

06 May


Originally posted by KonaKumo

Stardew Valley

Planet Zoo


What might be new on Game Pass.

Game Pass is great for trying out different things on a budget.


Originally posted by CrazyMusicLover7

Atleast at the moment I'm playing quite a bit of fallout new vegas. I usually play some sort of single player rpg when I'm not playing GW2. A while ago I made my way through the witcher games which was really fun, I've also played a lot of warframe which is probably my second most played game behind GW2.

I'm doing exactly this right now. LOL

I bought New Vegas ages ago but never finished it. Between the Amazon show hype and wanting something to play on my Steam Deck in between GW2 sessions it's been a lot of fun.

03 Apr


Originally posted by Lon-ami

SotO's world and story feels like it should have been at least three mini-expansions, a trilogy of sorts, maybe even more, up to six expansions.

SotO's premise and background lore is fantastic, and as much as some people hate SotO's story, I will die on this hill, and feel forever sad it got rushed and butchered so bad :'I.

I'm definitely curious to see what folks think once the next expac is announced and they can see what threads will continue, etc.


Fornax's videos are great. Always thoughtful in their critique.

11 Jan


Originally posted by JanetteSolenian

It's not just the translation. In the English version, the same story or event will have various lines missing on replays. For example when doing dragons end meta, sometimes aurene can talk but nobody else has a voice and other times she's the mute one.

Last week I was helping my bf with a story instance fight getting the timed achievement and I could hear every voice line but he could only hear his commander's lines, none of the npcs.

It's situational and weird.

You may want to try moving the sound quality slider in the audio options tab all the way to the right (highest quality). Folks have reported in the past that having it on the left (fastest) can cause some things to drop or lose post-processing effects.\_acting\_cutting\_out\_all\_the\_time/


I checked with our Loc and VO folks. The VO has been recorded and delivered. We're in the process of integrating it with a future build. I don't have a hard date on when it'll be live but it's coming.

08 Jan

19 Dec

07 Dec


I switch back and forth between a hammer tempest (which is complex on Deck) and a dual axe berserker (which is much simpler). Both are doable with the right controller template but the latter is significantly easier in my opinion.

I've been using SamCW's soulslike template since Steam release but there are a bunch of different ones out there. You can grab a bunch, try them out, and even modify them if you want. Good luck!

19 Oct


Originally posted by Zark_d

It's even better when you have the embiggening tonic on.

I think the original version of that line was, "I feel four feet tall!" but some didn't get the joke.

To the OP's point: Disable Player Chatter and Disable Player Item Chatter are your friends.

While some folks enjoy the quippyness of the systemic chatter, I quickly grew tired of it so when the Audio folks implemented that suppression setting years back I gave them a big hug.

05 Oct


This is a known issue that's being tracked and investigated.

29 Sep

31 Aug

25 May


Originally posted by smitske

If people dont get it, doesnt that mean you failed as writer to convey it?

If people dont get it, doesnt that mean you failed as writer to convey it?

The answer is always, "it depends." Some folks can miss details or subtext that was there. Other times a writer infers something that's too great a leap or leaves out important info. Every situation--and player interpretation--is different. And I think that's fine.


Originally posted by EnslavedPudding

You're not the only dev, we're perfectly aware of your colleagues patting themselves on the back on twitter.

You're not the only dev, we're perfectly aware of your colleagues patting themselves on the back on twitter.

How dare they! /s


Originally posted by EnslavedPudding

You're saying there aren't NPCs, ambient scenes, events, or interactive things in the city?

For all intents and purposes, Yeah thats what im saying. Theres a few npcs around, but for how the city is presented, its basically abandoned. There should be hundreds of npcs visible in any given area, instead its predominantly empty space.

its a ghost town, and as a result its uninteresting and boring. Why are there no automatic skiffs moving cargo around for example? who are all those rivers for? or bridges? I get that the coders you have today are far less competent than the people that worked for arenanet in 2012 and you have to deal with it, but reality is that their incompetence resulted in you having to limit the amount of visible mobs, and as a result the city feels dead. And part of this is your fault as well - You could've worked around this with a story reason, perhaps the jade started decaying and somehow became toxic to peop...

Read more

I get that the coders you have today are far less competent than the people that worked for arenanet in 2012 and you have to deal with it, but reality is that their incompetence resulted in you having to limit the amount of visible mobs, and as a result the city feels dead. And part of this is your fault as well - You could've worked around this with a story reason, perhaps the jade started decaying and somehow became toxic to people, Or some bullsh*t that explained why most people are indoors, but nope. the loading screen has more people on it than any actual area once you load in.

You're making a lot of false assumptions about my colleagues, and quite frankly you don't seem to know much about how games are made. That's OK! I wouldn't expect you to. But I can't figure out why you've decided to channel your energy into this discussion in this way. So I will take my leave now. Good day.


Originally posted by Unplayed_untamed

Why did it say meet with Taimi though, I think it’s a bug.

Why did it say meet with Taimi though, I think it’s a bug.

If it said to meet with Taimi, that's a bug.


Originally posted by NovaanVerdiano

Hmm, I'm not sure if there's videos yet, but the only thing that genuinely threw me off about Chul-Moo being there is that he suddenly knew about Cinder and there didn't seem to be any indication as to how he found out, but maybe I did miss something in that regard? Of course if they traveled together it would make sense they spoke about the subject before we got there, but I think that flew past many (including mine) heads; especially cause we never saw that talk happen. Though I will say this is an issue I personally face every now and then with the story, where I feel like I missed a step somewhere or I find myself thinking "wow, things are progressing faster than I expected".

The character stories themselves were quite clear I feel, I personally liked them. Chul-Moo and his (english) voice actor in particular were really good.

he suddenly knew about Cinder and there didn't seem to be any indication as to how he found out, but maybe I did miss something in that regard

Oh, gotcha. Yeah, we didn't explicitly call that out but the implication is that Chul-Moo heard about the Commander's past events offscreen. I could see why someone might bump on that.


Originally posted by HermitHideout

Ah yes the journal. You know only a handful of people will read that but sure lets put all in the journal and waste the resource someplace else like in oh .. lets see .. a date with random npc. Priority huh.

Ah yes the journal. You know only a handful of people will read that but sure lets put all in the journal and waste the resource someplace else like in oh .. lets see .. a date with random npc. Priority huh.