Looks like she’s getting the Ultimate
Katarina is not the ultimate skin.
Looks like she’s getting the Ultimate
Katarina is not the ultimate skin.
the fact that they dont even acknowledge Kalista really hurts me
Can’t make any promises but hang in there. :)
Read moreOh wow, that's really exciting! Even more skins for underloved champions.
The truth is that when we set out to make a skin for a low play rate champion, our core objective isn’t to support the business, it’s to support a core audience of dedicated players who love that champion.
That's a really good outlook from Riot, and I appreciate that a lot. I love that in addition to trying to make skins that sell super well, they're explicitly looking at how best to deliver content to champions' fans. That's very encouraging - it speaks to us not only getting more skins for less popular champions, but also better skins for them.
It feels more and more like Riot is making good on the idea that Lux and Ezreal skins help to fund skins for less popular champions.
Edit: Also I just want to say that the fact that we get these consistent deep insights into Riot's development process is one of my favourite things about being a fan o...
Being able to lay out our process and thinking behind our decisions is such an important part of why I love working at Riot. It’s a critical part of having an ongoing discussion with players and ensuring the development of our games isn’t prescriptive but instead a conversation. :)
this feels weird, I love the skin but also it doesn't look anything like a championship skin.
Over the years we’ve seen some amount of fatigue for our traditional championship skins. This year we wanted to try a new approach that leans a bit more into the creative direction of Worlds itself for 2020.
Probably commemorating her general impact on proplay over the years like how Zed got championship even though he wasnt meta at all that year.
This is exactly right. We wanted to try a different approach this year and looked back at previous years of the sport to influence our pick for this year’s championship skin.
You da real MVP
I need more of this.
1.350 RP for Yi, Shen and Vi and 1.820 RP legendary Sona.
This is correct. :)
Socially distanced geometry lessons
ok now do sit ups
Was scanning comments to make sure this was said somewhere. Have an updoot.
Yes ok, I understand. I guess then maybe then 2021 end would be a good expectation
Please stay safe. I can't miss you guys not making awesome stuff like Spirit Blossom.
Take good care of yourself and your family 💓
Really appreciate the kind note. Seeing the delight of players from the work that we do keeps us motivated throughout what is otherwise a demotivating period of time. :)
Is announcer packs like totally gone from the scope of this year like please can you tell me you have Spirit Blossom Ahri announcer pack too, whenever it releases. Please make it happen along with Star Guardian Ahri announcer pack
Spirit Blossom Ahri is spectacular and can't wait for 22nd July for it to release along with Lillia, Kindred and Cass. the lore and the Asian thematic is so so wonderful. Thanks!
Announcer packs are delayed significantly. Given complications with COVID this year, we can’t commit to any reasonable dates.
Vi’s Q -> Auto -> E -> Ulti
Learning the exact points in the anim where you can begin the next, all resulting in a super damaging combo that can lock up most carries that don’t immediately flash.
Also having a variety of thuds, smash, and pow sound effects really drive home the fantasy of a powerful woman with even more powerful giant gauntlets.
Truly spectacular. Epic effort my dude.
u/Bellissimoh does this leak from Instagram hold any truth?
If yes I just can't express how happy it makes me to have a good and evil theme for Ahri as double legendary. Omg I can wait for her ultimate skin next year
Please just outright say no if it's fake.
Can’t confirm any leaked info sorry folks.
Are you also able to share pricing
All are Epic tier in quality.
Maybe /u/Bellissimoh can clarify which theme this is
These are the latest in our Arcanist theme. :)
orn mains crying in a corner
Hang in there friends.
It's always nice to know Riot Employees are browsing over topics like this, it's a good feeling to know you're listening!... Now how about a Ultra-Violet Lux skin? lot of purples!
Appreciate the suggestion, but yeah we do love reading comments and discussion here. ;)
mhm mhm this sounds good, really good actually
how about a lux skin?
Did someone say Lux skin?