

28 Oct



Thank you for participating and all your feedback and bug reports! I added 2M skill point to 169 characters on Singularity.

The test was pretty much a success and we gathered very useful data. We identified for example one performance bottleneck for activating emblems, but this is luckily a very harmless one. For the fleet watchlist we also found a client side problem with large lists, which is being worked on.
We are still busy going through further data and a lot of bug reports, which will hopefully lead to further improvements.

@Tialano_Utrigas Yeah, the LP cost has been reset for the offers, as this 0 LP deal was only meant for the mass test itself. I’m asking around internally on what the future plans are :slight_smile:...

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27 Oct



The emblems are now available for 0 LP in the LP store in Jita VI - Paragon Fulfilment Center. Feel free to get them now to prepare for the mass test.

Note: In certain situations, on the Singularity test server, corporation emblems will occasionally display a different logo instead of the actual corporation logo, e.g. when editing pre-existing logos or creating a new corporation.

26 Oct



We are planning a mass test on Singularity, on Thursday, October 27th, at 17:00 UTC (= EVE time) to test the new corporation and alliance emblems.

What exactly is being tested?
The new Heraldry system, especially the impact of the new corp and alliance emblems on the client and server performance.

Beside this we are looking into the client performance and stability related to other changes (like ambient occlusion and AMD FSR).

How to connect to Singularity for this test:

  • Change the server from Tranquility to Singularity in the bottom right corner of the launcher and log in as normal.
  • More detailed instructions are available ...
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24 Oct


And Singularity is back open again.


Thanks! We are aware of these two problems and are working on fixes.


Singularity will be closed to the public for the next few hours to run some internal tests and will open again afterwards.

21 Oct


Singularity has been updated once more and station hangars should be fine again :slight_smile:

20 Oct


Singularity is back online and anomalies and signatures should be working again.

Unfortunately station and structure hangars are broken in this build and are not rendering (just showing the space background). We will fix this tomorrow.

@Pokeimane Which 3D elements are not rendering? If it is unrelated to station hangars, then please send a bug report about it.


As I am sure that questions will pop up very soon: Singularity has been taking down temporarily while we are working on fixing an issue with missing anomalies and signatures.

I hope this will not take too long and you can login again soon.

29 Sep


I replied to your bug report about this with additional questions, as I cannot reproduce this so far on my machine. It would be great, if you could provide additional details.

28 Sep


Thanks for participating in yesterday’s mass test! We got very good data out of it and are still investigating a few things, like why sound was a bit too silent in some case.
2 million skill points have been added to 369 characters.

21 Sep



We are planning a mass test on Singularity on Tuesday, September 27th, at 17:00 UTC (= EVE time) to test several technical improvements aimed at improving your audio and visual experience, while drastically improving performance!

What has changes and what exactly is being tested?

  • Sound prioritization has undergone several improvements since the last mass test. Audio in EVE now sounds much clearer and will use drastically less CPU, resulting in more immersive and clearer sound experience, especially during heavy scenes.
  • There has been major refactoring in how we handle controllers for ships, which impro...
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20 Sep


Oh, this was an oversight by myself and should be fixed now. Very sorry for this.

16 Sep


This is completed now.



A new mirror has been deployed to Singularity today. Everything should be configured pretty much the same as with the last mirror. Skill points from the last 6 mass tests have been re-deployed.

A mass test will probably happen on the 27th of September.

29 Aug


Those remaining issues are being worked on.

For the time being the audio changes has been disabled on Singularity, and will return for the next mass test in a few weeks.

26 Aug


Thanks for participating in this mass test! 2 million skill points have been added to the participating characters on Singularity.
We identified a few small issues, like those missing explosions, and we will have another mass test about this in a few weeks.

25 Aug


Hey! Singularity has been updated with a few sound-related fixes and is ready for the mass test.

We are currently aware of following problems:

  • Some sounds can stick around after they should be ended (for example Afterburner and MWD, if zoomed out, while they are turning off) - no need to report this further
  • In some scenes the audio can feel a bit empty - we are interested in feedback for this, if this is acceptable or bad in specific settings

If you encounter any other audio-related problems, then please mention it here (and possibly also during the mass test. If it is a bug, then please send also a bug report.


Hey, Singularity has been updated today with a bunch of fixes. This should hopefully fix the problems with missing sounds (especially ECM), but it will probably not fix the sticking sounds.
It would be great, if you could give it a go and see if this also works for you.

21 Aug


That’s very interesting. Can you give us more details about the circumstances, where you experienced this? Is this happening all the time or just in specific cases? For the case that it is only in some cases: How many objects (ships, drones, structures, asteroids) were around you, when it happened?
Please send also a bug report about this. Thanks!

Note: We have also already noticed some missing sounds in some cases, but it was much more limited.

Edit: Oooops, I just noticed, that you already sent bug reports. Thanks a bunch, I’ll take a closer look tomorrow.