12 Dec


Originally posted by Civildude892

Feedback for all of 5.2 is pretty much go back to 5.0. I don't think any of the 5.2 gameplay changes were a step in the right direction.

I don't believe everything was completely hated globally by players although some of the major changes generally were. I think those same major changes were blowing under the carpet what could be considered as good improvements to the game (5.2 patch notes had quite a lot of changes).

Even if we would want to, reverting to 5.0 would not really be an option as it would take A LOT of time to get there while keeping the content that had to drop with 5.2.


Originally posted by phunkysox

Youre removing passive spotting and replacing it with a narrow verison of passive spotting? So basically nothing has changed?

Nah im heading out thanks for nothing

It is pretty much going back to what it was with 5.0 where it would only trigger if you aim directly at an enemy player, the angle is twice narrower so it is also less likely to accidently happen. The distance at which it happens is comparable to that of BF4 now (with also a smaller angle than BF4).

Again, this is not spotting as this is not information that you share to friendly players, this is not adding a spot on the minimap and this is not activating the "You're spotted" widget of the player you aim at.


Originally posted by SometimeNextWeek

Gotta be talking about the enemies on the minimal when flares are up. Showing where exactly the player is and which direction they are heading.

What would be your feedback/suggestion on this?


Originally posted by kH4us

Do enemy acquisition icon’s activate when player is hidden in the bushes or by any vegetation?

If you can see the player and are aiming at him directly within 20m it would. If you cannot see him then it should not.


Originally posted by BoboTheBurner

That's awesome you're getting rid of the passive spotting. The 20m aim spotting still feels unnecessary though.

This is a part we will very likely keep in some form. Note that this feature has been live way before 5.0's release and the angle was actually quite wide. Further tweaking is of course still on the table.


Originally posted by wastelander75

All this looks promising.

Just a small other point, is it possible to get an option to see your squadmates names in the UI again?

Its really hard to call out enemies pushing my friends now is they're the same class.

It will be re-enabled up to 20m with this update, outside of that you will have to look at your squadmate to show his name exactly like in 5.0. We could revisit this further again if needed.

08 Dec


Originally posted by Rocket78

Can somebody messagel him "Nice, now the same with a FG42!"?

Nice, now the same with a FG42!

07 Dec


Originally posted by sirdiealot53

Unrelated but can you add name tags above squad mates back?

I can’t tell who I need to help in a dogfight/on ground.

Looking at the vehicle doesn’t help.

nametags above squad mates will come back, no nametags on squad mates in vehicles is a bug i'm looking at too.


Originally posted by Exyppp

Ok. Thanks for your response.. I dont want to sound mean but man the gunplay is trash now and that was the thing we all loved about BF5..

I understand the tone, no offense taken. I appreciate that there is a lot of feedback on those changes, good or bad.


Originally posted by mrhay

But, why is it there at all? Why did it come back, we all thought we were past the mini map spotting spam simulator.

I know BFV has visibility issues but this is not the solution and I think that many would agree with me on that one. The game now spots for you... this goes against everything that BFV was trying to do to give control back to the player, cause and effect.

But minimap spotting hasn't changed with 5.2? If anything most of the actual spotting has been nerfed if you read the patch notes and there is effectively less spotting going on.

I hear your feedback and the common opinion that i can read on the addition of the "enemy acquisition icons" though.


Originally posted by Exyppp

Ok. But why is no one from DiC3 responding to the TTK feedback?? Are you guys really pretending that everything is fine just to get christmas kiddies in? And make a better apology than last year when the changes will be reverted.

I'm not the right person to respond to the TTK topic. That being said we are not blindly ignoring the feedback and as you may know, we will be discussing this internally with the right stakeholders on Monday and I would guess we will be responding officially afterward (but I am also not the person that can exactly tell you when/what/how either).


Originally posted by Dill_pickles62

I’m playing on PS4, but I think there are a lot of similar bugs across all platforms, especially progression issues.

Thanks for reporting, would be keen to get video examples of bad occlusion of enemy icons through walls etc if you ever get the issue again.


This issue was present before with regular spotting but it's definitely problematic and even more obvious with the enemy acquisition icons introduced in 5.2. Smokes are blocked by a simple sphere that blocks icons, spotting, aim assist etc... in the sphere.

The problems that we have is:

  • The smoke visual effect is not a sphere and it's likely that the sphere does not block the edges of the smoke as a result.
  • The smoke visual effect is affected by wind a lot but the sphere will remain at the same position (especially when the current weather is storm)
  • The sphere does not really change size similar to what the smoke visual effect is, this means the sphere is often "removed" early on and while the visual effect is still active, it's not blocking anything anymore.
  • Certain smokes actually just don't block spotting/icons at all (will be solved in a future patch)

I've been looking at improving the occlusion of icons/spotting...

Read more

Originally posted by Dill_pickles62

Yeah it’s pretty bad, I was playing on twisted steel and multiple times I could see people right through the buildings with Doritos above their heads.

Playing on Xbox One? Seems like there is an issue since Patch 5.0 where no occlusion is happening on certain maps.

04 Dec


Originally posted by SuperSimpleSam

Somewhat reduced how close to the airplane a Fliegerfaust projectile needs to be in order to detonate. This means players will have to correctly predict plane trajectories and be more accurate inorder to deal consistent high damage to a plane.
To compensate for the less lenient distance detonation, the grouping consistency of the Fliegerfaust bursts has been increased to still allow players to be effective if they can predict plane trajectories and correctly lead the projectiles.

This sounds like now with larger spread, you'll be doing less damage even if you lead properly. More chance to hit but less likely to kill.

There is much less spread now actually, this is what was meant by "grouping consistency".


Originally posted by dkb_wow

Do they happen to explode any faster? As it is now, when we throw or throw back grenades, the enemy has plenty of time to run away from them since they just sit there and give off the grenade warning for several seconds. Will we ever have the ability to "cook" the grenade before we throw it? That would be a nice addition and would make using anything but the incendiary and smoke grenades more viable.

They don't explode any faster, that remains unchanged. When you throw back a grenade you actually slightly increase the fuse timer. On cooking grenades, we discussed it a few times and while it would be fairly easy to add we don't really want to add it as this would invalidate certain grenade types like the impact grenade and potentially lead to frustration from getting killed very often by cooked grenades.


Originally posted by captain-sano

Players can now be aware that they are currently spotted. The minimap edges will now be blinking and an additional YOU ARE SPOTTED text with an icon will be visible above for the duration of an enemy spot.

Reduced spotting duration from spotting scope and eagle eyed trait from 12s to 10s.

Reduced spotting flares duration by 20%, this means the flare gun's flare duration is now 24s instead of 30s.

Reduced spotting flares radius by 25%, this means the flare gun's flare radius is now 22.5m instead of 30m.

Great idea. Scout was already the weakest class in the game, so the best, most obvious solution is to "nerf" it even more.

Next they need to address those dominant 3 hit kill bolt action rifles. They should be 5 -6 hit kills.

I don't really think scout will be the weakest class in 5.2 with it being one of the few mostly unaffected classes in terms of weapon balance changes they will surely become more popular with players tending to gravitate a bit more towards BASRs (especially the more experienced players).

In terms of spotting changes, 5.0 had seen the spotting flare radius increased from 15m to 30m and the spotting duration increased from 15s to 30s. Those 5.2 changes here aim to get away from the potential constant up-time of two spotting areas of 30m radius that could easily happen combined with the ammo stations.

I would argue recon has some of the most powerful gadgets in the game (flare + spawn beacon). When used to their full potential they can give a crazy advantage to the player and its team.


Originally posted by ogernugget

What is rim lighting?

Virtually a low-intensity spot-light projected on the soldier at all times that dynamically adjusts with the contract of the background.


Originally posted by ToXxy145

So they made throwing back grenades actually plausible instead of just kicking them 2 inches away, but didn't fix the fact that 50% of the time the game doesn't even give you the option to throw them back.

It has also been tweaked in this update but wasn't added in the notes, it shouldn't happen anymore.


Originally posted by GuangoJohn

Thank you. That must have been buried in the patch notes as it was not in the main listing of items I quoted. Still think the increased range will cause the unintended effect of making it more powerful.

It's under this note:

Somewhat reduced how close to the airplane a Fliegerfaust projectile needs to be in order to detonate. This means players will have to correctly predict plane trajectories and be more accurate inorder to deal consistent high damage to a plane. (What does somewhat mean, this with reduction in hip fire will encourage aiming down sights more which is not a nerf to the effect)

The range increase will have a rare impact tbh. Predicting correctly a plane's trajectory 3 seconds ahead is very unlikely, close to lottery unlikely.