

23 Jan


Originally posted by EWolt14

Lmao, if you can get +50 every match for let’s say a 13-5 win which most radiant players should be able to do 90% of the time against actual plat/Diamond players and not hidden radiants then it would take them 8 games to climb from plat3 to immortal. You act like diamonds would be matched up against these players for an entire act in every game they play.

Why would we create unfair matches just to let people stomp? That isn't proving skill, an immortal player will stomp a diamond player just as much as a Radiant.

In fact that isn't proving your rank, that's just proving your better then diamonds. Right now I think it's much healthier for players to be put at their skill, then be forced to maintain a 50:50 winrate and be moved to that Rank.

Also how does that effect smurfs? We can combat smurfs by quickly changing their MMR, so they aren't ruining games while they smurf through every single rank. Right now I don't think anyone can convince me that stomping on someone below your rank is good for the game health, or player enjoyment. I also don't think it's a good way to show your skill.

You also won't get better and improve your rank stomping low level players. We need you to play players of your skill, so you get better or we validate you belong against those players. The system would be complete chaos without...

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Originally posted by valorantfeedback

And so right now it's fair that high level players who played 500+ games at imm3/radiant have to kill eachother in diamond lobbies while low diamond players get to radiant without playing any actual radiants.

And then come the next reset in 40ish days, there will surely be diamond players with radiant act ranks, causing even more confusion. You literally won't be able to determine anyone's actual skill level based on neither current or act rank. Doesn't matter that they'll drop back to diamond by the end of the act, they'll have radiant act rank. Then they'll get it again the next act by playing against diamond.

You know what's unfair to majority of the playerbase? Only 1% being able to play soloq. I haven't dropped below imm2 in many months, but now I get f-ed by the reset and I have to grind against stacks who keep boosting low skill players to immortal.

"Play more", "more time to calibrate". Those are the system bad games needs to make so they can pressu...

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Act Ranks will show your leaderboard standing based on end of Act, not whatever you are now. Our goal is to put a number on your Act Rank based on your leaderboard standing, again based on the end of Act.

Also soft resets are needed. Every game that has ranked has boosted players, players that don't belong in high ranks, players that quit playing the game, etc. Is it fair that someone could get a high rank, then play one game a week for months and maintain that rank? Is it fair if we just let TenZ get #1 on leaderboard after 5 games?

All Elo systems need you to play multiple games to know your true rank. This system is just doing that, after a handful of games you will converge with your MMR - you can't stop it. At some point I think it's fair to say "if you can't earn a rank, do you really deserve it in the current season". This is especially true because most players need less then 20 games to converge with their MMR. Top of the leaderboard may need more, but I th...

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Originally posted by valorantfeedback

Because the system is still set to "find a game asap".

Imm3 last act, half the games I play are imm3/radiant lobbies, other half are like 3-4 immortals and low diamonds or even platinums. Absolute shitshow.

Our match maker is actually extremely good at finding fair matches. It's hard to hear, because I feel like(even myself) finding a reason to blame why I may be losing or underperforming is hard - unfortunately teammates or match quality definitely becomes a target.

We've been getting a ton of reports that "My match making is unfair, I get stomped or I stomp every match!". We've actually investigated these claims a ton over the past week. I've actually had people say this, and I go to their match history and their matches are all 10-13, 11-13, 13-8, etc.

Now just because we don't see MMR shifts, bad match making, etc. Doesn't mean there isn't a problem, so we are always looking at data and we really want to see the data after the season plays out more. But so far, I think a lot of this is ranked anxiety and early season movement. You have players that played 2 months ago and may have had immortal act ranks then but haven't played Valorant since. We've changed weapon ...

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Originally posted by Pulsiix

If your hidden MMR is higher than your displayed rank then you will be gaining much, MUCH more sr per win and less per loss so it makes sense to implement it how they have done where radiants still vs each other since if they go 50/50 vs each other they both climb

What I don't understand is why I was facing immortals as a plat player? That is literally the opposite of what they're stating is supposed to happen

Hey guys, I'm the Dev from the twitter post!

There is lots of good feedback in this thread and I really want to talk about it. I'm seeing a few "If I'm playing against Immortal, Plat, etc. players, I deserver to be that rank". I agree technically you do! No matter what, after you play a handful of games, your MMR and your Rank will converge. So if you are playing Immortals/Radiants, after 20-50 games if you can maintain a 50:50 winrate you will reach that rank.

I know that means your rank isn't where your MMR believes you belong, and it feels unfair that you just don't get the rank you are playing at. This is both true, and not true. No matter what, once you play some games your MMR and Rank will converge. This is something you can't stop. We believe you belong at, whatever rank your MMR is testing you at, but it's up to you to perform at that level and climb. We would rather have you test up to your rank, instead of just putting you there and maybe we are wrong and...

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21 Jan


Originally posted by HKBFG

I guess my frustration is that either

A.) This hasn't worked as claimed or
B.) Everyone in low/mid matchmaking broke their plateau on the same day

People who were radiant last season are playing with people who have never been diamond. Something has happened there (even if we the community has no idea what that may have been.)

Someone who has a Radiant Act Rank triangle could have gotten it at the beginning of the Act - which was over two months ago. They could have not played for two months, came back to the game and had their skills atrophy. The match maker corrected them during/after placements.

Also players that may have been boosted in 5 stacks, came back and were corrected by the match maker.

I'm not saying that's always the case, maybe there is a bug or some weirdness going on. If there is an issue it isn't intentional. Lastly, we have gotten reports from twitter, reddit, devs, etc. and investigate quiet a few. Right now we are not seeing any match making changes that can't be explained by player skill changing, then the system correcting them.

It's only been a week, and we made big changes with leaderboard, turning on solo/duo, etc. Lots of people who haven't played in a while came back to see those changes, lots of players are pushing hard because it's a new episode, and ...

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Originally posted by HKBFG

If this were true, Tenz's queue times would not have jumped to four hours.

I don't understand your comment, TenZ has always struggeled finding games on his main. His que time didn't jump to four hours, it was four 1 hour queues - I watched the stream he tweeted about his four hour queue time. The reason he has long queues is because we didn't reset MMR, and his MMR is much higher then most people(you can see he was top of the leaderboard last season). If we did reset MMR he would have found games much quicker, because there would be more people around his MMR to match into queue with.

In fact him, and a few other people, were what we had to look at to roll out a change speeding up their queue times(which came out today). Again, I don't understand why you think I'm lying, if TenZ had hour long ques before the new season, then still had them(until today when we got a fix in).

I understand you may have frustrations with the system, or that a lot of the complaints that are popping up make assumptions that may not necessarily be true. I have be...

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Originally posted by ImpactCL

Riot have any plan about 5 stacks in general, is pretty hard to win vs 5 stack in a team of 5 randoms. I think is pretty unbalance to let 3,4 and 5 stacks ñlay in solo queque

We are talking about a few things. I believe there is a perception issue along with beginning of season issue.(sounds a little bit lame to blame it on this but I'll explain)

Our match maker is pretty good at matching 5 stacks against 5 stacks. Or at least 5 stack against 1 + 4 stack. Unfortunately, in extremely edge rare cases, very unfair stacks can get matched up against a split group. I am concerned that people just think "oh their five stack" or ask in chat and get a troll response "of course we're grouped kekw". Alternatively it's natural to want to blame any reason you can find on a loss - which is why people start using rank as a way to target teammates or 5 stacks as a complaint. I'm not saying it's always the case, but there will always be some level of trying to find a scape goat for why you may be losing. That being said, it doesn't mean you should turn a blind eye as a dev, there is obvious legitimate concern and we need to use feedback and data to see if it's a...

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Originally posted by RicoSuave1881

This just doesn’t sound right. My peak is Gold 2. All three acts my act rank has been silver three. Yet for some reason the game thinks I should be playing against someone who’s act rank (not just peak) is P1. So your system truly believes I should be playing against someone I wouldn’t have been able to party up with a week ago?? If so then that’s a flawed system

To start off, I don't think the system is perfect. I think if you were to ever believe your Ranked system is perfect, and complete, you'd probably be wrong as a game designer.

That being said, we have investigated multiple people who have made these claims. Looked up their back end MMR, match history, the games they've pointed out issues in. For multiple games. We didn't make it public, saying "hey we are looking into your game." because we don't want to create this unfair perception that we are willing to look into certain players match history over others(that's what player support is for). That being said, we want to gut check feedback and make sure things are working correctly after such a big change.

After these initial investigations we haven't really seen any issues. We are still watching, and looking, but there haven't been any that have really jumped out as the system not matching players fairly.

The reason for the more restricted group is it helps ...

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It sucks you haven't had the best experience with voice chat, and just general toxicity in Valorant. I think some people pointed out some good tips, I always mute as soon as things start to get toxic. The Social and Player Dynamics team on Valorant is working on fixes for issues just like this, it's the start of the year but they are listening to issues like yours and are coming up with great solutions. No word on when those will hit, but hopefully we can tackle this toxicity issue with the community and make Valorant a better place for everyone who wants fair games, with less toxicity(and afk's :P ).

Thanks for playing, I hope you keep enjoying Valorant! And a big thank you to everyone who gave tips and words of kindness. Being a positive force in the community helps, even if sometimes negativity can get overwhelming.


Good Job!

It's hard, the actual Rank and the prestige is definitely a drive and what people strive for. But remember, improving and the journey are all part of achieving your goals and the fun part! You're consistantly improving, and it shows. One of the things I've learned, working in game dev, is that we often see one of the biggest factors in improving a players skill is simply more time invested into playing the game. Sure there is "practice efficiently" and knowing how to get better helps, but just playing the game will get you better too.

Thanks for playing and I'm glad you enjoy the new ranked system.


Originally posted by pollofritoop

That's because you are not in p3. Its a f**king mess. Besides that congratulations, keep it up!


Originally posted by alexanderh24

On the real though. Ranked ATM is a mess, full radiant act rank getting matched with d1 act rank almost every high elo game. 1 or 2 people hard carry on each team because it happens so much

This is going to sound harsh, because this is a perception issue and it's still a problem that we may need to solve.

We didn't change match making, or how you find matches. You would get the same opponents, and teammates, compared to the last season. If we kept the rank system the same, and just made people play placements again(like beta to release) people would get the same matches they are getting now.

While you may run into players who have act/current ranks that are above or below you; The matchmaker believes you are close in skill and most of our matches(especially in anything below immortal) are very close in skill.

There is a confidence system, which gets loosened when you are in placements, that will let you shift your MMR harder based on your performance. That's the closet thing that will really change your MMR on a soft reset. That being said, it is healthy because as players play more games the system gets "Confident" in their MMR. Soft resets ar...

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16 Jan


That is how our ranked system worked last season, there were very rare instances where your MMR and Rank were not 1:1. That's why you would see players have 1 or 2 bad games then suddenly get chain demoted, or chain promoted.

It's good in theory, because then your MMR is exactly your rank. The problem is that MMR fluctuates and isn't an exact representation of where you belong until you've played enough games. Our system uses your MMR as a center post, and then has a confidence check - that confidence gets more precise with the more games you play, because the system gets more confident in where you belong.

That being said, improving and playing outside of your MMR(either better or worse) will shift that confidence because the system doesn't think you belong at your old MMR before. Confidence is simply how far from your MMR you could possibly be playing for a given match. Sometimes you pop-off, sometimes you don't, but you are probably about this range as a player.

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Originally posted by cloaked_rhombus

dodge to manipulate que to possibly win trade, get certain teammates

is this really such a big issue that you need to ruin so many peoples games by forcing them to commit to games they dont want to be a part of

Yes, because it's unfair to have a ranked system where you are purposely dodging to manipulate your rank. Also it sucks to be on the receiving end to try and get a game and you get 5+ dodges in a row. There are people who stop playing because they can't find a match after they keep getting dodged, especially when in diamond+ que times can get in the 2-5minute time(even worse in immortal/radiant).

Being high in rank is being good at playing all maps, so dodging because you don't like a map(or are familiar with it) is manipulating your rank. I think it's valid to want to dodge a game, maybe once a play session/day. I think it's manipulative if you are dodging multiple games a night.

You also have to attack this from the perspective of why people are dodging, and other ways to stop that behavior. Right now we have a social player dynamics team that is working on how to fight toxicity, afk, etc. If you are dodging due to toxicity, that is somewhere we can improve to ens...

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15 Jan


Originally posted by Scrinwarrior

Not so much a question, so to speak, but since you guys are the ranked team, I figured this is as good a place as any.

Way back in Episode 1, Act 1, I played ranked in Valorant for the first time. In short order (less than 15 games), I worked my way from Silver 1 all the way into Gold, a feat I have yet to accomplish in League of Legends.

After that, I never really played ranked again until the beginning of Episode 2. I played my 5 placement games, and managed to lose every single one of them. Sure, there was a bit of trolling and inting teammates involved, but that changes little. I was MVP twice, but played so horrifically in the other 3 matches that I was genuinely sure I would land in Bronze somewhere. Nope. Silver 1, just like the first time.

Not sure which of you on the ranked design team is responsible for your system being merciful on my dignity like that, but whoever it was, godspeed to you, sir/madam.

hahaha, thank you!

I'm newer to the team, but after being on the team and designing this new ranked system I have to give them a huge shoutout. The match making system, and MMR system, is super impressive and one of the best I think I've seen. I know I'm biased, after working on the team and being a Rioter, but they've done a great job in making a system that I believe does its job. Hope you enjoy the new changes if you play!


Originally posted by anthonii_sama

Not sure if this is your guys' team but are you thinking of implementing any sort of commendations post match in the form of an Honor system from League? Idk, anything that would incentivize positivity in-game?

This is more of the social teams space, so I don't know! But I also like the honor system from league! Sorry I didn't have an answer, thanks for the question!


Originally posted by poopgary

whats the point in having ranks, if the thing that matches you against other people doesnt concider your rank, but rather your mmr.

Lets just say you were diamond/immortal last season. But you got placed in plat 2 this episode.

shoudnt it be «easy» getting your actual rank back, rather than playing a full lobby off plats with full dia/immo triangles. Kinda kills the ranks if they are just «not used».

It just makes everything unnecesarry hard, because lets just theoreticcaly say you have radiant mmr, but get placed in iron, then you wouldnt meet other normal irons, you would rather meet radiant irons. Making you need to rank up to radiant always playing radiant players in each rank.

i might also be retarded but thats how i understamd it rn. Just correct me if km wrong

Your MMR influences your gains/losses in ranked rating. There is a convergence that happens, so after you play ranked games and your MMR shifts it will influence how many points you get for a win/loss. Then after placements, and a few games, you will converge with your MMR and your MMR will be around your current rank. Then if you want to climb you win games, increase your MMR, which will also help give you more ranked rating for a win.

This is because MMR can fluctuate pretty heavily from game to game. If you remember posts from last season, people would often have posts like "I had a bad loss and was demoted, this is unfair." that's because last season your MMR was your Rank for the most part. This system is less "swingy" and doesn't penalize you as harsh for a bad night of games.

It also makes ranked more tangible and easy to understand. There are no more arrows, you can see how much rating you are gaining per win, and understand about how many wins you need to r...

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Originally posted by ata20001

There are people in platinum right now who were radiant last act, and there are also people in platinum that were platinum/diamond last act (I assume the same is true for all ranks). When will these two groups begin matchmaking with/against each other? (I assume it is matchmaking with hidden elo right now)

Your hidden MMR is used for queueing/match fairness. That also will increase your ranked rating for wins, or decrease ranked rating lost for a loss. So you will get paired up in fair matches, with players around your skill.

This is why TenZ was having an issue finding matches, his MMR was extremely high and it was hard finding players to make fair matches with him. We are also working on a fix for this. But that's a good example to see the system in action.


Originally posted by AlexandersLover

Why is the skill disparity allowed to queue up with a premade team so narrow? I can be in a server with people 4 or 5 ranks away from me in a comp match, yet I can’t queue up with friends past 3? What was the initial motivation to change the disparity previously allowed in premades?

The problem is a mix of perception/MMR, and the queue grouping rules.

There is always a struggle to make sure we maintain competitive integrity in ranked, but allow people to be social and play ranked with their friends. That's a big reason why we are looking at how to do a team competitive mode/system(still early and who knows what it will end up like).

If you get paired with, or against, someone that normally you couldn't group with, that persons MMR is shifting hard because of their play. This can happen because someone was too high of a rank, and their MMR thinks they need to be brought down, or because they are over performing and need to get brought up.

Unfortunately we don't allow you to group up based on hidden MMR. It's difficult because we don't show it to you, and you don't know if your friends MMR is even close to yours. With the ranked rating system it could allow some manipulation if we allowed this, and weirdness to occur, and MMR is used more...

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