This is what I find so fascinating about it. Everyone picks their own brand of terrible and has fun with it.
I'm looking forward to trying these captains and their V/O's out.
This is what I find so fascinating about it. Everyone picks their own brand of terrible and has fun with it.
I'm looking forward to trying these captains and their V/O's out.
Ohio, Brother.
That's my first pick every time.
I'll keep all this in mind when I'm imitating the Ork sounds on stream =D
I'm 36 years old and even I recall my mom saying something similar when she would take me to the card-shop for Magic cards around age 9-10. "Ewww... what are those angry looking army guys?"
Thank you!
I liked someone's base explanation of "It's fantasy tropes and races blasted into a dystopian space future".
Thank you, Mouse for that hot-take on "The Setting". Someone should hire you to pitch Hollywood Franchises =D
This is all fascinating! Thank you for filling me in quickly!
My favorite Tech Tree T9's are:
Izumo - used to be a stinker, now it's a fantastic sniper
Iowa - excellent speed and accuracy
Donskoi - Nevksy lite. Love it's handling and dpm
Buffalo - hard-hitting guns, radar, heal, hydro, what else do you need?
Jutland - fantastic utility - great AP shells, quick smoke
Mogador - she's just too good, man =D
So I'm kind of a sucker for camos in general, and the WH ones REALLY do it for me. I love the Ignis Purgatio for the Amagi especially and the Mainz camo coming looks amazing:
My question to you guys is: Can you explain to me, in FOUR SENTENCES OR LESS, Warhammer 40k?
To me it's the fun miniatures I'd see at the card-shops I went to as a kid to buy Magic Cards.
Thank you for the link!
I'm gonna take a trip down memory lane.
@guns_at_last_light Thank you for reporting!
Seems like you've made your point!
Let's agree to drop it and let this thread get back to it's regular life
Claiming that the rework is better is an opinion. Claiming that RTS is better is also an opinion. There are plenty of specifics a person could point out to say one version is better at a task or a role than the other, objectively, but as a whole rework vs. RTS just boils down to how you like the game to go, and that's that.
That's what tests are for!
Unfortunately, I have also noticed submarines dragging Coop games out quite a bit...
Definitely feedback that has made it's way up
Consider also the average game-length for Coop vs. Random battles.
My experience has been that a Coop game, on average, last around half as long as a Random battle.
This is going to be a reason for different earnings.
Benham for me!
I loved the Savage Battle game-mode, and I was literally on the LAST game needed to finish the final mission and get my tokens for the Benham and the event ENDED while I was in game so I couldn't complete the mission! =D
I'm scarred for life.
Please be careful assuming that your opinion is a fact. That sort of thing makes the forums a savage place, especially for people without the experience that you and I have had, El2aZeR.
I love healthy debate, but that's not what this is. Let people like what they like, and dislike what they dislike.
I don't want newer players coming to the forums feeling as though the more experienced users here are going to attempt to crush them for speaking up.
Hey! It's totally OK to prefer RTS CV's over the rework :)
Me telling you that, outside the forums, the only reason I hear people say they liked RTS CV's more because they were more rare is NOT an admission that I know nothing about RTS CV's.
Me asking you about how many times RTS CV's were in Clan Battles is a question to make a point. Comparing RTS CV's in Clan battles to CV's in Clan Battles now is apples and oranges because RTS CV's were never actually in clan battles....
I didn't pay much attention to KOTS before Season 10 - doesn't mean I know nothing about RTS CV's.
I suggest you relax.
Where did I admit this?