

08 Jul


Lots of good discussion/conversation here. I think you make very good points about the skill ceiling at a super high level meaning that wins can come down to minute moments of luck like spawns and ragdoll. It might be that we've got the top skill bracket dialled in too tightly- what you're explaining definitely isn't the intention of the system.
We're going to keep monitoring the situation and likely make some tweaks as we go. I mentioned on discord yesterday that really the system is mostly meant to keep new players from being stomped as they learn the game. We don't really benefit from turning the game into a dice-roll at a really high level as you've explained!

12 May


Originally posted by Gabrosin

For what it's worth, here's my vibe check: I love team games, and I don't really get to play them any more. I have to get to top 3 or top 2 in Squads mode to have a chance of seeing one. What stops that from happening?

  • Going to a four-squad Hex final where ~16 people all run around like crazy for a minute trying to get lucky
  • Needing to have a full squad make it to top 3 or top 2, which is pretty rare when I play on PS with other PS players, since one of us crashes roughly every other episode
  • The introduction of hunt rounds, while an overall positive, makes the team rounds even less likely to show up by giving another option for the levels where they would be
  • Team-oriented special shows are incredibly rare. Squad Celebration shows up maybe once a month. Duos Festival was great, but it's happened only one time ever. There hasn't been a real, honest Fall Ball Cup since Season 5; Golden Goal is nice, but not really the same. Can't remember...
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I think these are all great points really. We're looking into ways to promote more team rounds within squads to get the balance a bit better, and so that ideally it doesn't have to just be the top few Squads that get to play them.
Crashes on PS4 are one of our top priorities at the moment. It's not my field unfortunately so I can't speak much more to it other than that.

10 May


Originally posted by jaywhisker37

This saddens me. Varirety is going to take a huge hit now and I'll miss Fall Ball dearly. I understand so many beans disliked team games but they were the great equalizers for killing good players and giving casuals a better chance.

I hope they up the chances for them in Squads since that's the only place they can be found now!

Main Show variety is definitely something will be keeping an eye on. Our gut feeling is that we have enough Rounds in Main Show now to balance out the loss of variety, and that we get a net win to the Show's overall enjoyment by avoiding players getting stuck in team games with players they don't like, etc.
I'll have a look at throwing something into an upcoming vibe check to get the community's read on it though.

11 Mar


Originally posted by BetiroVal

I do enjoy this show, but it is skewed towards thieves. The one change I would make would be to allow guards to pick up candy, allowing them to transport it back. Since there will always be more candy then guards, they cannot rely on just camping by holding candy.

Hoping to share more stats long term, but incredibly the data we got for the first 24 hours was Thieves 51% - 49% Guardians! I expect this to shift a bit as a meta develops a bit more, but it's certainly a promising start.


Originally posted by Fahadsul6

The game mode is honestly very fun and got me back to fallguys. My only feedback is that guardians shouldnt be able to press the key - many games were won by thieves because one guardian decided it would be funny to throw.

Yeah, it's been a tricky one that. If Guardians can't press the button the best strategy is definitely to just stand on it, which makes it almost impossible for Thieves to press it. Because Fall Guys doesn't have 'removal' mechanics in the same way shooters do, it's much harder for us to stop camping like this in a way that doesn't also make it harder for thieves to press the button too (like putting a swinging hammer above it, for example.
We're discussing it internally though! I'm sure there's a solution.

09 Mar


Lots of great feedback here, thanks all! Keep it coming.


Originally posted by CartoonWarStudios

I have an idea, maybe there could be a barrier in the immediate area of the button, which would prevent guardians from being able to go on top of the button and camp there, and also preventing guardians from pressing it. And of course thieves would be unaffected by the barrier and it would be as though it wasn’t there for them

Yeah, it's an interesting idea! One thing we try and avoid is having too many objects in the game that feel arbitrary or need explaining. We're already doing quite a lot of weird stuff in Sweet Thieves to keep it balanced- for example, having Guardians not be allowed to pick up sweets. Team specific barriers would be another thing on top of that in an already quite complex mode.

08 Mar


We did talk about this a bit during development!
Ultimately we felt like Sweet Thieves is already mechanically quite complex, and it has been quite a challenge to get to a releasable state as it does so many new things (invisibility, teleporting, jailbreaking, asymmetrical teams, etc.) Ultimately we felt like for now we'd keep it simple within the jail, but I could totally see us throwing in a few variations down the line.


Originally posted by DetectivexConan

This is super fun so far. I've won as both sides a bunch already and both sides are enjoyable to play as. I do feel like it's a decent margin easier for the thieves to win, but I suppose we'll see if that changes as everyone gets used to the game.

I'm glad you're enjoying it! It was definitely a risk to make as we're trying a LOT of new things simultaneously but the team has really enjoyed trying to break the mould of what Fall Guys can be.
We're going to be monitoring win rates over the next few days, and have the ability to tweak things like time limit, sweet counts etc. to course correct as we go. The current setup had pretty close to 50% in our closed betas though.


Originally posted by 86sanity-

Guess things didn't go according to plan :(

Maybe you'll add it to customs when the LTM is over?

yeah, hit a last minute snag in testing I'm afraid- we're looking into it!


Originally posted by btbcorno

Exactly this. If guardians couldn’t trigger the button, you could just set up two beans directly on the button and it would make it near impossible for a thief to hit it.

yeah, it's been a tricky one to balance this! We felt like this approach forces Guardians to 'orbit' the button, giving Thieves a chance to break through and jailbreak. We'll keep an eye on griefing reports though!


Hey! yeah we felt like this was the fairest approach - being 'bumped into' triggering visibility gives Guardians a chance to discover hidden beans.


Originally posted by -mauricemoss-

Why don't you put it in Main Show for when there are only 12 players remaining

I think the round has too many rules to learn for it to live in Main Show, where we try to keep things as simple as possible.


Originally posted by accelerateto88

They're always there if you're on the thieves team. If you're on the guardians, you only see players if they're running. If they're walking they are completely invisible.


07 Mar


Originally posted by jaywhisker37

Will this mode be coming to customs tomorrow?

that's the plan!


Originally posted by the70sman

Is it just like renegade roundup in Mario Kart 8? It kinda looks like it. I love the game mode though, so in pretty excited to play this on the 8th!

yeah, it's definitely got some Renegade Roundup DNA in it!


Originally posted by Master3530

Is this mode time limited? If so, why?

Sweet Thieves doesn't really fit into our standard 'show' formula and is a completely standalone round, so for now it's going into our Limited Time Mode rotation (as Squads did at the time of release). How often it returns will depend very much on how much players like it!


I've played Sweet Thieves a lot AMA


Originally posted by gamstat

Spamming certain rounds so they pop up 20 times more often.

The platform right under the spawn location in Airtime just shouldn't exist. Period.

"Squads tied, no eliminations this round" for Squads with zero points.

The starting spawn in Basketfall is random, sometimes one team has all the balls on their side.

Fans never switching off in Pegwin Pursuit.

You can't leave when your squad is eliminated and you have no chance to qualify.

Golden Rings shouldn't spawn at the start of Hoopsie Daisy. The closer squad gets a 5 points lead for free.

In Squads, you have to wait for the last bean to qualify / time out, even when their points won't affect the outcome.

The message in Sum Fruit in the center that makes it hard to see the screen showing the fruit.

The "Qualified" message in the center blocks the view of non-qualified beans in their hilarious poses.

Tip Toe should be Logic, not Race.

Agreed with all of these! Let me chase up the fans in Pegwin Pursuit - they're definitely supposed to be on a timer.


Lots of good stuff in here to go in the backlog for us to fix!

A note on the 'unfairness' of certain rounds - it's definitely something we're learning that we have to be more careful with. Things like Fall Mountain being 'uneven', for example- we really didn't have any idea how competitive people would be on that level when we made it way way back during development. It's something we're trying to recalibrate for a bit, but I do feel like Fall Guys is always going to be a bit more chaotic than other games. I think we can still strive for fairness, though!