

19 Jan

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Unpopular Opinion:
Yukon is actually a monster.
I've only got 12 games in it so far - but those 12 amount to:
75% WR
2915 PR
102k average Damage
2.25 kills per game
Yukon's hull is almost identical to Duke of York and King George V. Armor layout in functionally the same with the 26mm deck.
Yukon gets superheals and the Brits don't.
Yukon's Rudder shift is more than 50% better than either DoY or KGV.
Yukon is stealthier by 1.4km
Yukon's dpm is worse, but sigma is better
Yukon has 380's that overmatch armor under 27mm (including standard extremities for BB's T7 and below)
Yukon has the same short-fuse AP that KGV and DoY have, but the 380's mean they excel at destroying cruisers.
Yukon's range is worse by a decent amount, but spotter plane can make up for that.
You don't play the Yukon like the KGV or DoY - you don't spam HE shells at BB's the whole game and rack up fire dama...

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    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Very much this - consider adding the Speedboost duration module in Module Slot 2 for more "Gotta-Go-Fast"

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I'll say that it very much depends on what kind of game you like to play:
Assuming only Tech Tree Ships:
Clan Battles? - Petro / Venezia / Goliath / Nevsky
King of the Sea? - Venezia / Nevsky / Des Moines / Golden Lion / Minotaur (Petro tends to get banned)
Randoms? - Des Moines / Petro / Hindenburg - Any of the above ships TBH

Ranked? - Petro / Des Moines are so absurdly strong
Hope that helps!

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Congrats on an amazing drop!
Georgia is a spicy ship because you can play it as a hybrid of secondaries and main battery to a very strong outcome.
Try taking the Secondary Loadout with Conceal and Heal - but keep the Artillery Accuracy module in slot 6. Your guns are accurate and devastating and your speed allows you to get in secondary range and stay there.

18 Jan

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Context, please? Are these the dockyard missions you're talking about?

14 Jan

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I'm not at liberty to say exactly how it will change at the moment - as it says in the devblog, the underlying mechanics of the AI is being overhauled, so a few things will change - but more importantly it will make future adjustments easier

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I think you've got it right, Sir

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Jets will be something that comes with the Super-Carriers in 0.11.1, but there is always the chance that they will be tested sooner by Supertesters and CC's on the live server.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I'd like to draw folks' attention to the latest devblog: Changes to bots

The bots' AI system was completely updated. This will allow us to set up bots for different battle types and game situations easier and faster.

Due to this update, the algorithm for the behavior of bots in Training battles was simplified on all difficulty levels. We do not expect any noticeable changes to bots' behavior in Co-op battles, Operations, and other battle types. However, since this is a massive update of a whole AI system, it's difficult to assess the effect of the change instantly. We will keep an eye on how the change affects the bots' behavior and make adjustments if necessary.
- Reworking the underlying AI of the bots across the board should open up the ability to more effectively alter their behavior as we move on. You P...

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    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

It's fine - I just hope that folks who come to the forums to vent their rage at WG consider what point they're making when doing it.
Monetization practices for WoWs are spread out over a wide array of things in an effort to let people play the "style" of game they want to within their budget.
There are Early Access events for folks who want to get some content a few months early - Dockyards for getting TONS of stuff for free and / or spend a varying amount to finish or progress faster - Premium Ships for folks who really like different playstyles or earning extra creds / training captains - Random Bundles and Containers for folks who like to test RNGesus - and premium time for people who want to zoom-zoom up tech trees.
If you feel there are boats for $$$ that are TOO good - please let me know so that I may attempt to droppeth the hammer of nerf on them.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

The Incomparable that we talked about on stream is available for Steel - you cannot purchase it with money. Stealth torps on a BB COULD be called an "over-capability", but I wouldn't call it that. Incomparable has been balanced appropriately across multiple testing groups including Supertesters, Community Contributors, Privateers, and WG's own testing.
Respectfully, I don't think you can say that we, "refuses to change how they make a profit (which is selling OP/over capable ships as the selling point" without pointing out how exactly we are making a profit selling OP ships.
If there are any premiums you believe that we've sold for cash that are brazenly overpowered, feel free to list them here.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I'm curious to know which ships WG has sold that you think are OP / over-capable?

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Much appreciated!

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

All the info publicly released is in this devblog:
But there will be some more info on how you can obtain it coming out soon

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I have an answer!
It was intended that clan bonus coal be given for the coal received from this Twitch Mission - it will be retroactively applied when the mission itself has run it's course.
This means that you may not see the clan bonus coal until February - but you will for sure get it!

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yes, he plays randoms.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

What is this ranked by?
Ability to win games?
Ability to farm PR?

13 Jan

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

That's why we've got a "Blacklist" function.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

That's what I was responding to in the previous post. I'll be looking into it.