

27 Sep

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yeah, me too. The game is constantly evolving and the highest-level players of comp will continuously find ways to make things work.
Remember Kleber spam?
Remember the HenriIV pre-nerf?
Remember Venezia spam CB Season 9?
Remember Mogador in the T9 season?
Remember PETRO with no restrictions? =D
My point is, things evolve and change as ships are revealed to be too good at what they do. I, for one, have been extremely pleased with the bans and limitations that have been added over the last few seasons. As a clan commander running CB's it was a huge relief every time those restrictions limited the most glaring malefactors.
EDIT: forgot CV's =D - and since they added CV's to clan battles they've been adjusting things to balance things further. By the end of CB Season 13 my clan was honestly having a great time in Hurricane at Tier 10, Carriers or No Carriers.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

You would've guessed correctly. My clan made Hurricane the last two seasons with me calling and CV's involved :)

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Look - I'm actually a very good player. The whole "WG employees don't play the game" won't work on me. I'd LOVE to weigh in on forum conversations and flesh out things when I can.
But my priority is to make sure things stay respectful - and that's what I'll do.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I actually have more competitive experience in CB's and KOTS than any other WG NA employee has - except maybe Kami or Fem.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Sorry you feel that way - I'm surprised that not liking RTS CV gameplay makes me seem out of touch.
I'm certainly not here to argue with you folks - only want to foster conversation! :)

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Careful... there's no need to make personal attacks.
We're talking about a game mode that ended over 2 years ago. Let's not get angry or vindictive for no reason.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Perhaps that's where my experience runs up against yours then.
I have always understood that the game is balanced around the primary game mode: Random Battles. However, Clan Battle and KOTS formats have always been where I think the balance should be striving to be refined, as that's where we see things get pushed to their limits.
When post-rework carriers were added to CB's in Season 9, the greatest threat they possessed was vision control. That is still their strongest asset for competitive formats. Thankfully, there is only one squad in the air at a time and maaaaybe fighters giving vision control, and even that has been diminished greatly as the seasons went on and as WG balanced vision control as feedback came in. It's not perfect, but it's not 4 squads on the map at all times spotting everything.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Looks like I've got plenty to learn about forum culture!
Outside of this forum I've overwhelmingly heard that RTS CV's were more broken, but the trade-off was that they were more rare to see.
How many seasons were RTS carriers in Clan Battles? 1?
How many seasons were RTS carriers in King of the Sea? 1?

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

If we took a poll asking players if they wanted to revert to RTS carriers or stick with what we have - what do you think they'd say?
Genuinely asking.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I'm not here to fight - just here to remind people that things aren't so black and white ;)

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Oh I get it...
But to me, comparing the CV's we have no against RTS CV's or the first iteration of CV's after the rework is almost night and day.
There are still some serious culprits like the FDR, but in general people aren't getting dumpstered now the way they used to.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I'm always surprised when people say they prefer RTS carriers and the reason almost always seems to be: because I simply saw LESS of them.
I couldn't stand that strafing could wipe out one ships ability to affect the match in a single swipe.
I'm not a huge fan of carriers either, but I feel like they've at least hit a point in randoms where the game-style is focused more on playing a drawn-out game.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Ohhhh maybe the person meant "retiring the collection", not KOTS itself

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Ah - unused forum - thanks for the heads up!

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi there, thanks for the feedback -
A suggestion like this would be better in the Suggestions Forum:
This thread and forum are specifically for feedback regarding the Public Test Server and it's changes.
Thank you!

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I posted feedback and bug reporting threads in the appropriate forums - feel free to use those and I will keep them updated as Sail did!

26 Sep

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello, Commanders!

Public Test Server Version 0.10.9 is live! Patch notes here:

Please leave feedback below!
Any bugs you encounter in the PTS can be reported here

Thank you, Heroes!

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct


If you encounter any bugs or technical issues during the Public Test 0.10.8 session, feel free to report it in this thread.

Please follow this template for submitting bugs.

Description: Short description of an issue with required details.
Example: spotting-aircraft doesn't work on Iowa battleship

How to reproduce: Exact steps need to be made to reproduce the issue
Example: Take Iowa battleship with spotting-aircraft equipped. Go in battle. Try to launch spotting-aircraft

Result: What's the result of the issue.
Example: after pressing spotting-aircraft activating button you can hear an aircraft sound but nothing happens, the aircraft stands still.

Happy Bug Hunting!


    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I would be EXTREMELY surprised if KOTS was retired immediately after purchasing it.