

08 Mar


Originally posted by GjallaGjallaBillYall


anything on Bloom not working?

Yes it’s being fixed in an upcoming update.


Originally posted by NiiN10DoH

Real question is will Thorn be timegated or be done in a day like TLW?

You will be able to get it as your own pace starting on March 12.


The Team is aware of the feedback that Glass is making Reckoning too difficult and/or less fun. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

07 Mar


Shaxx just didn't want Crimson Days to end apparently. We are looking into, thanks!

06 Mar


Originally posted by BooYeah0484

/u/Cozmo23 strikes out again at getting to be a moderator.

Maybe next time.


Originally posted by Supbrahdawg

Uhm I know this isn't really related but the quest step for wearing Ancient Apocalypse armor for a win in Gambit isn't triggering completed for me - I've double checked and won 2 matches with the full set in both normal and Gambit Prime. Would you be able to check this out?

We're looking into an issue were Gambit and Gambit Prime completions are not counting for progress towards several bounties. quests, etc.


Originally posted by CheekyCthulhu

Sorry to hear that guardian. I’ve searched all over the web and nobody is talking about this, I hope u/dmg04 or u/cozmo23 can see this and help us

It's a known issue we are looking into. Thanks!


Looking into this now. Thanks!


Originally posted by snakebight

Psst. Pass on that new vendor armors would preferably be ornaments...

We’ve already got to lug around 4 different Prime armor sets. That’s a lot.... I know it’s too late, but it’d be nice to only carry one set and have the perks associated with ornaments or something.

I'll let them know this feedback.


Originally posted by Sun-Taken-By-Trees

Yes, pass it right into some void from which nothing returns.

You don't feel any of the communities feedback has resulted in changes? Honest question.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Just because I let someone know their specific feedback is being passed along, doesn't mean that no one here is aware of the general premise.


Originally posted by kBazilio

/u/Cozmo23 & /u/dmg04 this needs to be addressed. We don't want new Y2 sets that are reskinned to look like some of the Y1 armor, we want that exact Y1 armor (and weapons) upgraded to Y2 standards, with random rolls, mods and new masterwork system.

I will pass that feedback along, thanks.


Originally posted by devoltar

It also isn't giving clan XP, which is really frustrating when considering the removal of dailies. Hopefully this can be hotfixed fairly quickly, since these are the events everyone is focused on this week.

I’ll let the team know this is an issue, thanks.


Thanks for the report. We are already working on a fix.

05 Mar


Originally posted by Metatermin8r

Cozmo pls, its "What if you miss?" "I won't".


Originally posted by Shadow9951

Hey Cozmo. It seems like the Light Vs Light triumph wasn’t updated either even though it stated it in the patch notes.

The string in game wasn't updated, or it's not working in the new intended way?