13 Nov


Originally posted by Knoxeh

I had no doubt. But is it possible to allow medics to inform players on the ground that we are coming to res them. Like pressing Q on a downed friendly giving them a dialogue of something like "I got you!".

Yes we are looking at adding this back as well.


Originally posted by LordBaranox

Thanks for getting this out there! Hopefully it helps you guys out and gets DICE's eyes on it!

Thanks for sharing, we're taking a look at this now.

11 Nov


Originally posted by iCaps_

I loved your work in BFV and the changes you started introducing to the franchise. I think it added a nice layer of flavor and variety.

What was your favorite new feature you helped design/implement for this release?

Thank you! 😊

Probably the new Parachute with its steering mode that allows you to easily navigate around at the cost of not being able to use your weapon and the other mode which does the opposite (very little steering but possibly to use most weapons, gadgets or throwables)


Originally posted by idee_fx2

Good now add back the fire mode indicator outside of ADS. Like in all DICE previous battlefield titles of the last decade...

I highly doubt the guy who approved this UI has ever switched his fire mode ever or he would have realized why it was a terrible idea to leave it in ADS only.



Originally posted by florentinomain00f

DICE knows us and they are watching us


17 Oct


Originally posted by Father_Giliam

The strafe input for sliding doesn't mean they're allowing turning while sliding like in bfv, right?

It will allow you to slightly adjust your direction but it will be a very small amount. Nowhere near enough for you to turn in a slide, you will only be able to adjust your direction by a few degrees.


We're already looking at changing this icon alongside a lot more changes related to the screen-center killfeed in an update that will come shortly after launch :)

04 Sep


Originally posted by ThickNeckMegaTrapped

The Battlefield 5 skulls were the best kill indicator, no doubt. And everyone loves the BF1 sound, but I preferred BFV kill sound.

There are a lot of different tastes about hit/kill indicators as well as sounds - Hope you'll like what you'll see (and hear) when we launch! :)


Hit indicators are very Work In Progress in the footage you saw, they're going to change for the Open Beta and will change again even more at launch since those are the elements we save time for iterating on usually at the end. Same applies to kill-feed and the similar hit / kill feedback elements.


The issue with hitmarkers showing below reticle / crosshair was a bug as well which has been addressed since.


Options to customize crosshair / hit indicators / kill indicators will be available and we can potentially add more heavily requested options! :)

18 Aug

03 Mar


Originally posted by Lilzycho

Something about the plane flares visibility at high altitude is fishy, isn't it? We aren't all just insane and paranoid. Not such a big deal on EU maps because the Fighter builds that have them aren't that popular. But if pilots abuse this on Pacific breakthrough maps it's extremely annoying.

Yes that is being looked into


Originally posted by Dante2005

I don't see mention of any spotting changes, is this correct that there are none?

Hi, u/braddock512 and u/partwelsh just wondering if you could clarify please.


There has been quite a few changes with 5.2.2 and 6.0 that aimed to revert most of the changes made to spotting back to 5.0. What are the changes that you are expecting?

That being said, we are looking at some more changes and bug fixing for future updates (plane flares, adjustments to "you're spotted" widget, bug fixing of the widget...) but nothing for 6.2 apart from the adjustments to spotted players seen from planes and consistency of smokes blocking spotted player icons.

10 Feb


Totally worth making sure that gadget could be used in passenger seats :D

13 Dec


Originally posted by blackmesatech

Yeah but back then it was only 5m.

No, it was 10m but also twice the angle


Originally posted by UniQue1992

and it will be very likely changed in a future update.

I hope this ends up being true Florian, knowing what way the enemy is facing is just way to OP.

I've made the change this morning so it will change in whatever patch that changes ends up into (most likely somewhere in January).


Originally posted by FUCKINGYuanShao

Is there anything else you have lined up to substitute the soon to be removed close range passive spotting? I would say that im a pretty decent player and despite that i often times struggle with seeing people well enough. The passive spotting helped seeing people who prone in certain spots but it also helped me to stay on target during fire fights. It made my performance more consistent with my skill and i died less "unfair" deaths due to the game not communicating information (my enemies position) well enough. I am sad to see it gone as i really liked the idea despite the suboptimal execution in 5.2.

Also thanks for your work i appreciate the rebalance and the game a lot (even without the hotfix)!

Edit: Another thing i would really like you guys to look into is further nerfs to the active spotting. I feel like the 10s duration from the traits is still too high and flare spam still feels very prevalent. Even with the increased consistentcy of shooting them down + t...

Read more

A substitute to active spotting would be a lot more time if we do not want to add any UI as it would mean going back to character visibility and working with lighting / art on something that would universally work for all situations ever. While this would be the ideal thing to chase, it would involve a pretty high amount of changes potentially.

On spotting duration, this is something we can tweak further if needed :)

12 Dec


Originally posted by stickler_Meseeks

It's exactly the same thing we had previously with less distance and narrower FOV. It's only if you ADS at a visible player which was available in 5.0

Old values:


New values:


The feature was actually introduced months before 5.0, not sure which patch exactly.


Originally posted by AmirPasha94

Nice! I hope that'll perform as intended.

BTW I'd like to be able to disable this feature. I don't need this kind of visual clutter in my screen. Can it be implemented in gameplay options/HUD settings?

I've replied to a similar comment earlier and I can't really promise anything at this point but while it is a bit of work, this could be something that we could add in the future.