Thank you! How can I contact them?
Thank you! How can I contact them?
It’s a neat idea, but the loading between locations is by design. This isn’t as feasible on all platforms as it may seem.
Our live customer support might be able to unlock that for you.
I think it's pretty good.
He's got quite the range.
Would this more or less confirm the game starts at the Venator job?
Why are people downvoting? I was expecting the game could've started at the Jedi academy or something.
Haha, this was 100% sarcasm and shouldn't be taken as alluding to anything.
Thanks. Sending this to the team. Is every hero affected by this in your experience or just Anakin?
u/EA_Charlemagne u/F8RGE Have you considered making u/Emperor-Palpamemes a GameChanger?
I remember F8RGE saying that it doesn't matter how big or small your channel is. I don't know if you're even offering that up at the moment--or if he already is one to be honest. Just thought of that now!
We’re not currently recruiting for EASW GCs, but we keep an eye out.
Because the current one isn't that good. I'm sure someone can make a much better one, but I think something like this is more appropriate for Reddit (side facing one is kinda weird).
Mods, it's fine to have a snoo. But please, make a better one.
PNG version here:
It's actually pretty good. Maybe with the helmet's lenses, though.
Does that also include force pulls pushes ect in this update, or just Hans shoulder charge?
Yes, it includes those.
Cross-play Utopia when?
I know Epic is pushing for it. Everyone needs to gang up on SONY and tell them to cut the shit.
Unfortunately, it's not as easy as just getting PlayStation on board. Games either have to have their network architectures overhauled to support it or be built from the ground up for it.
I believe this is changing in this update. Grievous can no longer be pushed while using UA, so Han's Shoulder Charge shouldn't stop him.
I loved you!
I need aloe vera! And a glass of water! Wait, that's my lightsaber, you jerk! Bring it back!
You were my brother Charlemagne!
Literally on fire
Why are you monologuing?!
Username- EquinoxNCC, platform: PS4
I kind or something.
This stuff seems like common sense, may I ask why you guys rely on us to point out such things?
The team was actually already aware. Since it just brings up a new window, it doesn’t mute the game.
What’s your username and platform? PS4?