

26 Mar


Originally posted by Waterstealer

It’s ok, the flavor text made it palatable

… that was beautiful


Originally posted by AngeI_Error

It's dame the despoiler in the art, which is a Noxian character and a bounty hunter, why would she be in Bilgewater? Unlike the other cards such as brazen buccanear, her own card is Noxus and neither she or her weapon is shown to have any connections with Bilgewater.

reaches for my bottle of Italian olive oil to use with my French bread


I cannot condone eating the cards.

The delicious delicious cards…


Originally posted by BiasModsAreBad

Rotation better not lock me out of using whatever deck I want in vs Ai

You can play Eternal decks vs the AI. Eternal/Standard only affects the ranked ladder and other pvp activities.


Originally posted by Star_Gazin

Hands down the animations are easily the big draw for me in LoR.

Personally still love Sion's for that view of him causing explosions though the city before charging out of the gate.

Having said that, Samira and Sett's animations are really well done, especially like how Samira's feels like chase scene while Sett's feels like that part from Awakening when Draven jumps into the area to fight.

The way Draven tells it, he just grinned and the arena leaped up to catch HIM.

24 Mar


I like how brash can be interacted with, you can change enemy health more easily than you can change their power.


Originally posted by Bombwarri

I don’t Wanna end up brain dead, I mean honesty , you need to be mentally a complete degenerate to play it in hight Elo.

Definitely should play how you enjoy - Though if it's as powerful as you worry about, and as easy to play optimally as you think, you should quickly learn how to beat it or else climb extremely fast. Most decks have surprising subtleties to them that you discover when you try to play perfectly. Many seemingly obvious lines are actually incorrect in many different matchups.

Even the simplest "red deck wins" deck in MTG for example, is very commonly misplayed by top players. There's a ...

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One of the best ways to learn how to best a deck is to play it yourself. Either your opponents will teach you how to beat it or you’ll reach the top of masters on a winning streak. Playing it also teaches you a lot about what types of things you’re worried about while playing it.


Originally posted by BluePantera




Originally posted by Kindulas

This is unSettling, to say the least

I thought we'd need to sunsett this particular joke, but after seeing the upvote ratio it's clear that our player community demands more puns. And we're all about player first. ;)


Originally posted by Sairoxin

Would've loved it if you all could SETT up a dev video with this conversation

That'd be an assett for our community, but anything with internal footage would need to be sett aside because security.


Originally posted by Daniel_Day-Druid

All i need is one more pun to be fully Settisfied.

Glad you like the puns. I know some people don't, but really - you just need the right mindsett.


The lead designer of the set brought in stacks of "coin cookies" today for everyone that came by his desk.


Originally posted by SoundEmergency71ss

I never thought I would see the day when PnZ got more Predict support.

Twas burried in the sands. :)

23 Mar


Originally posted by Coffeeman314

So when is the Sett set set to release?

Sett your timer, it's coming real soon!


Originally posted by Delfinition

Where's is the neeko reveal!? Kidding but can only hope ):

Are you sure she hasn't been in the game since launch just... Disguised? ;)

I'm still pretty sure every champion is actually Leblanc.


Originally posted by Assyindividual

You guys are amazing and thanks a bunch for sharing this conversation and enjoying your work and our appreciation of your work :)

Thanks, it's a really fun place to work. :)


Originally posted by Dickwraith101

Upsetting that people work like this. Unsettling that this workplace settup is where people sett down and work to afford to live and settle down.

Even great teams have a few settbacks.

Tomorrow, we'll appologize, hit the resett button, and try again. :)


Originally posted by SpiritoftheSands

Really "SETT" it now huh?

I'd say they're a pretty nice Sett of puns.