

22 Feb

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi, guys -
So, a couple things here... as satisfying as a bloodthirsty mob is, we want to make sure that is not how this sort of thing goes. Granted, a SPA ID number is hardly naming and shaming, but it's also still an identifier that someone can find if they are inclined.

We had President's Day off (Monday), so please understand we take days off too.

The correct procedure for handling someone that clearly violates EULA in-game is to write a CS ticket with screenshots / replays and then PM either ahskance or myself if you would like to go a step further. While we cannot discuss exactly what happens after that, I can assure you that both Ahskance and myself have taken very seriously dealing with the most egregious and notorious figures that ruin the game experience for everyone. I am pleased already with what we've managed to accomplish, but the results are not something we may share, as satisfying as it may be to many of you.

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21 Feb

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Better ballistics, AA, Airstrike, thin profile, heal.
Cleve is great and has it's uses, for sure, but must be played much closer range than De7

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Unpopular opinion....
De7 I think is actually one of the most broken if not the most broken DY ship. The farming ability of it is exceptional and it's AA is top-notch.
Different strokes for different folks!

20 Feb

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Agreed - it's easy to cross-pollinate history of states with politics, I know - but let's make sure that we don't set ourselves up for anger.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Interesting feedback!
Happy to mention the suggestion of a "opt-in" or "opt-out".

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Dood... that's super weird...
I am ALSO always on the green team... WHERE'S MY TINFOIL HAT!?!?!?!

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I honestly do feel that it rounds out the 30mm 8-gun BB's quite well:

Repub: Fastest, longest range, worst armor, decent reload.
Ohio: Better armor, worse speed, decent range, decent reload.
Preussen: Best armor, worst speed, worst range, best reload.

They've all got their perks and drawbacks! Find the one that best suits you!

19 Feb

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi, there!
First of all, welcome to Tier 10!

Second, I'll echo what someone else already mentioned about only 2 games at T10 is just barely scratching the surface. At tier 10 you will see a higher proportion of veteran players than you will at 5-8. These players tend to be more conservative and not "yolo" the way that new and eager players often will. This will feel a bit like they are "camping" (and sometimes they are), but often they are waiting for the right moment to take advantage of a situation. Destroyers are critical at T10 because they spot things for allies to shoot, so if destroyers aren't doing destroyer things, it will make the match feel more drawn out.
I encourage you to keep it up! Petropavlovsk is likely the hardest cruiser at T10 to punish hard, so don't give people your exposed sides, use your AP rounds more than you'd think, and don't push too far too soon!

18 Feb

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Sorry if we misunderstood the "Baghdad Bob" meme, fellas. I'm 36 so I'm not a Zoomer or a Boomer. I think my age range is just called "a mistake".

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Guns are generally OK to discuss to some degree. The game is literally about floating platforms for guns after all...

We only remove posts that violate forum rules, @xamdam

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I've been loving it, honestly.
21s reload if you use the reload module. If you go hybrid and take the "Close Quarters Combat" skill with Adrenaline Rush, I think you can get it sub-18s

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Let sleeping threads lie!

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Commanders! With the release of Update 0.11.1 the frequency of game client crashing has increased. We are currently investigating the reasons of the issue and trying to find the fastest solution.

We will be sure to share more information on the reasons, status and deadline for the fix of the issue once we are ready. We also apologize for the inconvenience.

Information Update!

One of the reasons the client crashes is due to using an older version of the Reload Timer mod. If you are using an older version of this mod, we recommend you to update it.

We will continue investigating other reasons for client crashes and will share more details once we are ready.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

This is great feedback! Thank you for bringing this up!

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Welcome to PvP!
Rule #1 - you cannot control your teammates. You can only try to entice them into actions by asking nicely. Then you say a little prayer and hope it happens.

Rule #2 - Play conservatively until you begin to see when you can play more aggressively.

Rule #3 - Stay at low tiers until you start to feel the difference. Tiers 2-4 truly are training tiers and you will even get a mix of bots / players to help ease you into the new mode.

Rule #4 - Re-read Rule #1

Rule #5 - Don't get upset. Bots do stupid things because they are bots. Humans do stupid things simply because they feast on your misery. Steel yourself, captain!

Rule #6 - Destroyers live and die by their concealment. Bot DD's just go forward, but human DD's will stand-off with you and you need to know when they spot you vs when you spot them.

Rule #7 - Don't be broadside in your cruiser. Bots don't shoot well ...

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    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Brother you're not being "Forced" to do anything.

In-game challenges are set up to be just that: a challenge. They have varying degrees of challenge, but having goals in-game that require no effort to accomplish is not fun.

If XP thresholds for challenges were set up so that all game-modes could acquire them equally, no XP bar would be above 500 and PvP players wouldn't even have to think twice about how they play - they could just play random after random and not be concerned. That's not realistic, pragmatic, or interesting

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct


So we choose game modes for each new event / challenge we release based on a combination of how hard it should be to complete each level vs. how difficult it is to complete said level in each game mode.
Thus, @Ahskance and I have lobbied hard to make sure that Coop players are able to achieve certain thresholds in some of the more recent events. Obviously players can't achieve ALL thresholds in coop, because then there is no incentive to play other modes. However, we understood that there is a sizable portion of our NA group that enjoys coop primarily, so we felt that at the very least SOME of the thresholds should be achievable in coop. Hence, you see in Personal Challenges that the first two XP thresholds are 200 BXP and 600 BXP - the first being easily obtainable in Coop, the second being plausibly obtainable in Coop. @AdmiralThunder you're welcome .
Operations are a niche game mode. That means that there are some events and challenges...

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    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

It's gonna take a second to figure out the benefits of a DD gunboat having low max range - but once you figure out how to use it to your advantage ( to disengage and go dark) you're going to realize just how strong this concept can be.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I completely understand why people may not like the IT DD line. It is VERY different than any other type of destroyer line thus far.
That does not mean it's bad. It means you have to figure out what is GOOD and what it bad about having a very short gun range for a DD

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I'm going to blow your mind -
This is the most busted DD at it's tier.