

28 May


Originally posted by EarthenWambat

Sorry, I don’t know how to post screenshots, but I’ll explain what happens. And I’ve tried it with every weapon skin that offers the textile option

I push A to buy the skin

I press and hold Y to Buy with textiles

It reacts as if I just pressed Y (no hold) and takes me to the inspect screen (no option to buy on this screen)

For the record, I have 3880 textiles. Enough to buy any of the weapon skins

Great, I'll forward to the team. If you can just take a photo of the UI when it's on your TV/Screen that will do too. You can upload it to a hosting site like and then just link it here. Appreciate the help!


Originally posted by Airjarhead

u/ChrisGansler Thanks for the reply. It's refreshing to hear that you actually do use the forums for feedback. Here is a great post that didn't think you did:

Are you also looking at all of the threads that complain about the loot? I could point you to several if you'd like, but here is one:

I honestly think that is the biggest problem with the game right now (and has been for most of it's lifespan). I also think the reason so many people complain about difficulty is because of the loot ...

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Loot wasn't touched in the first Phase of the PTS. Phase 2 has changes for loot quality.


Originally posted by EarthenWambat

Ya, but I’m only selecting the skins that can be purchased with textiles. It says “buy with textiles”

Hey. I had forwarded this to the team but we are unable to reproduce this internally. Are you currently able to buy any items with textiles? If not could you post a screenshot of the UI? Thanks.


Originally posted by Airjarhead

Who are the people saying the PTS is too easy? Are these the same people saying the weapon balance-pass is all good?

I'm not saying the PTS isn't too easy or that the weapon buffs/nerfs aren't in a good place, I just don't see the Reddit post or Forum post saying the PTS is way too easy (with 1000 up-votes).

I'm suspecting it's from ETF members, and if that's the case, I wish they wouldn't base the ENTIRE difficulty level of the game based off of what SolidFPS thinks. I really like Solid, but if you don't have his builds and his talent (99% of us don't), then you are at a disadvantage in this type of scenario.

We wouldn't just look at a 1000 upvotes threads on reddit, as that would mean pretty much no feedback from this platform would be viable.

Here are two forum posts that are discussing it. 1, ...

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Originally posted by r1plakish

Do the dev's even realize that Delta's in raids isn't the only connection issue?

On PS4 you can expect at least 1 person to disconnect during a mission/stronghold and it's not a "Delta" but a "blue screen" crash to the Playstation dashboard. Yesterday I was running some heroics with a buddy and we saw 3 different people get DC'd during the same mission. And everyone that I've talked to about it say the same thing: it happens mostly during or right after trigger a pulse skill.

We have seen only a few comments about this so it's been quite difficult to investigate. If you are crashing on the PS4 it'd be great if you could reach out to Customer Support via and provide them with some more details, a photo of the bluescreen would be helpful and also where you are connecting from, what you are doing at the time it crashes, etc.


Originally posted by D-v-us-D

One thing I want to mention about yesterday's maintenance. Why should we wait until all the charges of the revive hive be filled before we can switch our loadouts? Can it be changed so that at least one charge is sufficient for us to change loadouts? I had to switch to my HW build and get the charges up before switching to my desired build.

I'll talk to the team about this. The feedback came pretty immediate and I think it's fair. I don't know the exact workings of the change and the fix and I can't promise any quick changes with the PTS and TU10 happening.

26 May


Hey, everybody!

The team wanted to chime in on this to clarify a couple of things. When we do Public Test Servers, the build used for these tests often times contain elements that are not part of the next Title Update. Unfortunately, this time it included a lot more than we would have liked and we understand that the spoilers to the narrative have an impact on players who were looking forward to learning about the lore while playing. While nothing is finalized in terms of upcoming content, please stay mindful of these players and keep using spoiler tags to discuss these topics.

We also wanted to confirm that we are indeed working on more content outside of upcoming Seasons and that one of the current ideas is to add a PVE mode that is meant to scratch the replayability itch. This is still in the early stages of development and is not set for release soon. In addition, while we understand the comparisons that are being made to Underground, we want to clarify that we...

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07 May


Originally posted by unif1ed

From what i see it could be affecting console users primarily. My brother plays on PC and doesn't have this problem, while its a daily issue for me (ps4). Hard to farm missions with matchmaking when the loot keeps changing if i join another player's game, so I'm restricted to solo farming for now.

I've also DMed u/ChrisGansler about this with video proof (apologies Chris if you're not the right person) and it's been mentioned by other players on the ubi forums as well, so hopefully someone looks at it soon.

On the plus side, since loot changes when i join someone's game and persists when i go back to my own session, sometimes it becomes advantageous, like Alps changing to zone instead of mission. Silver linings i suppose.

We are investigating this. Targeted Loot should always be the same for all players.

23 Apr


Originally posted by terfris

How is this not an emergency maintenance. Because it doesn't break the economy?

Because we need to make a build for it and that takes some time. We made the decision to undo the nerf just before State of the Game started. No time to make a build and deploy it.

The Striker issue was found immediately after maintenance and we were only able to deploy that emergency maintenance a good 10 hours later.


Originally posted by tarantula5

The community team is responsible for patch notes? Seems like a scape goat to me.

My team is in charge of the Patch Notes. We are supported by other teams but we deliver the final product.


Originally posted by SyntaxTurtle

"In June we're going to look at a larger balance pass and loot"

Probably making sure to drop it after the new (paid) Season Pass is on the market.

I understand the implication but just to make this 100% clear: The balance update will be free for all players. When we add new gear you will be able to access it without the Premium Pass.


Originally posted by IcarusV2

Wait.. Now they're saying the nerf wasn't intentional? But it was made and put into the patch anyway.


Fixed an issue causing players to be unable to reach The Angel of Mercy contaminated area.

Was in the patch notes, but the fix did not work?

What the actual f**k am I looking at.

I mean, it's so apparent that all the brightest minds from Massive have clearly been working on the Avatar game for some time - there's no other way to explain the sheer f**king incompetence of the people who still work on TD2.

Now they're saying the nerf wasn't intentional?

The amount of the nerf and the timing was not intentional. That's also why it was not in the Patch Notes at first. We added it afterwards as it went live and we confirmed that the nerf itself was not a bug. We discussed this a lot yesterday and decided to undo the nerf in PVE, and lower it in PVP.

As we said, the M1A will be brought down in the future for PVE but not in the way we did with TU9.

Regarding the Contaminated Area, yes, we fixed not getting in there but it seems something else broke in the process.


Originally posted by inertSpark

Did anyone else notice that at the start of this SOTG, Bruce looked like he'd just received a grade A+ roasting from his superiors?

I normally don't comment on these kind of... posts... but I can't let that stand this way. If you think anybody on our team was happy on how this M1A situation has rolled out you have clearly not been with this game for a long time.

People here care. You can say whatever you want about not learning from mistakes or that X idea would have solved everything and we didn't see it. But you cannot question the passion this studio has for the game.

We all were frustrated this week and it showed on stream. That's good, that's why we do these streams. We want to show you emotion.

But to say it again, we failed as a group. Not Bruce, not me, not the Community Managers. All of us contributed to this and the internal processes need to be better.

21 Apr


Originally posted by red_brown_black

Hey Chris! Thanks for taking an interest in this issue! Appreciate you taking the time!

This issue happened randomly over a couple of days last week. I first noticed the problem in the DC Southwest section of the map, although it has happened briefly in other parts of the map. Most notably in the DZ East in the middle of a firefight.

At the time it first happened the issue was 100% repeatable and I have video myself repeating the process over and over and getting this graphic issue to occur at will. I can also provide video of the issue occurring at various times doing random activities such as trying to take a LvL 4 control point (The Nest).

So, to answer your question more directly: it happens in multiple places, during various random activities, at various times.

I’m playing on a XBoxOneX, 1TB drive.

Again, on behalf of the community, thanks again for taking the time to look at this.


Thanks for the details I make sure to pass it along. One more question is if this is happening right from the get go or does it take some time to happen?

20 Apr


Originally posted by Dominifinn

Its not his job to not speak in fragments. Its our job as consumers/wallets to correctly interpret the fragmented answers to questions that seem to only be answered when asked.

Sorry if my answer was confusing. "Guaranteed 5th key off RB would be nice to have back." -> "Will be back tomorrow."

The guaranteed key from Razorback will be back tomorrow with TU9. You will then again be able to gain keys from each Razorback kill, on normal mode.

edit: to clarify this applies to normal mode.


Originally posted by RisingDeadMan0

Loot in raid is great but it is now back to 5 keys a week for some reason. Guaranteed 5th key off RB would be nice to have back.


Will be back tomorrow.


Hey. Thanks for the video. I don't see many reports of this, so I'm asking for a bit more detail here. Is this happening at specific times, during specific activities or with specific enemies?

09 Apr


We pushed an update for this on Tuesday and I had people reach out to me saying it works now. Are you still (as in today) getting a black screen with OBS 25? The person reaching out to me on Discord said that 25.0.4 is working for them after the update.

08 Apr


Originally posted by pomekPL

Thanks for the response.

If it somehow helps, the issue is not related to any PVP activity in DZ.

In my case, I am losing frames after third-fifth extraction. It means that I needed to clear landmarks. Maybe it's somehow connected. Not sure.

We actually are seeing similar reports about Black Tusk helis in general, so we are looking at this from several angles.


Originally posted by badluckap

Not possible to just debug it on live server instead of test build? Maybe server issue since i assume internal is local network and live is on whatever server it connects to via internet? Sorry just its annoying and i like to kill people :)

So, don't kill me if this is not 100% correct but I think it's just the availability of debugging tools are not the same. I'm following the internal discussion on this topic quite closely and they are making progress, it's just pretty slow.

Also, don't forget we are working from home which also means with remote connections it's a bit harder to get some of the progress done in a normal time.