

16 Sep


Originally posted by cyberprodigy

Thank you for taking the time to reply to my comment even though it came across as unfair. I am just a faithful player who is genuinely interested in Riot's view on the current state of this issue.

The fact of the matter is you have bad games. It doesn't matter how good you are, there will be days a Diamond/Immortal player can get the best of you.

I agree with you but I am interested in why this inconsistency is so pronounced in Valorant compared to other e-sports games like CS:GO or Rocket League in which the skill gap between the top 5% of players and the very best is astonishingly high. Is it because Valorant rewards mechanical skill less much than these games?

I beat TenZ in a DM in last Episode, but I'm not even Immortal, that's how the cookie crumbles. Maybe he was off, maybe he was trying something new, maybe he was having a tough game.

You won the DM or you outperformed TenZ in your gunfig...

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I am just a faithful player who is genuinely interested in Riot's view on the current state of this issue.

I'm going to give you my thoughts on the subject. While I do work for Riot(almost a year now!) this is the opinion of someone who has worked in FPS's, played competitively, and now works on Valorant. While I may have insight in the game and what's going on, and of course I'm speaking as the competitive designer, this isn't an "OFFICIAL RIOT STANCE"; I don't think the statements you're making have a "This is the answer" because a lot of this is immeasurable and without data to support anything. I will just give you what I think is happening, or what I've seen over my time in the games space.

A great example of this is how do you measure the "Mechanical Skill" levels of a game? The answer is you don't, at least we don't know how right now. Plus you would have to be able to pull data from multiple games, and publishers that aren't willin...

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15 Sep


Originally posted by cyberprodigy

I think it may be a mix of confirmation bias, and the fact that at the end of the day our time to kill on lots of weapons is instant along with skill variance. You'll remember the streams where TenZ gets killed by an immortal 1, but he's still winning most of his matches.

I know OP's post mentions winning specifically but I think it is important to make the distinction between individual performance and match outcome while discussing this topic. No one can win 100% of their matches in a game like Valorant with so many variables outside of any single player's control. I think it is better to focus the discussion on TenZ's individual performance instead: how is the most skilled player in the world not just losing matches but getting dominated by players way below their skill level?

In terms of why they may lose against low skill players, it happens. When I was in pro play we went from beating the #1 team in the world, and the ve...

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I think hand waving my above points and just saying "Why does he bottom frag against randoms in Diamond/Immortal" is not very fair.

I tried to tackle both sides of the "Win a match" vs "Win against X players"(When I say Win against X player, it means winning a duel not the match, sorry I speak this way because Encounter MMR is winning the duel, which is winning against that player specifically)

The fact of the matter is you have bad games. It doesn't matter how good you are, there will be days a Diamond/Immortal player can get the best of you. I beat TenZ in a DM in last Episode, but I'm not even Immortal, that's how the cookie crumbles. Maybe he was off, maybe he was trying something new, maybe he was having a tough game. Even grandmasters in chess lose games against people way below them because there is always the chance someone did something you didn't account for or you played poorly.

Also I think that there is a misconception in how much better Aim som...

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This is an interesting comment, but when we investigate pros(or high ranking players) they are on those spots in the leaderboard because they do win against low ranked players.

Ranked, while complex in math, is simply a ladder. If you beat those around/above you, you climb. You can look at the top players in Radiant and most have a 60+% winrate.(of course because how MMR works winrate isn't always the best indicator of high ranking player, a high ranking player is worth more then a low ranking player when you win)

I think it may be a mix of confirmation bias, and the fact that at the end of the day our time to kill on lots of weapons is instant along with skill variance. You'll remember the streams where TenZ gets killed by an immortal 1, but he's still winning most of his matches.

In terms of why they may lose against low skill players, it happens. When I was in pro play we went from beating the #1 team in the world, and the very next day losing to a 32 se...

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14 Sep


I'm so impressed by our community, this is awesome good work!

13 Sep


Originally posted by SoldierCantKill

You're everywhere

Only everywhere that isn't creepy, like I'd never be outside your window(unless you want me there, then I'll show up with a boombox playing "I will always love you" by Whitney Houston. You would realize that we have a connection, one that is formed by the bonds of blood and bullets on the virtual battlefield. Maybe we would start to duo queue together, we'd laugh and have great times. But then we would climb a few ranks, and we'd start to doubt, the matches would get tough and the wins would slow down. Like maybe my smokes are not setting you up with good entry into site, and we don't know how to talk about our feelings so we get into fights. Then I catch you duo'ing with another Omen, and I act like it doesn't hurt but it does. Slowly we would realize you missed my smokes, and that we were always ment to climb to immortal together, so we would fix things and I would bake you a wonderful cake to celebrate us duo'ing together again. Then right before our immortal promo's I would thr...

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Originally posted by MisterLiro

I love evrmoar

No u


Originally posted by ashmere_

EvrMoar in the wild?? What up homie, this is Pilot :)



"Yo we got Fracture like three games in a rowwwwwww, lets gooooooo!"

"Evr, this is the Fracture playlist... You know the one you talked about in meetings, that your team had setup, to make sure it went live at the start of the Act."


I really like Fracture.

07 Sep


Originally posted by TimeJustHappens

Hey EvrMoar. Is there a planned reset this Act due to the distribution adjustments, or will that be done passively behind the scenes and people will transition into the new Act as normal?

We will just update the distribution and people's RR will change based on the rank they belong in!

So it's a behind-the-scenes transition that will happen over time.


Think of the episode as the ranked season, and the Acts as checkpoints!

We reward you based on your highest rank, or best Act, at the end of the episode!

Your rank will stay the same and you will be required to play one placement match in the new Act.

If you haven't played ranked at all this episode you will be required to play 5 placement matches, but you don't have to worry about that!

27 Aug

24 Aug


LOL I'M DED - this was too good

17 Jul


Originally posted by [deleted]

Does individual performace still matter? I’m the lowest rank of my queue and I usually end up above 2-3 of my friends but always gain the least amount. I’m low plat 1 with my friends being plat2-dia

Individual performance does matter.

Encounter MMR is your individual performance for every fight you were involved with in a match. If some how a gold player got put into a match against TenZ, if TenZ killed that gold player he would get very little MMR for the kill. If that gold player killed TenZ he would get a ton of MMR because TenZ has a high encounter MMR.

It's not just killing either, your encounter MMR is influenced by damage for an assist, smokes, flashes, etc. Every duel that happens, if you were involved, it will affect your encounter MMR.

Lastly, it isn't about getting lots of kills it's about who you kill. If you drop 30 kills, but only on players below your skill, it may not be worth as much as dropping 10 kills against players above your skill.

In the end, because you have both a performance and win/loss MMR, doing what is best to help your team win and making sure you use your abilities and play effectively will enable you to climb. E...

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Originally posted by unmadaka

Hi, thank you so much for participating in this discussion.

After playing a few placement matches this session, a question came to my mind. It is about a solo player playing his placement matches(unrated) and matched with premades (4 party). I am just wondering whether you and your team has thought about how the surrendering of matches will affect the placement of the solo player since now only 4 votes are needed to surrender in unrated?

I am really curious about this and a reply will be really appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Definitely have thought about this.

The amount of players that four stack is very small, and so is your chance as an individual to get paired on their team. BUT it still happens, so that really shouldn't be an excuse to not do anything.

Encounter MMR would help you here. Yes you may have to take a loss, and it feels bad because 4 players are forcing you into it, but all the kills and duels you had in the match still can make you gain MMR. If you are winning duels, but still lose, your encounter MMR can actually go up. Depending on the rank, especially if you are lower rank, you can actually have your MMR overall go up because encounter means more than your win/loss.

I have other concerns about 4v1 toxicity etc. In the end, you should have very few 4+1 matches, and that should reduce how often you get into these situations. Also because you do have encounter MMR you still have something that is taking into account your skill in that match.

16 Jul


I'm sorry you didn't see increases in your ranked after placements! It's an interesting pain point, I'll add it to my list of feedback and think on it more. I try to maintain a document of player feedback each act and see if there are things we can act on.

Every episode we do "Squish" ranks. This just pushes all ranks downwards. It helps us fight boosted accounts, accounts that are inactive, and also prevents ranked inflation. This is just to make sure people don't get to a rank, and then sit at that rank and don't really play the game anymore(or if the community improves past that player, they don't get to sit in a rank they no longer they belong).

Remember the whole community is getting better at Valorant. You are definitely getting better, but so is the whole community. To climb you need to get better faster then those around you.

I believe!!! You can get out of Iron and hopefully you see some positive improvements :)


Originally posted by DerpimusNoobimus

so here’s the thing. people are placing lower than they would’ve last act, and i mean everybody. it probably has to do with the diamond 3 cap but there also seems to be some randomness bs to it. the other factor might be that your hidden mmr is kind of low. for me, cause i play on 20 frames, my hidden mmr sucks ass. yeah i might be decent at the game when i actually get any frames but that never happens so i’m always doing bad so the game just thinks i’m absolute garbage. ergo, i get place with low rank players, i do bad, the game thinks i’m bad. it’s a vicious cycle. your hidden mmr being a tad bit low and the games bs placement probably put you below where you should be. just keep playing and stay positive. look for room to improve and im sure you’ll rank up.

We removed a system that could potentially lead to your MMR feeling hardstuck in Episode 3. By removing this system we had to make changes to match making slightly. We used data to compare against the old system, and found out match making would get more accurate/fair by doing this.

You have two MMR's in Valorant, Encounter and Win/loss. Your one MMR is made up of those two. In low ranked Encounter is valued more, this helps us combat smurfing because high ranking players are more consistant in their performance. In higher ranks Win/Loss becomes a bigger factor.

Because of us pulling out that system that may have had players feeling like they were "hard stuck", on top of the weighting changes of the two MMR's that make up your real MMR, it's causing big movement for some players. There are players that may have been held down in the old system climbing easier, there also is a chance that players who were being held up above their actual MMR are going to drop down.

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10 Jul


Welcome! And thank you for the kind words.


07 Jul


Originally posted by VincentStonecliff

Man explaining how silver is now middle of the pack makes me feel like my climb from bronze 2 to silver 2 is just redistribution and not be getting better over the past few months lol

Silver has always been the middle of the pack for the most part. You've definitely gotten better! The more you play, the better you get. It's just a question of are you getting better, faster, than those around you(that's how you rank up).

It's not just about the rank, it's about the plays and friends you've made along the way!

06 Jul


Originally posted by IatemyBlobby

I’ve got an anecdote about this. I (at the time was gold 3) found a silver 3 in my lobby who top fragged. His account had several expensive skins, so I was convinced he was not smurfing. He was a chill dude, so we added him to our 4 stack. His career was full of him, being silver, in full gold lobbies. He plays very well too, able to match mvp a significant portion of his games.

I brought this up because I think this is an example of why rank and matchmaking should be related. A player consistently fighting against and beating golds should be in gold. He was good at the game, but not being rewarded for it.

edit: this was last act, where you lost as much mmr for a match mvp loss as you can gain in a win. He had many lost match mvp games or games where he finished top half, which effectively canceled out all the games he won.

Your ranked gains are directly related to your MMR. And after around 30-50 games you will converge at your MMR.

That's why if you maintain a 50% winrate(sometimes even less) as a silver player playing against golds, you will climb to gold. Your gains/losses are multiplied a specific way when your rank does not equal your MMR.

I've talked about this a lot in comments, on why we choose a system that isn't 1:1. But in the end, if we did a straight-up MMR system it would still take 30-50(sometimes more) to get to your actual rank. Getting better at the game, and raising your MMR, is the only way to climb.

I'm willing to bet that Silver 3 was in the middle of climbing, and climbing would look like that in any skill system. If he's winning and match mvp'ing the system will keep pushing him up and up, because rank is a ladder and you beat people above you to climb.

If we put you in Plat after placements, because that's the exact middle(or top) of your MMR r...

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Originally posted by EscapedDawn188

I’m thinking about getting the endgame cordura mpc 890 right now.

I LOVE the XM1 Endgame Mouse.

I didn't know they made mousepads, might have to try it out. I would be using the XM1 right now if I didn't have a starlight-12, also I prefer wireless.