

10 Apr


Originally posted by QuotidianQuell

The more pieces of Inaugural Revelry or Vernal Growth armor you equip, the more potent the tonic will be. The powerful effect applies to every activity in the game except Private Matches. Revelers will even be more dangerous in the Crucible.

Including Competitive...?

Yes, any activity other than Private Matches.


I spoke with the team that tested this and there should be no impact from changing your PSN ID on your Destiny progress.

If you do come across any edge cases, please let us know. Thanks!


Originally posted by raydobbsy53

It’s not that I don’t appreciate the update, but with all the zany stuff going on I think some word on those things would do better than “here’s more Tess engrams”

We are currently working on fixes. Didn't want to hold info from the community while we work on them.


Originally posted by NotAbelianGroup

I need this ladybird ghost shell


Originally posted by i_forget_what_i_do

I hope that Arbalest will be like Thunderlord where it can drop from Engrams after the event. We don't know the triumphs, so tying an Exotic to something that no everyone will be able to do would be a little unfair, especially if that event only comes around once a year.

I hope that Arbalest will be like Thunderlord where it can drop from Engrams after the event.

You are correct!


Originally posted by MrBoxman45

Looking into this now. Thanks for the report.

09 Apr


This wasn't an intended change. We are looking into it. In the meantime, enjoy the spicey Arcstrider.

05 Apr


Sent this suggestion to the team. Thanks.


Originally posted by Popopoyotl

/u/Cozmo23 , for the Thunderlord quest, will it be just like last year where each step is time gated for a week, or will we be able to complete each step as we want?

Complete each step at your leisure.


Originally posted by Thiag0123

u/Cozmo23 Isn’t this update supposed to also buff the Dreaming City and Last Wish cosmetic drops too? It’s not listed here, did it get delayed?

No, it's still in 2.2.1


Originally posted by AscendantShard


Are we ever gonna see a damage buff to thundercrash or a ward of dawn buff as these two supers are under-preforming in most PvE activities.

I brought this up to the Sandbox the other day as we know there has been feedback on Code of the Missile and Ward of Dawn. They said they are looking into these for future updates.

03 Apr


Originally posted by PushItHard

Fantastic post. Well written, greatly sourced.

Hopefully a community manager finds this.




We will share details for what Sandbox changes we are making in 2.2.1 in the the TWAB on Thursday. The changes are scheduled to go live on 4/9.

02 Apr


Originally posted by Tehsyr

Taken are terrible but at least their abilities is one and done (mostly). Scorn are the worst because they can go into that corrupted ether state and the longest I've seen one remain in that and not trigger the other zone to start populating with enemies is twenty five seconds. Also, cozmo, just asking out of curiosity. Have you ever noticed in Gambit that sometimes enemies will just double their rate of fire for no reason? Like they're treating you as if you're on your sparrow, even though you're not, so their fire rate goes up in an effort to kill you.

Sixth day edit: I have proof that Scorn enter their ether state for much longer than usual! Admittedly this isn't in Gambit, but while in the Dreaming City the bug happened. Strangely enough it lasted much longer than I initially stated, but that might be from the location it was at. Using a grenade launcher pushed around the Ether mass, and I tried to be quick to launch it fast enough to get it unstuck, but it didn't work....

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Not seen that, but if you have a video send it over.


Originally posted by 30oboe

Y use mny lttrs wen few do trik

Save time, sea world.

01 Apr


Let's be straight with each other. I know DMG is watching me. Probably wants you to snitch, am I right?

If you're considering, I get it. My cat memes have pissed off a whole lotta dangerous people. Stand with me, I got your back. Trust.


DAE remember when everyone hated the Taken the most?


Originally posted by NorseFenrir

What the f**k, bro. I even declared for Team Bread and everything. ;_;

It's not too late to use mod abuse to change sides.


So the good news is we are making the drop rates increase each completion you don't get a drop until you have a guaranteed chance for a weapon to drop. It won't be the exact percentages you called out, but will work in a similar manner.

We will also be adding most of the weapons to the loot pool of Gambit Prime to increase the ways you can earn Season of the Drifter weapons. Most weapons will have a chance to drop at the end of Gambit Prime matches and the drop chances will also increase each match you don't get a drop. Gnawing Hunger, Just In Case, and Doomsday will remain as exclusive drops in the Reckoning.

You can read the ...

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Originally posted by Onyxranger

But, do you toast them...or microwave them?



Originally posted by FullMetalGlicoz

I can choose between Vanguard and Drifter, but I can't choose between Cozmo and DMG! :(

Let’s be bad guys.