

12 Jan


This is the first time that I hear about a sticky shift key (during development we had frequent problems with other modifier keys), and unfortunately I have not seen this myself so far. It would be great to get more details on this. How often is this happening? Is is possible that any macOS command might be interfering, or maybe cmd-tabbing out of the EVE client?


Could you please give more details (or send a bug report with the details)? For which specific video card are you experiencing this? If this is on a laptop: Does the laptop has also a 2nd graphics chip?

11 Jan


This is actually an intentional change, as far as I understood. :slight_smile:

03 Jan


How high is your fps while experiencing this problem?
Could you please send a bug report about this, if you haven’t done yet?



I was finally able to test this issue on new shiny hardware :slight_smile:
Using the pre-installed macOS 12.01 I could easily reproduce this issue on a 14” MBP M1 Pro, where the screen is cut off. But: After I updated to macOS 12.1 the issue is no longer reproducible. It seems like Apple managed to fix this already on their side.

Could you please check, if this bug is also fixed for you after updating to macOS 12.1?

10 Dec


Unfortunately the fix did accidently not make it into the patch. :frowning:


I’m very sorry, this terminology was an error on my behalf. The chance for a site to break in this way is quite low, but the broken sites stay around and accumulate, so it is now in total already quite frequent. :frowning:

08 Dec


This sounds a bit like a graphics driver crash. A bug report about this with as much details as possible would be indeed great. The bug report will include it, but it would be great to know, which macOS version you are running (potentially it could even be fixed by updating, if you are running an older version, as graphic drivers are bundled with macOS updates).


Confirmed, it seems like this is the same issue, which is also hiding agents of interest in the station services panel. A fix for this is in testing.


This should be fixed with today’s patch, as far as I can tell.

Read more

Yes, we are aware of the reports about this issue - but unfortunately we cannot address this until we receive one of the new MBPs. In this case it is a bit of a curse to be located in Iceland. :frowning:

07 Dec


The tooltip is indeed showing wrong mining numbers, if crystals are involved.


As far as I can tell there are no plans to support macOS 10.13 in the future.


Yeah, the Mercoxit Asteroid Mining Crystal Type A I Blueprint is indeed also missing.

The Industrial Reconfiguration skill is on the other hand intentionally not seeded on the market - it is available through remote buy.


The “Mercoxit Ore Processing” skill is confirmed to be broken. Somehow it got marked as obsolete. We get on this asap.


Thank you for the report! Yep, something went wrong with adding the gas cloud harvester blueprints to the market. :frowning:
We are working on a fix.

23 Nov



With the latest patch deployment for Singularity we removed a bunch of items and skills, which were related to the compression changes. I’ll try to reimburse the removed skillpoints in the next few hours.

edit: The reimbursement has been completed, the skill points have been added to free skillpoints.

12 Nov



A new mirror will be deployed today to Singularity. I’ll update here as soon as it is completed.

Edit: The deployment has been completed now. Everything should be working as in the last mirror. Mass test SP for the last 6 mass tests have been re-applied.

27 Oct


Hey! Thank you for participating in this mass test. While our team for this is still going through the feedback and bug reports, I added 2 M skillpoints to all 229 participants on Singularity. Thanks again!

30 Sep


Unfortunately Singularity was incorrectly configured today for a few hours, after a new build was deployed, and the Wine client was accidently used. This has been fixed now.