

15 Jul


Originally posted by Malchia7

It's great to make things more unpredictable, but you've got to put the carrot on the end of the stick to get people out there.

Why was this sort of perspective completely ignored with Blackout? I can understand the desire to see more destruction, but I can't welcome it when the change is so clearly biased in favor of hunters. Especially when we've seen an almost continuous stream of nerfs to ratting/mining in the last year.

Have you SEEN the ISK faucets in the MER? The carrot on the end of the stick is the size of the f*cking Titanic.

Damn right the blackout is biased toward the hunters for once.

People who live in nullsec always talk about risk versus reward, and while there's risk in taking sov and defending space, it's far too easy to sit in nullsec, get fat and complacent, all the while making ISK and getting rich with little to no risk.

Yes, it's not the only solution and the ISK faucets need some work, but (at least in my opinion) it's a good start.

The blackout also kicks botters in the balls too, which I'm more than happy about.


Originally posted by INITMalcanis

I'll ship you as much salt liquorice, midget porn and heroin as you need to get this done.

I hate liquorice - it makes me chuck haha <3

Harbo Starmix is awesome though! :D


Originally posted by PyrohawkZ

don't know about putting it in low sec. Maybe we could have it delayed (as in literally, 60 second delay or something) , but having full blackout will:

  • Make low sec feel even deader than it is

  • increase blobbing shenanigans in FW (anti-fun for solos/duos/trios, FW being the only place we can actually enjoy the game this way now)

  • be practically un-counterable as we can't drop bubbles to defend gates/increase reaction time

the only benefit it has is it would make hunting a little bit easier but honestly low sec is so dead that it won't matter much, and I worry it will scare away the targets i'd hunt anyway.

For the record I am a solo low sec PVP player.

I mean, you'd have to package it as part of a suite of changes to make lowsec more viable though, right?

It's great to make things more unpredictable, but you've got to put the carrot on the end of the stick to get people out there.

Ore re-balance to bring some profit to lowsec mining, improvements to FW and rewards, maybe some low to mid end moon mining in lowsec and a pass on loot drops and NPC spawns in lowsec, maybe some nice anomolies too. Maybe making some resources unique to lowsec would be interesting too.

Of course, if it was up to me I'd also ban supers from lowsec and only allow covert cynos, forcing regular capitals to use stargates if they wanted to move around. They're big and tough, why not make them a little more vulnerable?

It'd screw logistics a little and gimp jump freighters, so I'd look at giving JFs the ability to travel via covert cyno, and probably investigate what impact allowing them to use a covert ops cloak would have, alt...

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Originally posted by wingspantt

Please don't hurt my heart like this

I have lots more bad suggestions of how I'd like to see EVE.

I'll let you rest for now though! ;)


Step 1 - Move to Russia.


Originally posted by EliseRandolph

KIA are a group that played in beta and added their elite gamer tag Killed In Action to their names - some of the best early PvPers. They were part of Curse Alliance (alliance mechanics didn't exist in game at the time) who were widely regarded as The Best. They became the military wing of an industrial group (and had a short-lived merger where they became RONA-KIA) known as The Phoenix Alliance which went on to become the Northern Coalition. They kinda dropped a bit after this, but had a brief resurgence and joined MC to create Tortuga (a freeport led by mercenary alliances)

Mostly Harmless - Part of the Northern Coalition (not the alliance with the same name that exists now, but a group of alliances that dominated the early part of EVEs history). Their POS passwords, and trademark local call, was o0k. The alliance basically died when the DRF invaded the Northern forces, and the rest of the North kinda merged into the CFC (or moved to Delve to quietly die). One of th...

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Killed In Action

Killerz In Action ;)

There were a few people in KIA who used to go mental when I got this wrong and used Killed In Action to troll them :D


Originally posted by wingspantt

I asked Hillmar about cynos in response to this on Twitter

Edit: Hillmar liked my post asking him to delete cynos!

I'd love it if there was a spool up timer on jump drives so that it took longer to drop on people. 15-30 seconds would be good.

Oh also, no more supers in lowsec... and only covert cynos.

If people want to field regular caps in lowsec, make them use gates to move them around.

This is why I'm not a Game Designer ;)


Originally posted by RIPBriggs

To be fair, he's been getting fed BS intel for years.

One of the funniest looks of shock I've seen from him was a few years back at a Fanfest speech (long after the 'Summer of Rage', as I recall), and he asked the room if they should 'open the door'... There was a resounding 'yes', with maybe a dozen 'noes'. The look on that face was priceless. Clearly his intel had told him to expect the opposite.

(Personally, when it comes to WiS, I hold Torvi to blame for a lot of it - but CCP in general, for their hubris in thinking they could actually pull it off with their new tech, instead of settling for something lesser.)

Personally, when it comes to WiS, I hold Torvi to blame for a lot of it

Your "blame" is entirely misplaced.

Also, "blaming" people does nothing but form a culture where thinking outside the box never happens and progress is heavily stunted.

Accountability is everything and learning from mistakes is key, but blaming people and chastising them for trying something new is a decent way to kill a project.


Blackout - Why is this a thing?

Why not?

We’re trying something different to see what effect it has.

Personally if it was down to me, it’d be permanent and extended to lowsec too.

11 Jul



09 Jul

08 Jul


There were no issues reported with Tranquility or any of its infrastructure at the time this thread was created, or at all last night.

Locking this as a rant.

Please contact your ISP if you experience further issues at a time when there’s not a notification for maintenance or server issues in the launcher.

07 Jul


Originally posted by Sibire

It's a known fact that /u/ccp_falcon wants local deleted.

We love you Falcon <3

It's part of a long list of savage changes that I'd make to EVE if I could haha :D

05 Jul


Originally posted by VoraciousTrees

if you haven't yet played them on ps4:

  • dark souls 3 (good combat/aesthetic)

  • the witcher 3 (good story/ roleplay)

  • ark survival evolved (survival with dinos)

  • red dead redemption 2 (be a cowboy outlaw)

  • helldivers (starship troopers, the book, the game)

  • overcooked (party game, make food)

absolutely love overcooked, play it with my partner all the time and we end up screaming at eachother :D

Also been playing a lot of the division, the division 2, days gone, resident evil 2 and rocketleague recently :P


Originally posted by Pinkylein

have a great vacation, you deserve it :)




Wiping out almost seventeen years of player history would be the stupidest thing ever.

There’s no plan to “reset EVE”.

Thread closed.


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As reported in The Scope, over the coming days we’ll be changing the way local chat works.

This change will affect the whole of nullsec space.

Local chat in all nullsec space will be switched over to delayed mode. This means that it will behave as local chat in wormhole space, with pilots only appearing in th...

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(✿◕‿◕✿) love you guys, and i hope you have an amazing weekend (✿◕‿◕✿)

(✿◕‿◕✿) i'm actually off work for two weeks on vacation right now, started on july 1st, back on the 15th, so i might not be as active as usual (✿◕‿◕✿)

(✿◕‿◕✿) i hope you all have an amazing summer, and if you have any game recommendations on pc/ps4 then let me know. i need to kill some time! (✿◕‿◕✿)

03 Jul


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Check out this devblog for more information on account security improvements that we’ve been working on recently!

Read all about it here!