Taken are terrible but at least their abilities is one and done (mostly). Scorn are the worst because they can go into that corrupted ether state and the longest I've seen one remain in that and not trigger the other zone to start populating with enemies is twenty five seconds. Also, cozmo, just asking out of curiosity. Have you ever noticed in Gambit that sometimes enemies will just double their rate of fire for no reason? Like they're treating you as if you're on your sparrow, even though you're not, so their fire rate goes up in an effort to kill you.
Sixth day edit: I have proof that Scorn enter their ether state for much longer than usual! Admittedly this isn't in Gambit, but while in the Dreaming City the bug happened. Strangely enough it lasted much longer than I initially stated, but that might be from the location it was at. Using a grenade launcher pushed around the Ether mass, and I tried to be quick to launch it fast enough to get it unstuck, but it didn't work....