

06 Jun


Originally posted by shoottheglitch

"I have destroyed myself to do this. They have taken my Ghost. They are in my blood and brain. But now there is hope. [...] If I speak again, I am not Kabr." —Kabr, the Legionless

This was always my fav lore from back in the D1 days. Kabr was a real one.

02 Apr


I heard if you open the spirit bloom chest it lowers your chance for an exotic.

06 Feb


Originally posted by d3l3t3rious

One of my favs is in Cobra Kai.

There are also two characters named Hawk and Moon that end up dating.

18 Jan


Originally posted by MisterWoodhouse

The character recustomization launch will cross off our oldest remaining Bungie Plz suggestion!

Think I was still around when it went up.

05 May

19 Jan


Originally posted by The_Rick_14

Some feedback with the Artifact changes. It will be amazing if instead of resetting the entire Artifact, we can just disable and enable along the way.

For example, if I want to switch which Artifact mods I have unlocked in the fourth column. Let me disable one and then enable another instead of having to reset and reselect all 12.

This is good feedback. Not sure what what it would take to change the UI, but we will share with the team.

18 Jan


Originally posted by Zaveno

Artifice armor will have a new unique mod slot that grants three additional points to your character stats like strength, agility, intellect, etc

Should this say Mobility, or is this an accidental hint at more changes?

Should be mobility, I'll get it fixed, thanks.

12 Jan


Hey everyone,

I wanted to stop by and say hi and that I hope everyone had a great time over the holidays and happy start to the new year.

Now that we are kicking off 2023 we’d like to put out a call to action for some good old community feedback. Earlier today, we put out a couple of QOL changes that we hope will improve the player experience for everyone. We also have some changes to focusing coming next week as well. You can read the details here.

We wanted to see what other kinds of changes you all would like to see in ...

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05 Dec


Congrats on 10 years!

13 Nov


Sorry you are having trouble with an order. PM your order details and I will look into it tomorrow.

01 Sep


Originally posted by SneakingLama

Why is the Thunderclap issue (auto melee instead of powered) not a known issue

We will get it added to the Known Issues List. We are currently investigating. Looks like we are hoping to get it fixed for the next update.

27 Aug

26 Aug


Listen everyone. There is no need to worry–we have Telesto fully under control.

25 Aug


Originally posted by waytooeffay

FYI, even though Resilience not working for Arc Titans/Warlocks isn't under the list of "Known Issues" here, according to their help forum as of 3 hours ago they're aware of the issue and investigating. I assume it was simply brought to their attention too late for it to be included in the TWAB

Can confirm its a known issue we are investigating.

24 Aug


Originally posted by The_ginger_cow

People would abuse the living shit out of negative commendations. Someone killed me with a fusion in pvp? Negative commendation. Someone kills too many ads in strikes and I can't finish my bounties? Negative commendation

Straight to jail!

23 Aug


Originally posted by DuelaDent52

“Eramis has broken free”

Oh my gosh, who could have seen this coming. I’m shocked I tell you, shocked.

There is no way we could have prevented this. She was clearly frozen.

18 Aug


Originally posted by GunfireFWC

Definitely was hoping for a GIF or two showcasing some of the abilities, but I think this preview was excellent despite no visual info. Great work folks!

Saving the showcasing for the showcase. :)

17 Aug


Originally posted by pineboxpyrell

Really appreciate this info being released before the season instead of waiting until the day of.

Appreciate the feedback on messaging here. Glad everyone is enjoying Arc 3.0 on paper, but also can't wait to see everyone see it for the first time during the D2 Showcase on 8/23 and then immediately get to play it when S18 goes live. Going to be a fun day.


Originally posted by MisterWoodhouse

Please note that the blog has been edited with two corrections:

  1. Thruster is a ground ability.

  2. The blind audio effect is no longer a flashbang sound, but rather a washed-out audio distortion.


12 Aug


Edit: We just contacted the winner. Thanks everyone for celebrating Gjally Day with us!

Once again, the mods are asleep and it's time to break the rules by asking for up votes.

On second thought, I don’t really care how many upvotes you give as I’m giving away this thing away regardless, you can’t stop me. Better be at least more than 50 though.

Anyways, leave a parent comment below and you will be entered to win one of our ...

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