

12 Jul


Originally posted by Kixylix

Is there any chance you could rotate the Team Rumble settings on a weekly basis?

  • Team Rumble 100
  • Team Rumble 100 + Siphon
  • Team Rumble 150
  • Team Rumble 150 + Siphon


We probably won't mess with the elim count very often, since we want to keep match length between 15-20m, but yeah it's likely we will rotate some other rumbles.


Originally posted by 0Default0


This is confusing..

Ehh, yeah I’ll have someone investigate. Screenshot not chopped, right? ;)


Originally posted by AwesomeGuy20017

Now on to something I think should replace TR eventually, 50v50 Rumble with a score of 250, imagine the XP

Maybe some day. Currently the hardware we run on won’t be sufficient to keep up with that many players in the same place at the same time.


Originally posted by DirtyRosewood

I hope it is Soaring.

Not at first but it’ll probably come back around.


Originally posted by YourMomsFrontButt

Hi there,

I'm a 100% TR player and I find the lowering of the score objective to 100 makes for less exciting games. By the time I loot and get into battle, the game is 20% over with.

I hear ya, I usually grab one or two chests then start heading for supply drops if I want to get into the action quickly. Oh and build a big structure in the middle somewhere to attract players.


Originally posted by claytonsnow

I *think* their rational for why it's always an item is that new players will be confused why some modes have redeploy active and some modes don't. So the solution to this is make it an item across all modes, so it's obvious that redeploy will always take an item slot. Also if they get used to always having redeploy without it taking a slot they will instinctively dislike modes where redeploy is not active, which hurts the game.

Yep, that’s pretty much it. We will still probably bring back Soaring versions of some of the modes. Who knows, maybe we will try Soaring Rumble one day and see how it goes in terms of players face planting.


Originally posted by Azlan_Ansari




Originally posted by HopeForRoseNerf

Why only on the weekends? I remember when you said you would rotate them every 2 days... And why does the playrates matter?

More players are online on weekends, so we think we can run an extra large team mode during those time periods. Playrates matter because without enough players always in matches, matchmaking starts to break down and people won’t be able to get in matches quickly and will end up with half full lobbies after a long wait to get in.


Originally posted by Midice

Is there any chance we can have 50 vs 50 v1 back again? Big circle and everyone running together as a large group was the best.

We will be playing the mode a bunch this weekend and discussing how to move forward with it next week. I changed those circles back in the day to force combat to happen more quickly / make early game less stale. The faster the circles get small = the more likely big fights will happen.


Originally posted by BigStretched

So now that team rumble is no longer an ltm, And it has a different loot pool. What’s the excuse for no separate loot pool in arena and tourneys

I’m not on the comp team, but I believe their desire is to keep competitive as closely aligned with the core modes as possible, in order to create the situation where the game that all of the players know and love is the same game that the best of the best are playing for big bucks. This means that theoretically any good fortnite player could rise to the top without having to learn a markedly different game, given time, dedication and talent. Obviously there is more to it than that and the comp mode can and does have differences from core, but that’s the heart of the idea.


Originally posted by Xenc

Thank you for the information.

Will we ever see a return of the Downtown Drop LTM to finish the Backboard style challenges?

Not sure - that was a special partnership with Nike, no plans currently to bring it back.


Originally posted by w0lver1

understood, The downtown drop gamemode was pretty unique for that reason. At least the map making would would be cut out for you, you could probably just crowdsource the community for that haha.

Yep, totally. Currently Creative mode allows for different maps, BR doesn’t.


Originally posted by BobsBarker000

50 50 gang has risen.

A side note, this change means the the medic skins join the detective in having a purpose again. The sleuth got his tommy gun back and now us medics get to go on healing sprees.

I will join you in the medic endeavor!


Originally posted by working4buddha

I like using the beginning of the match to loot and farm, I liked it the old way but the new amount is fine, but I don't want it shorter.

But I have noticed this week with the amount of people dropping out, that the circle is way too big for a good part of mid-game. I would definitely reduce the time (or sizes?) after the first circle so that people are pushed together faster, AFTER they have time to loot/challenges etc.

Again this may be more of an issue this week where there's usually one team with 10 or less people and it is harder to find anyone. Never really noticed this as an issue until recently.

The reason the first circle shrink time needed to come down was to discourage players from purely using the mode as a challenge farmer. The theory being if we bring it in quicker to a size that is good for fighting, hopefully players who logged on to do challenges would stick around to fight. We are going to try some other minor adjustments soon and see how it goes. Remember that the game is always evolving and we appreciate your feedback!


Originally posted by ThePantsThief

I honestly don't know how Reddit went from "TR is too short" to "TR takes too long"

It was fine at 150 and it's always been fine there since it was bumped to 150.

Actually, the change wasn’t driven by reddit feedback but rather because we noticed match length had been drifting upwards and had remained above the 20m mark for quite some time, which is longer than we want it to be. We will continue to monitor the mode and make adjustments as necessary.


Originally posted by AndyCGYan

Can we bring the 50v50 loot pool up to TR standards? Having a longer prep time doesn't help much, and 50 instead of 20 people looting the same side only makes it worse.

To be honest, it’s been so long since we’ve run it that this time around we will just be flipping on the last version we ran so we can evaluate it next week and discuss what should be updated. Feedback there is welcome.


Originally posted by Yeetus-Elitest

50v50 or flying 50s?

This weekend will be basic plus 50 glider in inventory, but I’m sure we will do Soaring again at some point.


Originally posted by plausablecabana

Okay. So let me get this straight... Im so confused.

Team Rumble is Pernament now... Small LTMS Every 2-3 Days on Weekdays and Large LTMS on the Weekends?

So let’s say that the Small LTM is Slide... If tomorrow happens. It’s 50v50?

Please help me understand this further. Im trying to summarize on what’s going to happen.

We are adding additional large team playlists on the weekends.


Originally posted by Biotic_Krogen

Will you guys still do custom maps for LTMs or was that a one time thing?

We have a bit of work to do to unlock BR plus additional maps, no set in stone plans yet but maybe some day.


Originally posted by damtastic

I approve this message.

Suggestion: could the final circle in tr close quicker or be smaller, I find it so much more fun when everyone is pushed in a smaller zone

Yeah we are going to play with those numbers just a bit. Probably not for a week or two though. We do want to make sure there is time for challenges and looting before bringing everyone together.