I believe this is the first time we've been confirmed to have all 4 prequel maps nice
Also plz add coruscant and mustafar
The four maps coming is on the roadmap.
As this wasn't documented in the release notes, we're looking into it. The few poses that have been changed may have been unintentional. Thanks for flagging!
Thanks. I'll bring this up to the team.
Thanks for the feedback. I'll bring this up to the team.
Thanks to everyone for making us aware of the exploits. As it's well after-hours in Stockholm, I'm not in a place to comment further on this matter, but we're having discussions. Stand by for details.
Just so we're all on the same page, we not asking for (and don't really need) lists. In fact, I imagine that if this sort of thing becomes more commonly done, it could lead to toxic behaviour when "top community requests" aren't immediately addressed (as it has on other titles in the past). We want to use the Community Request tag as a way to recognize things our player are bringing up to us in feedback and bug reports, not as a platform to glorify wishlists and such. Make sense? Your heart is totally in the right place, but just about all of these are things we're aware of or tracking in some way rather than things the community, specifically, brought to our attention.
Damn...that's actually really sweet. I can't wait to see all four!
I believe /u/EA_Charlemagne said that licensing issues were never the problem with ANH skins.
No, the licensing thing I mentioned was about music.
What is the new cap?
Either much higher or none.
The old cap was 960 per match, so there's a lot of room to gain. We've also raised the cap (so do let me know if you're still getting capped at 960).
This actually looks so good... Was this made using her Rogue One model?
That "era" of her, yes. So, RO and ANH when she was younger than later on. It's not a model pulled from RO, though. At least not to my knowledge.
If you can do secret changes like this, does it mean you don't really need approval from Lucasfilm for everything?
"Secret" doesn't mean to the people making the game or working on it, just not in the release notes. Minor stuff like UI, too.
Well, that's a wrap. It doesn't get better than this.
I love secret changes like this.
I’ve been waiting for this! As someone who’s been very busy with SWCC and works on the other side of the world, this is the first look I’ve actually gotten of her! So exciting!
(Yes, I could have asked to see her sooner. I just forgot...)
Luke skins?????? Hell to the f**king yeah boiii
To temper expectations, this is just to say we know appearances for these characters (and more) are wanted, but we don't have any plans to share. Right now, we're focusing on other stuff, but we're always gauging what players are asking for.
Thanks for this!
Seriously? More Han skins? He has more skins than everyone besides Lando.
Anakin, Luke, Maul, Kylo, Iden
We have ideas for all heroes. This isn’t to say Han or Luke is next, just that we know players want appearances for them and we’re also fans of them, too.
u/EA_Charlemagne can you confirm if we're getting any kind of community video for this update?
Not for this one. Since it’s a smaller update by our standards, it didn’t make sense.