Unpopular Opinion:
Yukon is actually a monster.
I've only got 12 games in it so far - but those 12 amount to:
75% WR
2915 PR
102k average Damage
2.25 kills per game
Yukon's hull is almost identical to Duke of York and King George V. Armor layout in functionally the same with the 26mm deck.
Yukon gets superheals and the Brits don't.
Yukon's Rudder shift is more than 50% better than either DoY or KGV.
Yukon is stealthier by 1.4km
Yukon's dpm is worse, but sigma is better
Yukon has 380's that overmatch armor under 27mm (including standard extremities for BB's T7 and below)
Yukon has the same short-fuse AP that KGV and DoY have, but the 380's mean they excel at destroying cruisers.
Yukon's range is worse by a decent amount, but spotter plane can make up for that.
You don't play the Yukon like the KGV or DoY - you don't spam HE shells at BB's the whole game and rack up fire dama...