

19 Feb

18 Feb


I think your confusion is totally understandable. Some other games stop a whole card from happening if it’s target vanishes. If you’re familiar with those in particular LoR’s take can be surprising. We generally don’t stop both effects if only one can’t be resolved.

We use terminology “do X to do Y” when they’re connected (like Glimpse Beyond) and “do x then do y” when they aren’t.

I’ve seen people confused by this before, it’s very understandable. Other people have been confused when seemingly unrelated effects are connected too. For example, Golden Aegis could cause confusion as to why killing a unit that would get barrier would stop you from rallying.

It’s a bit confusing to some folks no matter which way we go. This version seems to have less confusion overall and be more positive for the person playing the card.

16 Feb


Originally posted by iiowyn

The Lux thumbs up is what gets me, especially when playing Kindred. It does it every time one of my abilities or spells kills one of my own units, which is pretty much how the Kindred deck and powerset is defined. Einhar voice Stupid bots =P

She just thinks you’re awesome

14 Feb


Originally posted by ProfMarc

It emotes when I'm losing, so I emote back when I'm winning.😎

Good for you. I shen bow when it's been a little snooty to me.

12 Feb


I used to tilt a lot when I was playing cardgames in college. What changed was my approach:

Don't play to win. Play to improve.

After each game ask yourself what, knowing what you know now about how the game went, you could have done differently to improve your chances of winning. There's almost always something you could have done in hindsight, even if it isn't obvious at the time.

Focus on making the best move each turn, whether it's a win or a loss. Did you get a bad opening hand? Okay, how can you maximize your chances of winning anyway? This is a great chance to improve. Did you get paired against a bad matchup? Excellent, see what you can do to improve your odds, maybe by playing very differently than normal.

This is also why I say, "If you can't beat a deck, try it yourself. Your opponents will teach you how to beat it."

11 Feb


Originally posted by East-Cantaloupe962

Even MTG has ways around it!

Yup. Mirror Gallery was popular in the kitchen table days. :)


Some other TCGs do this, but many don't. Yugioh, Pokemon, Hearthstone, Faeria, and many more come to mind. What matters from a balance perspective is whether you're paying a fair cost to get the added power of a legendary card. Having two copies of a legandary unit on the field is mostly just weird from a flavor perspective, not a balancing perspective. There are exceptions when duplicates of a card can cause problems of course, but that's not unique to the concept of a legendary unit.

07 Feb


Originally posted by JanosCadela


More like obliterated :(


Originally posted by JanosCadela

I-it's not like you're not powerful enough, Mr. Incredibly Powerful Starforger, is t-that maybe you could give a little more of your tremendous power to your followers. They seem kinda weak compared to those Darkin people

It’s been nice knowing you…

steps faaaaar back


Originally posted by JanosCadela

I didn't mean to say that Invoke is bad in TPoC. What I was saying is that Invoke has been in a pretty bad spot in the game for a while and I was expecting a buff in this balance patch :(

If you want to be the one to tell Aurelion sol at work that he isn’t powerful enough, be my guest. Dude is seriously intimidating in the boba line.


Invoke is so FUN it’s a common item in TPOC. :)

Invoke is in the happy situation of being fun, positive for run to run variety, and on par with many other keywords that are available in the common items.

04 Feb


Not sure about the humor tag, but that cunning kitten SO fluff!


Originally posted by pasturemaster

I appreciate Dan replying to post like this on occasion. Don't think a person's status should exempt them from criticism though. And I say this accepting that your comment was criticism (I assume joking) of my comment.

"Thou art pardoned, Master of Pastures. I hold thee faultless. All are equal before my sight, and all may discuss the Riddle of Shadows."

03 Feb


Originally posted by vergehunter

@Dan_Felder, why does Quick Attack trump Ephemeral, i.e. why does an Ephemeral Katarina level up and return to hand?

Because it's quicker. :)

In reality, it's Katarina's ability in that scenario that triggers before Ephemeral does. Ephemeral units die after striking, katarina's ability triggers when she strikes. katarina's ability happens, levels her up, returns her to your hand. Ephemeral never gets a chance to trigger.


Originally posted by pasturemaster

That's not how Ephemeral+Quick Attack works...

They enjoy it for a brief moment because they die on their own terms, untainted by their opponent's blade... Then fade away like ash in the wind.


Originally posted by Putrid-Pomegranate97

So you're saying there's a possibility the existing roster of relics at the moment might be nerfed? Am i not gonna get a chance to use gatebreaker before it being nerfed?

We’ve announced we’re doing balance changes in pve, I can’t talk about which ones of course - can’t I officially announce stuff on random comments - just responding to the OP


“How do people end up on teams?”

Usually it’s because zoom, google meet, slack huddle, and discord are all simultaneously down. Or you work at Microsoft.