Sorry, I was asked how something worked and gave a factual answer. I'll pass along of the feedback on how players think it should be changed in the future.
Sorry, I was asked how something worked and gave a factual answer. I'll pass along of the feedback on how players think it should be changed in the future.
Is there even any reason to have them rotate since it's not Season of the Forge anymore? I feel like it would make more sense just to have them all always available, so people can grind what they want when they want. Especially since forges aren't featured content anymore.
Thanks, I'll give this feedback to the team.
We need Daylight Saving Time ALL THE TIME!
u/cozmo23 u/dmg04. Just curious if the weapon frames are a server side thing that can be manually tweaked like what was done with the nightfall that one week. A couple of frames (hammerhead) haven’t been seen in months where it seems like the sword is always here.
Edit: since it looks like a lot of people are miss interpreting cosmo’s answer: I asked if the frames were something that can be changed on the fly server side like the nightfall and he said it is not it is RNG. He has previously addressed they are looking into weapon frame RNG but it is something that would have to be changed code wise - a patch.
Nope. They are baked in and we can't change them server side. Ada-1 just reaches into a bag blindly and pulls them out randomly each week.
Daylight savings time is great, hopefully Cali goes ahead and makes it year round as the Proposition stated.
I'm fine with doing that, lets just pick one and stick with it. :)
Any word on The bloom perk for warlocks still not working? :)
Also scheduled for 2.2.1.
Are you in an area that participates in Daylight Savings? Your weekly reset may be an hour later than expected.
EX: We're at a 10AM Reset on the West Coast now.
Does anyone else not like Daylight Savings?
We are working on make the Graviton Lance, Sunshot, and Sweet Business catalysts available again next season. We will have more details closer to the start of the new season. Thanks.
You were all right the first time. It's "D-EEEEEE-ge."
Carry on.
I like this.
My takeaway here is the milestone progression system makes you play content that you don't enjoy and that you would rather have a path to power up where you can play the activities you want.
Duplicate power drops in the same slot are frustrating and you would like us to implement some sort of duplicate protection. And the Enhancement core economy is making the power climb less fun because you can't equip the gear that makes you look and play the way you want to.
I'll continue to make these feedback items heard by the team. Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts.
This sounds fine.
Looking into this now, probably not going to fix.
Then that mean that players are only meant to be carrying 20 of each type at any given time?
Fixed an issue where Blockers were not spawning on Kell’s Grave and Cathedral of Scars. These maps will be re-enabled when this issue is resolved.
If you wanna leave Kell's Grave disabled, Bungie, go right ahead.
Please watch your step when it returns.
Is the lack of dismantling the bug or the multiple stacks?
The multiple stacks. It was never intended for players to have more than one stack of each type. We are currently investigating.
The team is aware of this issue and already looking into a fix. Thanks.
/u/Cozmo23 Do you guys know of the losing motes in Gambit even when you don't die bug or how the Business as Usual quest step does not update even after getting wins in Gambit?
Yes, it's a known issue we are working on. Thanks.
Dread it.
Run from it.
Sunshot Ghost still arrives.
So we didn’t make Sunshot Ghost. It just appeared in the game and no one knows why.
We tried to take it out, but it doesn’t want to leave.
Be careful.
Known issue, working on a fix.