

12 Mar


Originally posted by echof0xtrot

no, i understand, it just seemed that yannick was contradicting that sentiment. maybe it was just the way he phrased it, but saying "no one likes when things get harder" goes against the WoNY difficulty increase. i worry people will misunderstand. i was more calling out the contradiction in wording than intent.

thanks again for being so active in the community. there are a lot of disappointed players currently, but i have a suspicion most of them are here, and closer to that group you hinted at that wants heroic 4-man content rather than hard solo/duo content. i, for one, stick to hard with one other friend, and we're having a blast. i understand that doesn't mean changes shouldn't be made, but at least ill enjoy the time before and after they are.

lastly, were you the guy with the ohio shirt? nowhere in the stream did anyone but the host identify themselves lol. you gotta explain that t-shirt. as someone from ohio, im very curious.

Oh, I totally messed that up and should have introduced the guests. That what you get from me not hosting too regularly, sorry about that!

Drew Rechner is the "Ohio guy", he's an Associate Game Director in our studio and I believe he is from Ohio.


Originally posted by Puppy-love-420

I understand the sentiment that we didn't do a perfect job this time around though, don't get me wrong.

This time around? This franchise is 4 years old and it feels like you still have absolutely no clue about what this game should be.

And I can't imagine that these changes have been play-tested by humans, you probably used your AI testing to cut some corners.

If I'm wrong and you did in fact test this with real human beings, I recommend you try to find some other, ideally less masochistic specimen.

Feel free to sign up to be a game tester with us. I think you might underestimate how difficult the job is and how much changes by playing content over and over again while it's being developed. Also, using AI in this day and age is definitely not cutting corners.


Originally posted by brynm

this had me concerned.

Completed the manhunt 100%, changed the world from normal to challenging and Intel for Jupiter dtopped from 25% to 0% even if I swap back to Normal.

Yeah, the UI basically doesn't keep the 25% if you reset the Manhunt to replay it. But as you can see in the Neptune screen it says "Replay" which means you are all set for the Prime Target later on.


Originally posted by vekien

You need to make it clear that changing global difficulty will reset it.

I had mine almost done and I changed it, it only mentions "active targets", which I thought be any current bounties, not a Season DLC....

Or do the smart thing and make it seperate.

While, as you say, there is a warning in the UI, we want to make the Season Manhunt reset a separate interaction, yes.


Originally posted by opinions_unpopular

You’re really missing the problem. At level 30 WT 4 I am experiencing on NORMAL 1 shots taking 100% armor and 70% health. That’s not right and it’s not just Heroic. Armor seems useless. The scaling and pacing make no sense.

Discuss having a PTR for PC at least to weed out these issues sooner.

It's highly unlikely that we would've gotten any WT4 data on a PTS. While we can use the PTS to find bugs, balance is very hard to come by, just due to the low amount of numbers. Even with encouraging players with rewards it's nowhere near as much data as we would need. I'm talking from experience in both Blizzard and Ubisoft. Test Servers can be useful but they are nowhere near as powerful as some players might think.

I don't believe we mentioned it on the show but we are looking into the leveling difficulties as well. They were not meant to be extremely hard so it might be a separate issue.


Originally posted by Carcinog3n

I understand mistakes can be made but why are the same mistakes being made over and over and over across years of supposedly listening to community?

Because we don't stop trying to make things happen. We wanted to make the game harder, we made changes, we tested them internally and we rolled them out so that players can enjoy more challenges.

Our experience in the studio and from our testers are often different from players and that means we can make mistakes. Does not mean we shouldn't try to make the game better. And again: We definitely agree that this hasn't gone as smooth as we wanted it to be and that's on us, not on our players.


Originally posted by eternal70200

"If we fix the game, it'll be unclear to a lot of players that we fixed it, so we're going to leave it broken."

Sound logic.

I think you purposefully try to be antagonistic about something that is not that complicated. If you are a player that is not as engaged on reddit or the forums you will miss the changes. If something gets easier it doesn't really make a bit difference. But if something then gets harder for "no reason" it's going to cause frustration.


Originally posted by Sleepingtide

Are we addressing the problem with season resets related to joining others games or changing world settings?

Yes we are.


Originally posted by Fr0zB1te

So, badically, there will be activity requiring speedrun heroic, but even challenging speedrun not for everyone? What the hell?!

Which is why there are other activities in the Leagues that do not require you to speed run. Leagues are going to be for competitive players, while Global Events have something most players will be able to complete.


Originally posted by cfox0835

Hold up, containers in the open world dont scale up to difficulty? So that means the yellow Chest from a level 3 or 4 CP will have the same stuff in it as a level 1 CP? If that's the case they need to fix that shit ASAP.... we currently have a cover based loot shooter in which the cover doesn't always work and the loot isn't working correctly either.... oh and the shooting isn't working right either, with the hit registration bugs and gear set talents not procing. what a time to be alive.

The Supply Room reward chest scales.


Originally posted by King4aVape

And conflict? We're still getting purple caches and no exp for our shd level...I still want to play it desperately but everything still says me to leave it alone...Please guys say something about it

Hey! We can't reproduce this when playing ourselves, can you give me a bit more info on this?

I assume you're Level 40 and have finished the campaign as you mention also not getting SHD Level progress but are you playing with a set group of Level 40 players or do you see Level 30 players in your games?

Also, if you could send me a screenshot of the Purple Cache I can forward it to the team here. Thanks!

11 Mar


Originally posted by SneakyStabbalot

i did not watch the stream - but to make sure i get this - i have completed Neptune - 100% and killed the bastard and took a screen shot to prove. Can I now safely reset my world-wide difficulty settings and not lose progress? my assumption is the UI will show me losing progress.

Yes, it should tell you in your manhunt under Neptune "Replay". Once that's the case you can freely reset the Global Difficulty and reset the Manhunt. It will still count as "done" for the Prime Target later on.


Originally posted by Business717

I really think it's a huge blunder to release a brand new expansion without testing the group scaling content. People like to play this game together and when 3-4 friends can't tackle content they, by all accounts other than bad scaling, should be able to complete it's disheartening and turns people away from the game they just spent their money on.

Big changes like this are good for expansions, I agree, but they need to be tested thoroughly before being deployed and it seems like this was really a mis-step.

For what it's worth of course we tested this internally. Doesn't mean we can't make mistakes.


Originally posted by Business717

One of the top posts on the sub right now. I've had numerous turrets just vanish when placed and they still go on cooldown. I know you guys want as detailed examples as possible but there's numerous threads on this sub about a lot of the bugs listed in this post.

Thanks, we definitely saw that one. Really well done overview with lots of details. Very useful.


Originally posted by BDrizz307

It's not COOL to talk about things out of Chris' order. COOL COOL

Can't do that on my watch, cool? Cool!


Originally posted by echof0xtrot

"this will probably require multiple incremental changes, because we don't want to make it too easy accidentally, and then would have to tune it the other way, and increasing difficulty isn't fun for anyone." -- yannick (paraphrased)

theeeeeeen why did you...?

We think the expansion was a good point to make changes to the difficulty as it's a very clear cut. If we go too much into one direction now and then follow it up two to four weeks later, it's not clear for a lot of players what happened.

I understand the sentiment that we didn't do a perfect job this time around though, don't get me wrong.


Originally posted by theLegACy99

Huh, Chris is hosting, which means he won't post here >.<



Originally posted by BDrizz307

I must have missed this.... The Thieves Den is gone? I know they removed Gray Rogue but didnt know they completely removed the vendor. Damn.

We don't have an update on this yet. As the achievements are weighted we need to find a similarly weighted activity to replace this.


Originally posted by Business717

SoTG 3/11 summarized: "we are looking into it"

Calling it now.

Edit: Easy money. Didn't address hit detection issues, gear sets being broken, and a slew of other bugs.

We briefly talked about the Gear Sets and Talents not being working. If you have a list of the "other bugs" I can see if we are tracking them all.

The Hit Registration that has been brought up today is not something we've investigated yet and I only saw the first couple of mentions before I went down to do State of the Game. We will investigate tomorrow and if you have any detailed info at hand I'll gladly take that.


Originally posted by Jlinz_20

Reason for the delayed stream: The guys doing the stream are currently still dumping bullets into a 4 man heroic named tank, they started an hour ago and planned to be done by now so they could show us.

Next update: Stream postponed to next week, developer PTSD from 4 man heroic mission.

It was actually the BTSU Support Station.