

06 May


Thank you /u/TimeJustHappens !!!

I actually had a recent write-up that goes in more depth about winners/losers queue: https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/tvb772/this_problem_is_now_getting_soo_common_dude/i393gp7/

The thing is, in order to be able to put you in a match where we "Expect you to win" or "Expect you to lose" we need to know your actual skill. When you start putting a "Matchmaking Bias" it starts to reduce how effective we are at knowing player skill and then you couldn't even do these type of queue's because they fall apart. It's pr...

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08 Apr


Originally posted by idiotdroid

I am missing pretty substantially to understand why they don’t like my gameplay.

You are. You seem to think the number of kills matter towards your MMR.

Its not the number, but the individual KDA against each individual enemy. This is called Encounter MMR. Its designed to help calculate a players skill based on the duels they take rather than number of kills. That way a Controller or Sentinel player who doesn't see a lot of action can still get the credit they deserve for playing well.

You can get a performance bonus as the bottom frag. And you can also not get one as the top frag.

You also need to understand that not all kills are equal. Obviously a First Blood is worth more than cleaning up the last kill. But also WHO you kill is important as well (because of encounter MMR).

After each game, forget the scoreboard, and check your Performance tab. This will give you a better idea on how you played. ...

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This is a great answer! Thank you for writing this up.

I talked about this with another player recenetly, if you want to learn more or hear how the system works, check out this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/twq8fl/is_my_mmr_fcked/i3j2goi/

Ultimately MMR is just a ladder, if you beat people you climb the ladder and push others down. Your RR gains just push you towards your MMR, so if you fall down the ladder your RR gains will push your rank down with it(and vice versa). Ultimately you just need to win and be better then those above you to ...

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06 Apr


Originally posted by bhd500

Shouldn't the mmr rating curve actually look logarithmic? At high ranks, it should be difficult to climb because skill disparity is small, while at low ranks the skill disparity is larger, so you need a larger rating band to reflect that. Also, there are more players in the lower ranks, so you need a larger rating band to accommodate all of them.

Immortal+ is different because your RR scales infinitely. Also that's why when you look up ranked distribution, even tho each rank below immortal has the same size skill gap the population percent's get smaller in higher ranks.

We aren't changing MMR, or how the system rates players, this is just the targets/MMR cut off you need to hit in order to increase your rank. In any MMR system a player that is 1500 vs a 2000 player is the same skill difference as a 2000 vs 2500 player. Both of those matches would have the same expected Win Rate outcome.

You don't need a larger band for anything, when making a rank system you just need to figure out player population and what you want your ranked population %'s to look like. I prefer setting the MMR difference between ranks so that it feels like a smooth climb; E.G. going from Bronze 1 to Bronze 3 is the same skill increase as Plat 1 to Plat 3. I don't have research to know how fast a player improves, because everyone is diff...

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05 Apr


Originally posted by bapoyxd

Thank you so much for your in-depth response!

Its clear to me now that MMR is a lot more nuanced than I originally thought lol. I also see that although we may be duoing every game together, our ranked journeys are still very much individualized and our RR gains can't really be compared. I think the aspect that pertains to me the most is the performance bonuses, as i'm essentially competing against myself. If i'm getting this right, I may be doing better than my gf, but I am still given an average amount of points in relation to my average performance.

I will be sure to keep the other sides of MMR in mind as I continue my climb. Once again thank you so much for your detailed response!

No problem, thanks for bringing your concerns and questions forward! Alot of ranked systems give you points based on individual matches and the skill/mmr of the opponents you play against. We definitely are a little different in that our points are based on your MMR and not an individual match outcome. Good luck out there!


I think the big problem is that you are focusing on you compared to your girlfriend when you guys are not at the same point values, and you just started queuing together. Also some of the mechanics of ranked give you higher point values when you promote.

So first off, when you are promoted if your point values fall below 10 we will raise your RR so you start at 10. This is to give you a nice buffer, and give you a 1 loss buffer until you demote. It looks like the match your gf got more points as a promotion game so I wouldn't be surprised if the points that were added from her promotion were why she received more points than you.(this is also true of your promotion game where you got 25)

Another thing to point out is that you are at a different rank in some of these matches. For example lets say you are Gold 1 MMR, and your GF is Silver 3 MMR. When she is Silver 2 she would be the same distance from her MMR as you if you are at Silver 3(one rank away). So technicall...

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Originally posted by Certain_Obligation_6

Do u have devs in every country? Is there any chance for EU polish servers? :) sorry for bothering I just lost all hope

we do have Rioters around the world! I just only group/know of the NA devs that play :(

(I'm new to Riot so I'm still meeting the devs around the world! But I have met EU Rioters!)


Originally posted by Certain_Obligation_6

Hey i have question. Do devs play ranked games? I never met one :(

I have about 20+ devs almost everyday playing Valorant. I know of 5 immortal+ players that group up almost every night, I DM a TON. We are out there :) but we usually are on West/Texas servers.


Originally posted by papipescado

I asked the same thing, Riot EvrMoar posted that on his Twitter back in June of 2021, there has been no news since the Episode 4 announce my video, hoping they introduce it in Episode 5 at least


Unfortunately no ETA.

04 Apr


Originally posted by jordansana

Thanks for the super clear breakdown, I appreciate the explanation and alot of what you said really does make sense.

I honestly do get that there's no point in making a winner/loser's queue (other than making people tilt queue ?), and the sort of algorithm and data (matchmaking, mmr, skill level) that would be needed in matchmaking a winner/loser's queue seems far fetched to seem true. I love the game, I really do, and I'm sure many other people do as well, and no matter what, there'll always be some doubt in the matchmaking and I guess we just have to accept that.

The thing is though, maybe its just when you're tilted, you tend to give up sooner, you make the wrong decisions, you make the wrong plays, and you notice toxic teammates more which might make it seem like loser's queue actually do exist. But another thing is, I've noticed that, when I'm on a losing streak, I'm matched with other teammates who are on a losing streak as well, and that combination..... of...

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Thank you!


Originally posted by SelloutRealBig

Riot has always been the most transparent gaming company and i have always appreciated that. Unfortunately with the direction AAA modern gaming has gone with companies like EA and Activation it's hard to not raise questions. Heck even Riot once filed for a personality based matchmaking patent years back that said this

"a user matching system configured to match users for a game session, wherein the user matching system is enabled to match a first user with another user based at least in part on behavior data in the first user's profile."

which while probably isn't in the game or maybe is more broad than it sounds. But any feign of interest in any sort of matchmaking that isn't just a pure skill based one is going to be met with questions. Not to mention in 2013 the superior pure Elo system was removed from LoL for the carrot on a stick hidden MMR system where you are always playing catch up to get your ranked rewards and it 100% inflate...

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You can go back in my comments to see tons of responses about MMR vs Hybrid ranked systems. Ultimately, there is a reason why we do not have a pure MMR system; at the end of the day we have to weigh the pros and cons and try to figure out what system works better for our game.

In terms of the "Patent", I worked on Call of duty for 6 years and was a core deisgner on Warzone and many modes, weapons, and features. I've never once worked with anyone at the business level, nor did anyone reach out to our designers to implement a patent that activision filed. Not to say it doesn't happen, but a lot of the time patents felt like they were very disconnected from the game process and I never even knew they existed. Again, that's just taking my word for it, but I have no idea how patents in the game industry work or why because I've never been effected by it.

That being said, that patent sounds like it could be a lot of things. That patent could cover a smurf queue, a "troll ...

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03 Apr


Originally posted by SelloutRealBig

At the end of the day you work for the company and an algorithm that inflates player grind would greatly benefit profits. So without opening up the matchmaking source code which you would obviously never do, everything said by a rioter about this subject will always be taken with scepticism

Yes, I know you simply have to take my word which is why I framed it as to looking at why a Winners/Losers queue is actually a bad thing and not a good thing.

I could just ignore these posts and not comment on it. There are things in life that you will never be able to get the true information about, so I think figuring out how to approach it with "healthy scepticism" is the right answer. You can find info on my points above, that fair matches make players play more(not fake grinds). As much as players want to believe we try to make mechanics to "inflate player grind" a winners/losers queue would actually reduce retention and players would actually quit more than they would stay.

If we don't have players, we don't have people spending money. I think we all should be skeptical of what we hear from companies, but again I think we also have to be able to look at the problem realistically. Either way, I'll stand by it and keep telling people exactly how the system works...

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Originally posted by Ampeag

League, another riot games, does have a winners and losers queue. So you could be right. Its in league to "keep player retention" so basically addiction

This is a myth that League has also come out against, and I've talked about it a bit. There is no Losers or Winners queue in League or in Valorant. It's an idea that keeps getting brought up or perpetuated because it's an easy thing to blame when someone goes on a streak.

I obviously can't prove it doesn't exist to you, it doesn't matter what I say because you can write it off as "We'll they're just lying to keep it a secret". Instead of thinking of it directly as "Riot is hiding the fact they have a losers/winners queue" we can tackle why would we have it/not have it.

  • If winners/losers queue was beneficial to player retention/enjoyment we would include it and not be scared to talk about it.*

I don't see a reason why we would keep something secret if it was beneficial to the game, and the players. It would be very risky, and make no sense, to hide something like this from the players. Retention comes from having a fun game, increasing player sa...

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27 Mar


Originally posted by cvanguard

Yep. 49% of players are lower than S2. G1 is top 67%, so in the top 1/3, and G3 is top 80%, so in the top 1/5.

Percentages don’t show the actual skill gap, though, since the skill difference between ranks gets larger as you climb higher. Meaning, the gap between S1 and G1 is much smaller in absolute skill terms than the gap between D1 and Imm1, or Imm1 and Radiant, even though way more people fall between S1 and G1.

Skill gap between all ranks are actually the same!

So the MMR difference between a bronze 1 and bronze 3 MMR player is the same as a plat 1 and plat 3 player. This is done so that as you climb you get a good feel of how much of a skill difference there is based on the ranks of those above/below you.

11 Mar


As someone who has tried way too many mousepads, I really like Endgames MPX390. Artisan mousepads are also amazing, there is a great community over at /r/MousepadReview which can help!

08 Mar


Originally posted by elo9999

My biggest gripe with MMR is the rank reset. I fought hard in solo que to get D1 last episode. Finally some good coms and adequate game sense.

Then my new placement rank for this episode was gold 2.

It demotivated me 100% to play valorant anymore. I stopped playing completely.

I kind of answered this in a different thread, if you'd like to see a response as to why we do ranked reset, as well as why we don't do MMR resets you can find it here:


If we are giving out awards like gunbuddies, and ranked leaderboards, each episode we need to validate you deserve them. Unfortunately it means that you need to prove that you belong/earned a rank in that new season of the game. Things change, patches, maps, agent balance, and even the community getting better at the game; in my other post I used the example that an Immortal player from Episode 1 would probably be at the skill level of a Plat/Diamond...

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07 Mar


Keep playing, your rank will correct! Take it as a time to learn, and don't get discouraged if people talk about your skill. The system was built to account for things like this, and it should be able to handle them when they occur :)

Good luck!


I've talked a bit about this but resetting MMR does nothing except cause chaos to matchmaking. Imagine playing ranked where it was a true coinflip on whether you got previous plat or radiant players and if the other team had bronze or Iron. I have only ever seen one game do an MMR reset; even games that say they have are not telling the whole truth(in fact, they are not showing real MMR, but an altered one).

Part of the reason is those skill systems that determine MMR take lots of matches to get an idea of where you belong and opponents with various MMR levels to test you against. You are destroying years of data building that helps the system rate players against each other by resetting MMR. If you were to take chess as an example, it takes players 1000's of matches to reach their "True MMR/Skill". Imagine resetting a player before they reach that mark. Now you no longer know how good that player is, or any player for that matter, and now you need each player to play 1000'...

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06 Mar


Thanks for compiling this! I would love to respond to more, maybe I will at some point; super busy this weekend. You got my title right, and no worries either way(at the core I'm a game designer and in that group, before Riot I was called a "systems designer").

Hope you guys enjoyed the answers, I had fun typing them up!

05 Mar


Originally posted by EvrMoar

I think it's hard when you just kind of abstract out, "Well, how effective is the killer vs. the assister, and I think that the assister is more/less effective, etc." because it's purely opinion-based. It's the same argument for or against win/loss MMR vs. Encounter. It's just an opinion on how valuable each one is.

That's why when you make an MMR system, you validate these things and find out the most effective way to test and measure data sets like this. If our rating system was terrible, we could see that in data and adjust how the system measures these things(which we've done for years before Valorant was even live!). We also have simulations and other things we run and crazy intelligent data scientists who help us.

Think of it this way. We have many people playing matches, using a system that's trying to pair them up based on how it's rating them. Let's say we got it wrong and valued Kills too heavily. Suddenly, the system would be putting players who were good...

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Also as a side note, the higher rank you get the more Win/Loss takes over and Encounter MMR matters less. This is because at the high ranks reaction time and aim start to even out, or become less impactful. We understand that people can win games at higher ranks due to being good IGL's or being extremely effective in using their skills. It doesn't mean you can't do this at lower ranks, you still have win/loss MMR at all ranks, but after measuring players skill and MMR we've found out that most players above a certain point will just outperform lower ranks due to their raw aim/mechanics(then they hit the wall of game knowledge).


Originally posted by superclash55667

I had a quick question about the encounter win/loss, you mentioned if you win a duel against an enemy you basically steal their MMR. Does it matter how you win that duel ? For example is there a difference in MMR gained using a judge vs an op vs a vandal/phantom or even winning after flashing them?

It does rate how effective you were in that duel, and a bunch of other factors. Doing damage to them, or flashing them, is better then doing nothing.