17 Apr


Originally posted by [deleted]


At the time, we thought the issue with the queue would be shortlived and didn't anticipate an entire day of server ruckus and other issues. As we mentioned in the main post, it was a terrible and hasty decision.


Originally posted by eichlot

yo bex, can u say what happens to people who are linking alrdy 300 stacks of exalts in global or trade chat ? how can chris say there is no duping atm ? or do u really think they found 300 ex alrdy ?

We've seen lots of comments about this but haven't seen it for ourselves yet. We are investigating but if you have screenshots or additional information, please DM me. Character names in particular are very handy (more so than screenshots). If we find people abusing this, they will be banned.


Originally posted by Lunarath

They just said they don't want to keep priority, did you even read the post?

That said, ZiggyD is basically the poster child of GGG. No idea who Empyrean is, but I guess he got paid as they stated in the post also.

Edit: okay you can stop harassing me in private messages just because Bex replied to my comment. I kinda wanna delete it, just to be left alone. But I'll leave it for reference to the reply.

I keep seeing this mentioned so I want to clarify - most of the people who had priority weren't part of the paid campaign. The initial decision to do this revolved around the small number of people who were part of the campaign and for fairness to the other streamers, we extended it to as many of them as we could in a rush. Neither Ziggy nor Empyrian were paid for their streams today. You can tell who is sponsored because they're required to have #ad in their stream titles.


Originally posted by ar3fuu

Answer probably is they didn't have any plan or 'procotole' in mind, and just improvised in panic, resulting in weird stuff like that.

Correct. The thinking in the moment was that it was no use to let streamers through whose streams were focused on group-play without bringing in the group. This really just exacerbated the originally bad decision. For clarity, Empyrian requested to have his and his group's priority removed.


Originally posted by xMircris

In the meantime be sure to buy the new supporter packs and don't forget that the new mystery box comes out tomorrow

We've delayed the launch of the next mystery box.


Originally posted by cbftw

Can you give any update on what's actually happening? I mean, we know that there are disconnects and rollbacks, but do you have anything that you can share regarding the actual technical issues that are happening?

Not without stalling the people who are actively working on the issue.


Originally posted by tahmkobra

ETA? should we wait or sleep? nice communication.

There's no ETA - we're still working on it.


We don't have any updates yet as we're still working to resolve the issue. We'll share updates as soon as we have them.


We're still working on it.


Originally posted by Malicharo

I'm sorry because I don't mean to sound aggressive. But it's been 2 hours literally since the last actual update GGG has given us and there has been nothing you can tell us since then? Not even something that confirms whether or not we're gonna be able to play today?

That's right. I'm sorry.

16 Apr


Originally posted by dcrhaafmtp

Uh? Why did you guys restarted the realm then?

edit: sorry not sorry

To introduce something we hoped would be a fix.


I'd love to let you know what to expect but I don't have any updates for you. People are working super hard to get to the bottom of this and it's not the case that it's the number of people playing that's causing it. The vast majority of people are disconnected right now.


We just had a significant disconnect that affected the majority of people. Our apologies for this, we are investigating this.


We are investigating this.


Originally posted by here_have_a_cloud

Appriciate a response, but I think you replied to the wrong thread. My issue is not getting in, but that I can't play the game. I don't have any non-standard character slots remaining. I can't delete a character (abnormal disconnection) due to standard being temporarily removed? And I can't buy new slots because the website is down. So I literally can't play the game :(

The issue where you're at the character select screen and can't create/delete characters can be resolved by logging out.


We are investigating whatever is causing people to drop from the server. Our apologies for the inconvenience.


This error shows you as logged in when you aren't. Logging out and back in should resolve it. The queues are moving much faster now so it shouldn't be too painful to log out to correct this.


The queue is definitely slow. We'll have more information soon.