

14 Jan


Originally posted by Kiyosama


Don't you think there should be a cap/soft reset on hidden MMR for all Radiants at the start of a season? Currently, the top 1 player of the previous season gets punished by being stuck in unranked with 0 RR gained all the while, players with lower MMR from last season can get to Top 500 by being matched up against easier opponents. I posted on this issue here as well.

People will look at the leaderboard and say, "Meh, Top 500 is bull. TenZ queued for 4 hours being stuck in unranked and can't get a game, pros match against other pros due to high Hidden MMR while lower MMR players get ahead playing easier competition."

The workaround is for TenZ to create a smurf account every season to reset his hidden MMR, but that's unfair since he needs to spend hours to win 10 unranked games and grind 50 ran...

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Don't you think there should be a cap/soft reset on hidden MMR for all Radiants at the start of a season? Currently, the top 1 player of the previous season gets punished by being stuck in unranked with 0 RR gained all the while, players with lower MMR from last season can get to Top 500 by being matched up against easier opponents. I posted on this issue here as well.

People will look at the leaderboard and say, "Meh, Top 500 is bull. TenZ queued for 4 hours being stuck in unranked and can't get a game, pros match against other pros due to high Hidden MMR while lower MMR players get ahead playing easier competition."

The workaround is for TenZ to create a smurf account every season to reset his hidden MMR, but that's unfair since he needs to spend hours to win 10 unranked games and grind 50 ranked games in total to place on the leaderboard. He should be allowed to play the new season on his existing main.

A suggestion:

I th...

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Originally posted by mmattbtw

How could you actually get +50 RR, would it have to be 13-0 and 50-0 KD??

Right now the +50 is a cap, it would only happen in a very extreme case

To specifically answer your question, it would definitely have to be a player whose hidden MMR is very high above their current rank with a 13-0 win. Performance is less about your performance compared to your teammates and more of a performance based on what we expect from you(The amount of points you get for this is very small as well, and more of a “good job” call out). So if you pop-off in a match where the system expected you to go even, you will get slightly more ranked rating.

But to emphasize, the most points comes from winning your match(or losing).


Originally posted by think-man

What was the idea with the hidden elo? I feel like if people are actually playing like radiant/immortal players, shouldn't they be that rank? It also applies to people at mid elo, for example, I am currently gold 2 playing in full diamond act rank lobbies? I know that my skill is better than gold cause it shows with past experience, but I don't feel like it's showing now.

So our previous system was a little more tied to your MMR, almost 1:1. There were some rules that made you deviate, slightly, where your rank wouldn't be exactly your MMR - But that would self correct pretty quick.

Also, to be clear MMR and Elo are used interchangeably. People use "Elo Rating" because most of these systems are Derived from the Elo system(google Arpad Elo!).

So before, we got a lot of feedback that it felt very "swingy" and if you had one bad game it would maybe drop you too quickly. Or if you had one good game it may effect you too much. In the new system, you can get high MMR and say you belong in that rank, but you prove you belong at that rank by consistently playing at that MMR.

The new system will give you more points for a win, and less for a loss, if your MMR is higher then your current rank. So, for example, if you are in Gold but your MMR is Plat, you may be playing against Plat players but as long as you are at least 50% win rate y...

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13 Jan


Originally posted by Ismokecr4k

An entire f**king rank is not SLIGHT. Sorry but I can't believe I have to grind this shit again to get back with players who actually play the game. https://i.imgur.com/pcZBtAo.png . My gold loss is a 3v5 where I outscored everyone, I don't give up but I'm not about to act like this isn't a boot to the face.

Every single season of ranked players improve, and the community as a whole gets better. This is true of most games, season 1 of league is very different in terms of average skill compared to season 5. These soft resets are how people prove they belong in a rank. Just because you got a rank once does not mean you deserve it forever, especially if you can't earn it again.

It's also better to have you go down slightly, proving you belong in your rank and climbing a little. Instead of accidently putting you to high and you end up being not at that level and end up chain losing to correct your rank. I'd rather, personally, have a player do well and climb instead of have them not belong in a rank and lose.

Again, you did it once you can do it again. If you can't get back to that rank do you really deserve it in the current season? Good luck, and you are in the same boat just like everyone else(even me).


Originally posted by Btupid_Sitch

Why don't you guys just add another rank instead of forcing lower ranks into higher ranks? If you're squeezing people out of Iron and simultaneously making less Immortal and Radiant players, you're making the other ranks a mixed bag of skill, no? It was already apparent that Plat and Diamond were GIANT mixed bags of players, now it seems like it's going to be even worse?

I think that this has two issues. Skill Difference/Distribution and Rank Perception.

If you make too many ranks, then it's hard for players to quantify what each rank of skill is like. For example lets say we made a wood tier, and a emerald tier, and another tier, etc.

The skill difference between iron and wood, would be so small that players wouldn't be able to tell what skill level of player are in those ranks. Ultimately it wouldn't be "I can tell that is a silver player" it would be "That player is somewhere in Bronze, Silver, Wood etc.". It works both ways, yes you can put too many players in a rank, but you can also spread them too thin and the skill difference between ranks becomes less meaningful.

I also think there is a perception that just because "I out-slay/overperform compared to my teammates at my rank, they must be bad(or in the wrong rank)". Our MMR system is, in my opinion, extremely well made and is one of the best I've encountered. You hav...

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12 Jan


Yo, that's... out of this world. LUL


Originally posted by sylvainmirouf

Thanks. Can you tell me what problem the new system fixes? Appart from transparency. What are the benefits of a ranked rating?

It won't be as jarring/jumpy. Before your MMR was almost 1:1 your rank(there were small exceptions). So if you would throw some games, or have a really bad game, you potentially could swing really hard.

Now there are clear rules in how many points you can gain and lose, as well as some buffers from being demoted. It will just make it feel more consistent, as well as gives us some tuning knobs we can change if we identify any issues. It also allows us to potentially come up with solutions where we can penalize the player by taking away Ranked Rating, without effecting their MMR.


Originally posted by bimbobiceps

Does this mean there would be a high skill disparity in diamond now?

There will be roughly the same amount of players in immortal/diamond as it was before, and slight shifts in other ranks(but still very small). The biggest change is there are going to be less Irons overall. We had way to many players in Iron anyways so it's not a huge deal. This is also why you've also probably seen posts where people are like "dang there are irons that are insane" or "I've won X game and I'm still Iron". Iron shouldn't be something you sit in, especially if you are dedicated and can improve your skills above that of a brand new FPS/Valorant played(this comment might bite me later).

Also remember that your MMR is what finds you a match. You will be matched with similar skilled opponents. So your matches will probably feel very similar to what they were last season, with more ranked granularity and probably more smooth movement up(and unfortunately down) rank.


Originally posted by TheJewMinecrafter

I think its really cool what you are doing, the worst part about CS:GO is you had no idea when the next rankup was coming. Are you guys planning on eventually adding a party MMR for immortal+?

I think the hard part with Immortal+ is that there are so few players queing, in your region that also have good ping, that it makes queue times increase drastically. You can see this when some streamers get 15-60min ques.

By switching to solo/duo, we stop a pro team like TSM, C9, etc. from grouping - just stomping ranked(and freely climbing the leaderboard). We also have a lot more players to move around, allowing us to put groups of players together for faster queues and better match connections.


Originally posted by kirigaya401

Is the rank reset a hard reset or a soft reset?



Originally posted by sylvainmirouf

So that's it? It's just showing the numbers but the system is still the same?

System is very different.

Before your rank was almost 1:1 your MMR. Now your MMR influences your rank, but now you have ranked rating. Ranked Rating is a point system that is influenced by your MMR, but not 1:1 tied to it.

There are rules to how the max Ranked Rating you can lose, as well as the max you can gain.


Hey it's me! I look forward to all the feedback on ranked, and can't wait to hop in the grind with everyone!


Originally posted by KingAchilles08

Damn why didn’t they just do it to all ranks

Our match maker is actually very good at pairing up groups of similar skill against each other. It's very rare to not have a 5 stack go against another 5 stack in ranked, unless the que time gets ridiculous long and the match maker loosens a bit.

08 Jan


Originally posted by syphx_

Not sure if this will get addressed but it’s worth a shot, I was hardstuck immortal 1 for nearly this entire act but I consistently got placed in lobby’s that were made up of 80% (roughly) immortal 3’s and radiants. For some background I did peak at immortal 3 last act but I doubt that matters for this act. Nonetheless if I have to solo crawl my way out of immortal 1 by winning more than I lose against the absolute highest ranks at a 2+ rank disparity doesn’t that make the system unfair? I would understand if it happened maybe once a day and my elo was affected relative to how I played in that match but these games can account for 70ish % of my games and I would typically land in the upper half percentile if not multiple mvp’s in a row. It’s as if I’m getting treated as an immortal 3 player without the gratification of seeing that rank on my screen. Does this stem from not having enough immortal 1’s/2’s in the west coast? If so, why are there so little immortal 1 ranked players whe...

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First off, grats on Immortal! I wish I was that good :( I'm sitting at like Plat, I need to grind more.

I can't speak for your individual games or expreience, I just don't know how the numbers are working out. I will say that if you are being placed in games above your rank it's technically good for you. If your rank is below Immortal 3, but you are matching against those opponents, you technically should get more for a win and less for a loss(because your playing opponents above you). This should help you climb easier in the long run, based on how the match would work out.

Again, I just can't speak for your exact experience. The system has some confidence/variance built into it. If you are getting placed against people above you, that's probably a good sign and I would just keep it up. Hopefully some of the changes in the new season can help your ranked experience!


Originally posted by SyzbuH

Is there a reason there might be more players than normal in higher ranks that shouldn’t? I don’t know if it’s because it’s the end of the season, but diamond/immortal games are filled with trolls, throwers, or people who don’t know basic mechanics. Games went from really enjoyable to keeping me off Valorant because of the amount of toxic throwers and similar situations recently.

There shouldn't be :( I'm sorry you've been running into some rough matches recently. Toxicity is something we've been talking about and I'm sure you will hear about solutions for issues like these in the future.


Originally posted by arkofcovenant

Hey EvrMoar! I was really hoping to have a rioter clarify some things about the way that rank works so your answers in this thread are super helpful! I was hoping you could answer a couple questions for me:

Recently, a tool created by rumblemike has been going around that supposedly uses some undocumented API to request the Elo for your own account, reported as a 4 digit number where each 100 "Elo" represents a rank (ie Gold 3). The way it appears is that if you hit 100 "points" in your rank, you rank up, and if you hit 0 and then lose the next game you derank. It appears to be accurate but I was wondering if you were aware of this tool and if you could clarify if it is 1) Accurate? 2) Allowed by Riot TOS? 3) Reporting a number that is actually equivalent to your MMR? Or is it a separate number that is only used for Rank

Also, you use the term "Elo" here, but to my knowledge "Elo"...

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I unfortunately don't know anything about third party tools, or anything about them. Sorry :( I'm pretty new at Riot and haven't learned about them yet(or who to ask).

I use Elo and MMR, purely because people sometimes think MMR is their "Elo Rating". Sometimes you hear people say "what is your Elo Rating". It's good to point out, I honestly should just switch to using MMR because technically that is the correct usage. I've only been on the Valorant team for 3ish months. The system, to my knowledge, was written by a group of extremely talented people at Riot and is unique. I don't know how much the Elo system inspired them, but it is a unique system written by Riot(again to my knowledge).

Valorant rank is heavily tied to your MMR currently. There are some cases where if the system believes it's unconfident in your rank it can loosen where it thinks you belong, and that leads to faster rank up/down. But, that is just the MMR system at work. So technically you do have...

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Originally posted by Revolutionary-Tap668

Except your hidden MMR directly correlates to your rank ie 2000= radiant 1900 = imm3 and so on. You’re legit directly lying to us about how it works when we know how it works 😭😭😭 disgraceful.

No lying, I'm a little confused what you think I'm lying about.

Your MMR stands for Match Making Rating, it's used not only to match you against similar skilled opponents but like you pointed out what your rank is. I'm down to explain whatever you think I'm lying about, it may help if you look at some of my other comments on older posts where I explain the system more in depth.

07 Jan


Originally posted by Unlockabear

So riddle me this. Why are you giving me a hidden mmr, but punishing my ranks and MM as a result?

I think there may be some confusion over how the system works. I highly recommend checking out some of my other explanations, to other threads, that I've written in the past.

Your MMR/Elo are the same thing. You technically have 1 MMR/Elo that is used for rank/match making.

Then there is your forward facing rank, which in our system currently is tied to your MMR/ELO. Similar to the example above that would be "This ELO = This Rank".

Maybe I'm confused, but you shouldn't be getting punished for a your Elo/MMR, it's simply used to match you appropriately and ties you to your rank.


Originally posted by Wolfelle

Great response! A lot of people forget that rank and mmr are not the same so having a rioter clarify it is great. Out of interest has there been a change in the last couple of days? All my accounts suddenly started ranking up super fast. One of them im confident had high mmr so i wasnt too surprised but my main and alt all jumped up too. For any win i just promoted even if id lost a lot before. And many people were reporting getting double promotions (me and ppl on reddit/in my bronze-silver games)

I had awful stats too. I went like 5/15 and got double promoted (i was just having a rough game but we did win)

Also out of interest, can you promote on a loss? I know you can gain on a loss so in theory if that loss took you over the rank threshold would you rank up, or is there an exception

When we changed the rank distribution it tries to roll it out slowly. We believe their may have been a bug and sometimes when it tries to roll the distribution out it may have been giving you a large % of the change for 1 match. It happened a couple times now.

We didn't want to just change everyone's rank, without knowing why, so you do have to play ranked in order for the redistribution to effect you. That's why over the past month(I believe we started in mid/early december), people have seen a couple of bumps in rank when playing.

With the distribution changes it may be possible to promote on a loss? I think we may have protections in not allowing you to be promoted until you win and after the win your MMR is in the correct place for the promotion. I'm not entirely sure tho, I'll try to ask around.