Cashmiir you make me cry. Where is my question </3 -DashiJador
You're in the afternoon session! I will ask you appropriately softball questions at your allotted time!!!!!! Also, let's get coffee soon.
Cashmiir you make me cry. Where is my question </3 -DashiJador
You're in the afternoon session! I will ask you appropriately softball questions at your allotted time!!!!!! Also, let's get coffee soon.
As the official Queen of Puns and Grammar at Riot Games, how does it feel to have a platform to share your love of the highest form of humor with the masses?
In the same vein, which pun are you the most proud of? Alternatively, which Champion Spotlight video has the most puns that you're proud of?
Also, what do you actually do? I know we're on the same team, but I don't understand big tech words. Help me dumb.
ban him
I have no more power than anyone else.
A few weeks ago a Diana flamed me at level one for dropping a deep ward and backing for sweeper. I had zombie ward and was playing support. They told me that only junglers need sweeper. I still think about that guy.
Thank you very much :D I'm working on more at the moment, is there a champ you'd like to see in particular?
Leona! Senna! Sett! :D
HOLY sh*t. As the biggest fan of chickens in the entire world, this is the best. Please draw more. This made my day.
Read moreTFT isn't a fully rewritten game engine. It's the same C++ engine with a different load out of assets and scripts as SR, and likely a ton of those assets are getting reused. In fact most of the custom game modes that differ dramatically from SR (Nexus Blitz, Odyssey, Star Guardian) are using a similar strategy. The most obvious evidence is that they run the same executable.
In this engineering blog, they've stated that League is about half scripts (animations, interactions, champion skills, stat management, menu functionality) and half C++ (shaders, models, sprites, particle effects). Swap out the scripts, keep the same engine, and you can launch new game modes pretty quickly (maybe two or three times a year, like their current schedule).
The engineering feat I'm interested to see is how they got the C++ engine to run on non-x86 platforms, I'd love to see a dev blog written about what compilat...
I'll forward this recommendation over to Aryeila, who owns tech blog. I forget what's in her pipeline currently. should have been the official one
As someone who works on that site: Yes.
(Edit: By that site I mean
Read moreI think the best example I have is actually from a mobile game developer, Cygames.
Here's what their monthly reports look like for Dragalia lost:
Most of it is news, but what riot can learn from is way down at the bottom. "regarding the future of dragalia lost"
In this section, they directly address the most common community complaints, just to say "we're aware this is a point of contention" even if they don't know how they plan to fix it yet. Next month, if they still don't have a fix, we will get an update explaining their progress.
This is the issue with Riots communication, they only ever mention complaints after a resolution has been found. For instance Aphelios' lack of clarity is a super commonly discussed frustration. Yet we don't even know if riot is aware.
I think a "Addressing concerns" section at the bottom of the patch notes ...
This is really good feedback. Thanks! I'll forward it to Cactopus and add many UwUs so he reads my message.
Read moreCan't speak for other people but I sorta feel that this sentiment is perpetuated by Riot having very heavy interaction when it comes to jovial online presence. Like if there is any big meme or something silly on reddit we'll get the same handful of Rioters chiming in very consistently but as soon as there is an issue in the community we usually get radio silence regardless of thread amount until there is a boiling point in which we get a dev blog which is tonally very different from replies on reddit.
That being said interaction is f**king HARD from a community stand point because we don't allow for employees to defend themselves or their stance. Case and point the 200 years meme where if a Rioter wants to put forward any sort of defensive/antagonistic front they are met with mob mentality immediately which can also culturally instill an idea that it is best to not interact unless it's to agree.
As for good Dev-to-player communication I only really see this in smal...
Here I am asking a question and then disappearing for 7 hours. I was away from my desk most of the day, so sorry for the late response.
As for some context on the first part:
So, we have a rule where if you engage with anyone (Reddit, players in game, Twitter, boards, IRL, media, literally anyone) you should only speak to the things for which you're a subject matter expert. So here, I don't work on Aphelios, gameplay, champions, balance, or even League, so I can't comment on the main part of this post because I know as much as any of you. (Perhaps slightly more because I worked with Aphelios' team on Champ Insights, but that doesn't help here.)
The other part of that, Rioters won't often weigh in because unless we worked on something because we'd never want to say anything that anyone could ever perceive as talking sh*t. I've personally met some incredible people at Riot and I'd never want them to feel like I didn't respect their work or effort. Bec...
Read moreRiot just needs to communicate with the community more. It was cool when they allowed us to vote for the next Illaoi skin. But since then they mentioned they probs won't do that in the future. Skins are skins though. Champions are important to get right, and it doesn't help that Aphelios has multiple abilities. Look it's cool they tried something different. But clearly it wasn't ready yet. Like what's the point of the PBE if most things tend to get through anyway. New champs need to be treated better. At least Riot is now more interested in reworks. Reworked champs tend to turn out better. Expect Ryze. Bad Ryze.
Hey! Hijacking the top comment so I can get responses. I work in comms as a writer, so I'm pretty interested in a lot of the discussion going on here.
I'd love to see some examples of what y'all think are excellent dev-to-player communications from other companies (not just game studios), and other platforms where you think it works well (similar to our version of Nexus, Reddit, social media, boards, dev videos, written content, etc.). I'm not super familiar with some of the games/studios being mentioned, so I don't know where to go and look at the communications they're putting out there.
So if you have any examples throw them at me.
Edit: These examples are great and I'm looking into all of these now. I'll be sharing with the broader editorial and writing teams. :)
No, the worst feeling in League is when and an ally place a ward at the same time in the same spot.
At least my team is using wards.
That's really nice but I'm on EU West :D I've stopped playing wow last summer, had to give the GM to one of my officer but the group is still going strong :D
RIP. Well, glhf Summoner/Champion of Azeroth!
I have to admit it...I'm on Ryan and Dan side this time. Work has been massive last month and all I can do is some pioneer event (magic) in the weekend and just barely finished my placement. I've raided with a former Blue (blizzard like rioters if anyone is wondering) that later became a rioter and with a former blue now working on another company. It's a small world indeed.
They have no excuse! They just don't like playing ranked in solo/duo queue and only want to do Flex with our 5man. Bunch of bozos.
I had a Blizz engineer in my raiding guild in WoW during Legion. But I fell out of raiding (why did they have to make holy priests so unviable in a large portion of Nighthold??) and we lost contact. I logged in again recently because one of my team members won't stop telling me to play with him, and I don't recognize anyone in my guild. It's depressing.
If you're ever looking for anyone to play with feel free to add me! Riot Cashmiir in NA on League (and LoR) and I can DM you my btag if you still play WoW. :D
I've played both League and World of Warcraft since their release, most of both my FL are empty. It is a weird feeling, but I'll always remember that idiot that pulled the wrong mob 15 years ago and had a laught over it or something like that.
I'm lucky, I've been playing with the same guild/group for 10+years, I've been to some wedding and toons of meeting but it's still sad to look at that FL.
I feel you. I've been playing League since season 2 and played WoW since beta. A few people who I started playing League with still play, but we were all temporarily in EU at the time and we're now back in our home regions so we don't play together anymore.
I'm lucky because I've made a group of close friends at Riot who still play actively. Although two of them still haven't finished their placements (I KNOW YOU TWO WILL SEE THIS. GO DO YOUR PLACEMENTS DAN AND RYAN!)
I still talk to one of my WoW because my first Vanilla raid leader is also a Rioter. Small world.
These are stunning!
Hey, this has been raised to the team! Ty!
Also, tbh, I'd like Sett to use me as his sock puppet UwU
> But don't let any of this distract you from the fact that in 2019 Sett threw Rakan off Summoner’s Rift, and plummeted 38 miles through a World Rune.
Is this our LoL version of u/shittymorph meme, cause I love it
Make it happen, Reddit.
You f**king memer. My god.
This is honestly the highest form of compliment I could receive. It's now screenshotted and in my IMPORTANT folder alongside a video of a fat cat, /u/cactopus telling me I'm great, and a gif of Nasus dancing with Marc Merrill's face pasted on it.
The Aspect of Might is one of the most powerful things I want to see in League.
Not sure if joke, or...