Hello, everyone! Update 0.11.0 is here, so please provide any bug reports you may encounter here.
If you're fairly certain you've encountered a bug, we'd like to encourage you to submit it to the Game Support section of the WoWS ticket queues, within a section where bugs are asked for, or to create a post within this sub-forum.
Remove your mods and try again before sending in a bug report as mods tend to be the culprit, YES I know we have made it automatic, I will state it as I am sure someone will find a work around.
DO NOT just move your old mods into the new mods folder, make sure they are updated!
I do ask that you please provide any and all information that you can when reporting an issue.
***Please follow the format below***
Issue: This is where you should explain the problem that you're having. Expected Result: Tell us what should be happening. How to Replicate: Give us exa...
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