Lmao, if you can get +50 every match for let’s say a 13-5 win which most radiant players should be able to do 90% of the time against actual plat/Diamond players and not hidden radiants then it would take them 8 games to climb from plat3 to immortal. You act like diamonds would be matched up against these players for an entire act in every game they play.
Why would we create unfair matches just to let people stomp? That isn't proving skill, an immortal player will stomp a diamond player just as much as a Radiant.
In fact that isn't proving your rank, that's just proving your better then diamonds. Right now I think it's much healthier for players to be put at their skill, then be forced to maintain a 50:50 winrate and be moved to that Rank.
Also how does that effect smurfs? We can combat smurfs by quickly changing their MMR, so they aren't ruining games while they smurf through every single rank. Right now I don't think anyone can convince me that stomping on someone below your rank is good for the game health, or player enjoyment. I also don't think it's a good way to show your skill.
You also won't get better and improve your rank stomping low level players. We need you to play players of your skill, so you get better or we validate you belong against those players. The system would be complete chaos without...
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