

03 Oct


Yasuo stubs the enemies and can grow your units in strike or the fae bladetwirlers can grow on stun. Also has some barrier units for blocking. Tempest blade is still a monster play for yasuo himself. Will solve the problem no worries.

30 Sep


The 2-star adventures will be your first noticeable difficulty spike. The first adventures are training wheels for people new to cardgames or roguelikes or both. Once you’re playing 2-star+ adventures you’ll have a bigger challenge.

Also, jinx is basically an auto win against the low health opponents early in tpoc, intentionally so. Switch to one of the other champs if you want more nuance to your gameplay - jinx is Al about blowing them up fast.


Originally posted by FarKitchen493

No. Aurelion Sol is a luck based fight if you are bad at the game. If you plan for the fight throughout the run and play it right at the end you will see that he's beatable 80% of the time

Yeah, I rarely lose to asol. Few players draft with the final boss in mind.they often just try to run over him like the easier fights.

27 Sep

16 Aug


Originally posted by Piercingforce

Thanks for the response and I await my chance to acquired Galeforce in the future.

Galeforce will be one of the relics that can appear in the recently announced Emporium.

31 Jul


Originally posted by unclecaramel

Mostly a path player so heres my question

First is.thatIs the relic and painful slow grind of path going to see any meaningful changes. The path grind itself was fun at the begging but as more champion are added it often seems super painful to play. Esspecially when it comes to relic which is often very core to certain decks and often than not you have player stuck month without them

Second path deck balancing, is there anything real changes for some of the decks in path who are either weak or hit hard because of pvp changes or is inchonherent mess of champ design

My biggest issue here is varus who has furious strike that doesn't really go well with his game plan and the momentous strike recieve the farsight alteration which actively goes against whag varus wants to do. This hasn't been fix since varus release and often then not pvp changes that mess with decks do not rececieve any compsention for them like VI'S deck poro canon samira changes that makes arre...

One thing worth noting - PvP is intended to be balanced within very narrow win percentages. A deck having a 53% win rate vs a 48% win rate is a huge difference in ranked ladder. TPoC embraces a much wider range of acceptable power levels. While the small balance tweaks for PvP will affect TPoC, they'll usually stay well within TPoC's target balance range.

For example, Jinx is supposed to be an extremely powerful champion to help carry new players as they learn the game. Even after Super-Mega Deathrocket was nerfed, she’s still an extremely powerful champion and doing her job well.

However, there are still limits for what’s fun in TPoC. If a champion is too weak, it can make playing with them feel very frustrating. If a champion is too strong, it can make playing with anything else feel foolish and ends up being very boring. If a change to PvP pushes a champion past these limits, we’ll want to adjust their deck or powers accordingly. Same goes for relics.


Originally posted by Piercingforce

Is duplicate protection for relics still a priority? The protection for gold chests was a nice touch but as someone trying to unlock all relics it really hurts not getting any unique ones week after week. Also return of rubin streams when?

Rubin has so far eluded our attempts to restrain him to a streaming chair 24/7.

So far.

As for the duplicate protection, Gold and Platinum vaults were given duplicate protection for champion fragments because they are intended to be rare, special rewards of a large number of champion fragments. They’re rewards for things like fully completing Aurelion Sol or reaching major Legend Level milestones.

However, as long as they could roll excess fragments, they didn’t feel special. They often felt like opening a few silver vaults in a row. Because dailies reward 4 wild fragments, wild fragments don’t feel rare or special. While 8 wild fragments are valuable because you can use them on anyone, it doesn’t feel nearly as special or exciting as opening 40 fragments for a random champion. That’s what we wanted gold and platinum vaults to feel like.

However, we recognize some of the players who had already opened most of their Gold and Plat vaults have relics th...

Read more

25 Jul


Originally posted by DevastaTheSeeker

If you didn't want to be critiqued about what is and isn't a bird don't put a subtype called birds in the game

One of the great things about Legends of Runeterra is that you get to play with fantastical creatures that don't exist in real life like dragons, fae, celestials, and birds.

24 Jul


During a meeting a Lead Designer ended a design discussion on with, "I'm not here for Runeterran Ornithology!"

Love this job.

Can anyone guess which card it was about?

External link →

02 Jul


Originally posted by Richieva64

Oh interesting I'll check out that article thank you!!! Yeah I can imagine it's just easy to communicate quickly with those archetypes even if it's not that accurate sometimes. By the way, congrats on the new expansion, I absolutely loved the design of the 3 new champions specially the flexibility of the origins of Neeko and Poro King, I've been trying them with all the regions and it's really fun!

Glad you're enjoying the game. :)


Thank you for being kind. :)


Originally posted by Richieva64

Timmy comes from the three archetypes of players from the lead designer of MTG:

Timmy is the guy who wants to play big creatures on curve and get big splashy but simple effects, hence the unga bunga.

Johnny is the guy who wants to experiment and brew crazy meme decks and combos, even if they don't win if they did "the thing" they won.

Spike are the hyper competitive players who just want to win with the best deck in the meta and play it perfectly.

This the article he wrote about it, it's very interesting, you start to see how many cards in MTG and LoR are usually targeting one of the 3 archetypes of players


If you’re interested in this, I suggest checking out the “Timmy, Johnny, spike Revisited” article. It’s often ignored and far more useful for designers.

I don’t personally use this framework often for my own work because it’s actively confusing unless you are deeply deeply deeply familiar with it (often people think a card is obviously for timmy when in reality it’s a spike card etc) but many designers are familiar with it so I end up talking about it a lot.


Okay wingless birds aside, do you want to be the one that tells him he can’t count as a bird? We lost enough interns to telling draven he was “too weak” and needed a buff.


I’ll have recruiting reach out to you shortly.

EDIT - Apparently “but did you nid-a-see this pun” is not an accepted justification for an emergency hire. :(

29 Jun


Originally posted by crimps_and_jugs

My question is, when you kill a disguised Neeko, do you know you killed Neeko?

Why would you want to kill Neeko?

I just don’t kill any 2 cost unit anymore, just to be safe.


Originally posted by IWantToHearFromYou

Not if you understood the reference.

/s stands for /simpsons

28 Jun


Originally posted by Michellozzzo


Now it's official, please report to your nearest Shadow Isle.

We'll be sending Thresh to collect you soon.

24 Jun


Originally posted by AuroraDrag0n

Means the world! I hope you enjoyed! 🙏

I did. Very cool. :)

23 Jun


Listening on way to work :)


Originally posted by Wiil23_

If "You cannot hurt me in a way that matters" is an deliberate reference to this, that is my favorite VO line in this game going foward

Decay is an extant form of life.