower than purchasing one directly at the trade off of agency and choice of which skin.