Perhaps Yoda's swing speed could be tweaked just as Obi-wan's was greatly improved
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Perhaps Yoda's swing speed could be tweaked just as Obi-wan's was greatly improved
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I’m hyperventilating, I’m not saying that for sure what happened, nor do I expect that that’s the case, but with priorly reputable companies like Bethesda doing sneaky things then claiming it’s a bug on multiple occasions it’s hard not to wonder if devs could be making it up.
Thanks for the reply.
No, screw doing that. I never want that to be us. Our players are our #1 priority. We wouldn't be working on this game today if it weren't for players like you. It's our duty to put your interests first. I had a few talks with the team about stuff that wasn't put into the release notes because it was missed. Even small things (like pose changes for Rey and such), whether intentional or not, need to be surfaced to our players ASAP.
Don't worry, no offence taken by this post, though! It's a completely valid thing to assume. Just know that not only do F8RGE and I have your backs, so does the rest of the team. We never want to get back into a place where we're considered to be unreliable or untrustworthy. Sorry for not including this change in the notes. Deep breaths. All is well.
Appreciate the consideration and the response! It is nice to feel heard. Love the game and your continued dedication to refining it (even as I am finding Anakin somewhat exasperating!)
I honestly with I could reply to everything I read, but that would just take too much time. I read enough posts from players that by the end of each day my front page is just new posts with no upvotes.
Interesting feedback. Thanks! We have a couple of ideas, too, but I'll flag this one to the team.
I can understand that and the conspiracy thing is silly. You guys could have just said “it was too OP”. I don’t believe that was a warranted “theory”
But do you think all lightsaber users having an ability to break a block is warranted? It could add some unique game play where certain abilities could break block. Kind of like how Kylo’s frenzy his last attack on it breaks block. I may be wrong but I thought it did.
Or do you think it can over complicate things and hurt the more casual gamers (not meaning to be patronizing) and just keep it more arcade like? I’m just genuinely curious where DICE stands in light saber combat.
If everyone has something, it's no longer special. We want to use unique effects strategically. For example, Yoda having a block that lets his push get stronger is something we'd likely leave to him while a block break is something that makes more sense for Anakin. There are other things we can tweak and add as we go, but we don't want to add something to every character. If we do, we start treading the path where they all feel the same.
If this was a "patch" why wasn't it listed in the patch notes? Also, will we be getting a hotfix for Maul's block being disabled by Obi-Wan's mindtrick? Thanks!
Bug fixes like this can get missed. We didn't purposefully leave it off. I imagine it was fixed while adding a block to Yoda and wasn't logged correctly for the release notes. We had a ton of stuff on there so I'm not too surprised that something slipped through the cracks.
Let's not get into conspiracy theories that we're calling things bugs just to get rid of features. I can assure you that's not true. Honestly, with so many different types of abilities at play, things like this don't always work cleanly and result in some edge cases where they don't work as intended. These two are examples of that; ones we were aware of and were trying to fix, but other things took precedent. For perspective, no other dash attack breaks blocks. It's a highly mobile ability while Anakin's Passionate Strike is almost stationary. I get that this was something that some people liked, but for the overall health of the game, we need to fix issues like these (especially the harder ones to fix) in order to be able to move forward with developing characters/features. Leaving bugs, even if players like them, only hinders us there.
Oof, looks like someone forgot to change the text from the last triple xp event. /u/F8RGE /u/EA_Charlemagne
Well...uh...happy new year? I'll let the team in charge of that know.
Yeah i don't understand how they never noticed when it's been like this since launch
It's not that we never noticed (I think we even mentioned this in the past). It just took time to fix. I get that some players liked this, but it was never intended. Now that it's fixed, we can see how we can improve the character in other ways, but none of the dash attacks in the game are intended to go through blocks.
I’m not your buddy, friend.
I feel like I’ve seen this somewhere before with the Rebel and Empire logo together like that. Not sure if it’s in the game or somewhere else. Anyways, nice job
My old avatar, maybe.
I bet it's me getting a raise.
Clearly, EA paid for this random post to be put at the top of /r/All. That's how that works, probably. I read about it on reddit once.
But why is the helmet crest still white when it is yellow in movies ?
I double-checked with CJ and CJ triple-checked with Lucasfilm. The far-right one is accurate to canon. I believe there were some minor variations/mixups in RotS, but that's it.
Are you also tracking the one with out-of-bounds deaths instantly filling it up as well?
Is there a chance someone just forgot to add them to the release notes? Most look like improvements over the previous ones.
My theory is that they were merged incorrectly. So, they were in development (either planned for a future release or shelved) but they accidentally got dropped into this update. It happens occasionally in game development due to all the internal builds. Just my theory, though. We're looking into if this was just left off the notes or unintended.