

08 Feb

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Clan [STAR] I am so sorry about that! If you go to the Hurricane League tab in-game, it only shows 23 for some reason so I did not see you.
We've fixed it! My apologies!

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

mmmmmmm I am not sure how to answer that.
When major issues with community members come up, CS brings it to the Community Managers like myself. We also bring things to them. It's a relationship.
As for the navigation, I don't know of any plans to adjust it.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Mega oof...
Let sleeping threads lie, folks. Especially don't wake them up with a wall of caps-only

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Good question!
There is no way to block only "toxic" chat. You can block toxic people, but not just things that are unpleasant.
The game client has a filter that will auto-report anyone using certain no-no words in an effort to let us slap them with chatbans or even game bans if they show a pattern of egregious behavior. @Ahskance has actually done an amazing job in the last month in revamping our ability to effectively remove the most antagonistic EULA-breakers from the game.
However, when it comes to handling people in the in-game chat, we do not outright censor words in the chat. If someone is bothering you - the best thing you can do is write a CS ticket and we'll handle it. Worst case, you mute them.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

And that's the point - the purpose is to be a fun PvP game mode and that didn't pan out correctly and was frustrating the players that got saddled with a bunch of bots.
Just because it was awesome for 1 side doesn't mean the mode is functioning properly.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

"Players enjoyed it" - you never got put on the higher-tier team with bots, did you? It was roughums, brother.
The reasons for pulling it always matter. The game modes should be something fun for everyone participating.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

The game mode was not supposed to be PvE - it has always been a PvP mode and the inclusion of bots is mostly as a "bumper" for off-times when the queue gets too long.
PvP players don't like playing against bots the same way that PvE players don't like playing against other players. They rarely mix well.
PvE players would be up in arms if, when lots of Coop players were playing, we said "just throw some of the extra players onto the bot's side...". It's fundamentally the wrong experience you signed up for.

As for the "greedy WG" thing, this game stands out amongst nearly every game I've ever played in terms of how much free stuff is available throughout the year. The last Dockyard included 2 ships you could get for absolute free, including the uber-awesome Repulse.

I get it that people were upset by the removal of Asymm's. I was too - I legit like playing Asymm's, but the game mode did not end up being what it was supposed to being ...

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    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Submarines will be submerged for 2 patches, so that's this one and the upcoming - then they will return in 11.2

07 Feb

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

You mean the module?
Because 18.5km is plenty for what Agir does best: fight at mid-range and slap cruisers / BB's with AP.
Agir isn't like the German Heavy Cruiser line. They spam HE at range. Agir is AP-focused due to the flat shell ballistics and HUGE AP alpha damage for a cruiser. At 21km you're not going to be accurately landing AP shells that pen reliably. You can spam HE, sure - but your HE dpm is poor, so the ultimate way you want to be playing Agir in my opinion is mid-range punishing cruisers or BB's that show you too much side, not farming from maximum range.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

The Agir is also available in the premium shop / Armory for doubloons and costs nowhere near $90
My Agir build is below. I use Gunther for the turret rotation and extra main battery DPM once you hit 100 connections.

HEAVY AP: I tend to fire a LOT of AP and get most of my damage there, so I take Heavy AP.

TOP GRADE GUNNER: 11.9km best conceal means I've usually got someone in my detect range - moar main battery!


FOCUS FIRE TRAINING: The mid-range continuous AA on Agir is actually quite good so this helps, plus the other skills don't do much for an Agir IMO

EXPERT LOADER: AP is your friend. With heavy AP your alpha is 9555 - enough to blap cruisers from full-0 in some cases - have your AP ready when you need it.

06 Feb

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

It will go on to the Preussen and require you to unlock and play one match in it.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

What remains on the account:
Free XP
The balance of doubloons on your account
Any remaining days of Premium Account
Port slots
Premium ships
Reserve slots (when applicable)
Commemorative flags and rare achievements
Camouflages and signal flags that have an equivalent cost in doubloons
Premium camouflages that are currently applied to Premium ships
If you participated in the closed Beta Testing of World of Warships, archived statistics for this period will not be erased on the website

What is erased, including but not limited to:
Combat XP, Elite XP for Commanders
Credits and special resources: Oil, Coal, Steel, Clan Tokens, and Ranked Tokens including any resources exchanged/transferred for doubloons
All purchases performed with credits (Tech Tree vehicles, modules, etc. )
All research performed in the Tech Tree
All statistics for the account (kill ratio...

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    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi there,
I am in charge of making sure the forums remain a respectful place for everyone to come and share their thoughts and experiences surrounding World of Warships.
I felt that the thread title containing "A$$ cancer" was not appropriate for the goal.

If you have things you feel should similarly be changed, feel free to write a ticket to Customer Support.

05 Feb

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi, guys -
I want to be clear that I don't care for the title of this thread... surely there are better ways to express your hatred for a ship...
Certain ships excel in different situations / game modes. Hindenberg is a monster damage farmer in randoms, but generally doesn't have a use in competitive clan battles. Des Moines is a crowd-favorite in randoms and KOTS, but struggles in clan battle seasons when CV's are present.

Weimar completely excels at ONE operation, but is actually very difficult to play well in randoms due to it's unusually low range.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

We've definitely been hearing this - it will 100% be factored into how we approach the next one
Also, hi Bortt (big fan)

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

We do have internal testing
Unsurprisingly, even in closed testing modes, some unexpected things get by us at times. Until we finally become Lizard-people we're just going to have to accept that mistakes will happen and continue being human.
Until I finally learn how to become an Agir. Is she in Azur Lane yet? I would play it just for that.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey, I appreciate that!
I hope that folks can understand why this was pulled so quickly - the game mode was not supposed to feature so many bots - only as a stopgap in off-hours sort-of-thing. Rather than let the game-mode sour, we pulled it to make adjustments because, historically, people REALLY did like it. It's been one of our most popular alternative game-modes, so we don't want people to get turned off of it due to bots.
I get the impulse to be skeptical. A healthy dose of skepticism is never a bad thing in life, but don't let it sour the entire stew for you

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Respectfully, @JamesTomb - WoWs is not dying, so the apocalyptic vision you have of our motivations to pull Asymmetrics is maybe a bit jaded
We didn't want the mode to have so many bots, so we're pulling it while we take a look at the best way to re-implement it.

Sometimes you gotta admit an error and try again with fixes!

04 Feb

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thank you for replying with helpful information, folks!

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello, Heroes!
Apologies for the late post!
Update 0.11.0 is live and Pan-Asian Cruiser have entered Early Access along with Superships in Randoms! Read all about the update here:

If you encounter any bugs while playing in 0.11.0, please leave them here:

Thank You!