

08 Apr


Originally posted by pomekPL

You need to spend some time in DZ. I guess the easiest way to reproduce it would be calling an extraction each time when it departs. After a few, you should start losing frames.

Ofc, in an Occupied Dark Zone frames drop are higher. Even without extractions.

I'm forwarding all the reports and we are trying some different things now. It's definitely easy to reproduce on the live servers, just the internal builds somehow are not as affected.


We are having trouble debugging this issue. We are encountering it on the live servers as well but can't reproduce it easily internally. It's one of the issues that is most affected by us working from home.


Interested to hear opinions and suggestions about this. What team would you think qualifies for this?

06 Apr


Originally posted by NimbleJack3

It's the same as here, NimbleJack3. I am matchmaking right now for the Daily Challenging mission as of this typing (Potomac Event Center) and I haven't gotten a single match for half an hour.

Thanks for that. We will investigate if there are any general issues. From a first glance it seems that your connection to the servers always has a very high ping which might cause matchmaking issues for you.

If you are using a VPN try turning it off and if you have very strict firewall settings that might also help. While we will look further into it on our side as well it's probably best to reach out to to go through some tech steps to reduce latency.


Hey, thanks for the report. Can you DM me your Uplay name, please? We made several changes a few weeks back and it seems to have fixed the majority of matchmaking issues. With your account info we can look into where you are getting matchmade into and so on.

27 Mar


Thanks for the long write up. I think you pretty much hit the nail on the head on several issues. Unfortunately you also try to make it look like we are not aware or are not trying to fix these things.

We understand the current situation is frustrating and that it's our fault. We are frustrated with it too. And you can believe me when I say we are also frustarted that we are in a time right now where everything slows down due to the circumstances we are facing. I'll try to tackle your list.

1) Seriously, massive. How hard?

It's not easy, which is why it's not done yet. Your suggestions also requires an UI update, localization and therefore a client patch. This needs to be validated by third parties and so on. That being said, the Control Point reset on Global Difficulty change will be part of the next update which will come in early April (exact date TBD due to the current circumstances).

2) Balance in all thin...

Read more

26 Mar


Originally posted by Potent_Delusions

Sorry but this is pathetic. So you'd rather leave it unobtainable than just putting in something easy like "Visit the black market vendor"? Sony doesn't check the "weighting" as you put it. It's a bronze trophy and they hugely vary in difficulty across games anyway. Some games have bronze trophies for merely loading up the games whilst others like Wolfenstein II have a bronze trophy for beating the game on the hardest difficulty without dying once. It doesn't need a "weighting", If it's not high priority then just make it something easy to code then. I appreciate you guys have a lot of bug fixing to do but "iT nEeDs WeIgHtInG" isn't even a valid excuse. I've paid £25 to have a trophy break on me.

While I understand your reaction what you said is not true. To implement this achievement we obviously work with Sony and they do check the weighting. It might be obvious but our first reaction was "let's just make it a log in once" achievement kind of thing. That's not the way it works though.


Originally posted by echof0xtrot

what about agent skin color problems since WoNY? i and others have made bug reports on the official forums, but haven't heard anything mentioned in SotGs or anywhere about it, much less an ETA on a fix

This might be due to the changes to some faces. I don't believe any work has been done on this and it will likely also not have a high priority right now.


Originally posted by bullet_king_THE_BOSS

Chris, how come the DZ FPS drops is not a high priority issue?

It has been more than 3 weeks since the expansion came out and you guys have been unable to address it.

It is making DZ unplayable most of the time.

Not to mention it should have been found during the testing phase.

We actually have issues reproducing it internally on our dev builds. Which makes it difficult to debug. We do have people in the studio playing and experiencing it as well, I want to point that out. It's just with the work from home setup everything is slower for internal testing.

25 Mar


Originally posted by Rob_Highwind

Can we please get an update on how the studio plans to fix the Dark Zone: Safe House trophy/achievement?

It has been broken for almost a month because you removed the Thieves' Den from the game.

It's not a simple solution I'm afraid. The trophy / achievement requires a certain weight, so we have to replace it with something similar. It's on our list but given the current circumstances it also doesn't have a high priority.


Originally posted by gothamhunter

The contaminated zone "The Angel of Mercy" in Constitution Hall is not accessible through normal means. Please add this to the known issues list.

We're aware and this fix will require some more time. It seems that the environmental interaction broke and we have to do some work on that. Unfortunately not a quick fix.


Originally posted by harmlessrocket

Do we have an ETA on striker gear set?

Likely with the early April update. We should have a better understanding by the end of the week.


Originally posted by The_Loiterer

I logged in now after the TU 8.4 update and all my control points are green. It's very boring, nothing to fight for in the open world. Why did you listen to those complaining about control points getting taken over? It made the open world feel alive. Some tweaks could have been made to make take-overs rarer when you have all control points in an area. Thus giving players who wanted full control time to react.

Just to clarify, we will give players the option to reset CPs in an upcoming update. For now you can reset the Manhunt CPs with the newly added button in the Manhunt UI.

Next up is the ability to reset CPs via Global Difficulty.

24 Mar


Originally posted by ItsCrocoSwine

I am also getting rewards normally. Hopefully it's purely visual. "x stages Until Next Reward" is incorrect also, i only needed 1 before reset and it said 6 after.

Thanks for the info. I wasn't sure what my progress was before the reset, so 6 sounded like it was correct.


The UI completely reset and I will talk to the team about it. It should still tell you "x stages Until Next Reward" if you go into the Rewards track. If you did not finish the Westside League yet you should get new rewards.

I just ran DCD and got 9 stages and got my Rank 7 reward. If you do not earn any new rewards please let us know.

If you have finished Westside League last week there are no new rewards for this event and you can fully focus on Global Event Polarity Switch if you'd like.

23 Mar


Originally posted by Brokeng3ars

Genuinely curious, but why was this done in the first place? Why were changes to CP's needed? I've never seen anyone previously complain about CP's so why fix something that aint broken? As the saying goes.

There was lots of feedback on Control Points including them being taken over continuously, as well as not being able to just continue doing CPs as often as you want.

We will make it so that you can reset the CPs with a Global Difficulty change in an upcoming patch. You will be able to reset the Manhunt CPs with a separate button, likely this week.


It is a high priority but needs work. I know that sounds odd but the functionality of separating the Manhunt and the CPs is not simple. We will have more news this week.

19 Mar


Originally posted by ViperStealth

Thanks for the response Chris.

As you can see, there's a shared frustration with scaling (of which you guys are aware of and addressing).

I'd really love this league feature to allow us to use a range of builds and not only a red stack DPS build.

Stay safe.

That's definitely something we are keeping an eye out. I want to say though that in my runs we had a guy for DCD for example that went all CC with Shock and Blind, it was pretty helpful and I have seen some Tanky bois as well.

With the balance changes we can have another look at diversity. From what we can see in the data players are doing different variations of red DPS, Skill Heal, Skill Damage and Tank. Additionally also a lot of mixed builds. So, now we have to make sure that these are all contributing and how the solo experience looks.


Originally posted by eternal70200

Make sure you stick to cover and use cover-to-cover while waiting for the rebalancing patch.

Could you record your run? It'd be cool to see a developer run through it.

I'm not a developer on the game but a community developer, so I don't do any design or coding. We're looking into ways to stream from home but my rig is pretty old and can't handle the game and OBS. I'll try to see what's possible.