what's the rest of it
Dude, I could talk for hours on things I'd love to do to EVE... but it's all horrible :)
what's the rest of it
Dude, I could talk for hours on things I'd love to do to EVE... but it's all horrible :)
Read moreThe MER? really? I get it, there are people out there who are absolutely willing to abuse everything wrong in null-sec. That is not me, and I will not be held to account for the abuses you allow to exist.
Personally I find ratting so mind-numbing I can't even force myself to login to do it. I rat as little as possible and only when forced to. I preferred running incursions, and where they were sporadic before, they are dead now.
So now I'm left with ratting to make money, and here's my take-away from all of this. A 100mil doctrine ship used to take 5 ticks at 20mil/tick to replace. that's ~1.5 hrs. If I now have to replace a 60mil myrm every time I go out as well, that's now ~2.5 hrs. God help me if I want to fly something more expensive in pvp.
So here's my reality with blackout: every loss is going to cost me more time to replace, and that's not going to make me want to play *more*
The blackout also kicks botters in the balls too, w...
I guess that in your blind rage to prove me wrong with math, you missed this part:
Yes, it's not the only solution and the ISK faucets need some work, but (at least in my opinion) it's a good start.
I'm not saying it's an endgame solution, I'm saying it's a test for part of a solution and we're watching metrics and activity.
I’m jealous of those at CCP who are getting to see the data on things so far. I know from my very limited time to play this weekend, it is a dramatic shift in how I do play. I will say the thrill of the unknown and adventure is back. It’s fantastic!
I can't promise anything, but maybe we can show off some of the data and how it changed at some point.
Not confirming anything, but we'll see :)
You are great. I'm a fan.
Right back at ya.
I'm a fan of everyone who plays EVE.
Just do it like WTF, why this stuff is not implemented ?
Priorities man.
It's super easy to spitball ideas on Reddit - we can talk shop all day. That's the easy part.
It's WAY HARDER to actually implement them. There's so much work that has to be done and only so many people working on EVE!
Welcome back.
Your cup is in the mail.
Please stop, i can only get so hard
How do you think I feel, this is just a small portion of what's in my head on a daily basis haha <3
It'd screw logistics a little and gimp jump freighters, so I'd look at giving JFs the ability to travel via covert cyno, and probably investigate what impact allowing them to use a covert ops cloak would have, although that might end up being a bad idea haha
Meh, there is industrial ships that can get the job done. Never see enough of these in action and would make for some nice diet whale hunting in low sec.
True, blockade runners are a thing, but it's all about capacity when you're trying to keep a small alliance fed.
A convoy of Cranes or Bustards ain't gonna keep the kids in packed lunches.
Read moreWhile we're just spitballing, it occurred to me that covert jump freighters might open up another option, although it being much more complex than a few attribute changes - actual escorts.
For a small alliance like mine, living in deepish nullsec (Cache), a JF run would be 5 or 6 jumps, and after a couple of them, the JF would be 15 to 20 lightyears away from our home. If it ever got tackled, that was it, there was no prospect of getting any help to it.
There was no point sending carriers along either, their range was comparatively so short the JF would take double the jumps, and fatigue would grind the entire operation to a halt half way through.
Instead, imagine if you will, a black ops freighter capable of dragging other covert ops support ships along with it, like being pulled into the wake of a big lorry. Like a black ops portal generator, but only capable of going where the freighter itself is going (i.e. it can't be used as a remote bridge, it has...
Pretty interesting for sure, but I'd rather just have smaller hulls be more capable escort vessels rather than having some form of wake that they get caught in.
wew, truthbomb, there is a reason even Lowsec groups ball up in bigger groups today ....
Yeah, screw that, we were always independent and damn proud of it.
I remember feeling bad when the list of corps on our blue list got higher than 5.
There was a reset shortly after.
I like the way your brain works.
It doesn't really work to be honest, it's just a mess of random sh*t that sometimes comes out in the right order.
Lowsec could be constellation chat. Enough for FW banter, but not small enough to derive actionable Intel from.
Also, any chance we're going to see more null incentive to leave super umbrellas?
I'd probably keep local delayed, go regional in lowsec and keep highsec as it is now.
I'd like to make highsec constellation chat, but we need to be mindful of new players and allowing them to talk a little bit of shop, see activity around them, and have a low as possible bar of entry to be able to engage with other players.
If they see an empty chat channel, it makes the New Eden feel less alive.
Conversely, in low and null, it's just more scary, which is a good thing.
It's all about finding a balance right?
Oh shit, Falcon is Verone? That makes so much sense, I never knew.
Hi :D
I am still hoping one day he quits CCP and brings Veto. Back
Some of my best memories of EVE
I'd never do it with lowsec meta this way it is right now, the corp wouldn't be able to function and would die in a matter of months.
I mean, you'd have to package it as part of a suite of changes to make lowsec more viable though, right?
yeah but ccp has shown zero interest in that and they havent meaningfully revisited lowsec for so long that im not sure theyd be able to make a good change as i doubt they understand it
There's only so many hands that we have to work on things, and you gotta set priorities man.
I'm right with you on lowsec, it needs some serious love to bring back the yarr-harr-fiddle-de-dee but there's been other stuff to work on.
Well I could had sworn you were already in CCP back in 2007 (trinity) when I joined the game.
Or maybe I'm just so used to seeing you around all these years.
Nah, I joned in late 2012 - October 15th was my first day on the job and Retribution was my first expansion with CCP :)
Damn! Also, did you forget to switch accounts?
Nope, I'm all good, just talking shop and having fun :)
What do we needa do to get this threw? Low sec piracy is all I've ever enjoyed and it's become so stagnant and empty that I've resorted to high sec ganking...uhhg...
I miss lowsec piracy so much.
Still here, been here all the long.
It'd screw logistics a little and gimp jump freighters, so I'd look at giving JFs the ability to travel via covert cyno, and probably investigate what impact allowing them to use a covert ops cloak would have, although that might end up being a bad idea haha
It would almost immediately make it more viable to live deeper in space without having a long network of friendly citadels between low and wherever you were.
This is the main thing that pushed me and my alliance out of nullsec, getting cut off from logistics routes when standings were reset. If we were able to run covert jump freighters back and forth through potentially hostile or neutral space, that would have been a game changer.
Doesn't even have to be a full on jump freighter. Something with ~100k m3 would have been more than ample.
Yeah, I'd love the idea of covert logistics runs - sh*t, that'd make flying a jump freighter super fun tbh :D